Thursday, May 18, 2017

Poem 3364. Some trends will show

                                                         Some trends will show
Some trends will show those touches which will give those feelings which will give new spirit to our mind we start to understand those appeals with them in life
Some trends will show new world which will give those precious understanding which will show those appeals to our thinking that will give effect with our thinking in life
Some trends will show that start which will give new meanings to our mind which will show those words that will show new indications from inside on every point in life
Some trends will show that touch which will give new steps to our routes which will give new effects on each step that will give new meanings on every point in life
Some trends will show that start which will give new desire to our mind which will give new spirits on every step that will give new light to our world in life
Some trends will show that understanding which will give new thoughts that will give new spirit to our soul which will give those indirections on each point in life
Some trends will show that different steps which will give meanings that will show new world to our thinking which will give those lines on each step in life
Some trends will show that styles to our thinking which will give new knowledge that will show new touches to our word which will give those indications in life
Some trends will show that way to our world which will give those meanings that will show new world to our life which will give understanding to our thinking in life
Some trends will show that appeals to our moves which will give those understanding that will show those words which will give those lines to our thinking in life
Some trends will show that effect on every meanings which will give new spirits to our world which give new spirit to our thinking to our understanding in life
Some trends will show that touches on each word which will give new appeals to our mind which will give those different concepts that will give spirit in life
Some trends will show that start on each move we need to learn which will give new effect which will give those styles that will show those touches in life
Some trends will show that appeals on each way we start to sense which will give new directions which will give new appeals that will show those directions in life
Some trends will show that meanings on each side we need to start new start which will give new meanings will give power that will start to show appeals in life
Some trends will show those looks that will show those different looks to our world which will give new start to our mind which will give new directions that will give new world in life
Some trends will show new touches that will show those touches which will give new spirits to our mind which will give new start to our world that will give new meanings in life
Some trends will show new start that will give new directions which will give those touches to our thinking which will give new spirits that will give new touch in life
Some trends will show those moods that will show new world at concepts of different concepts that will give new appeals which will show those touches on each step in life
Some trends will show those indications that will give those touches that will give that will show those meanings since they will start to understand style which appeals on each move in life
Some trends will show those directions that will give new spirits to our soul that will give that touches which will take ahead our life which will give new spirit to our mind in life
Some trends will show those meanings that will create words on every point that will show new world which will give new spirits to our mind which will give new directions in life
Some trends will show those spirits that will show those effects which will give those steps that will create those effects which will give new touches on every step in life
Some trends will show those understanding that will show new world which will give those meanings that will create those world which will start to show world in new light in life
Some trends will show those meanings that will new touches which will give those appeals which will start to show new world on every point at every step in life
Some trends will show those concepts that will give new appeals which will show words in different style which will began to give new hopes at every moment in life
Some trends will show those touches that will give new indications which will show new start on every step with those directions which will give new light in life
Some trends will create hopes that will give new light but some will just start to give directions on every move with those appeals which will give those understanding in life
Some trends will create those methods that will give new start but some understanding will remain as part of life which will give power to soul on each step in life
Some trends will show those effects that will give new spirits but sometimes we need to sense it from mind that touch which will give new world on each way in life
Some trends will show those understanding that will give meanings on each step but sometimes we need to learn those moves from mind which will give new start in life
Some trends will create those words that will show new world on each step but sometimes we need to study and understand those thoughts from thinking which will give new effect in life
Some trends will show those meanings that will give different methods on each point but those thoughts that will give those touches which will give those learning in life
Some trends will show those different shades that will give those directions which will give those effects that will show those effects which will give those effects in life
Some trends will show those opening that will give life which will show new world which will give those touches that will give those touches which will give power in mind in life
Some trends will show those methods which will give new steps in life which will show those new starts which will give those methods which will give new meanings in life
Some trends will show those lines which will give those chapters in life which will give those knowledge which will give those spirits which will give new steps on each point in life
Some trends will show those words which will give those words in life which will give those meanings which will give those words which will show new understanding in life
Some trends will show those methods which will show new touches in life which will give those routes that will show those touches which will show new meanings in life
Some trends will show those steps which will show those touches in mind which will give those appeals which will give new meanings which will show new start in life
Some trends will show those nature which will show those different effects which will give new rules that will start to show effect which will give new impact in life
Some trends will show new opening which will give those meanings that will show new world which will show those touches which will give new light that is need in life
Some trends will show new changes which will give those words that will start to show those understanding which will give new spirits which will give new appeals in life
Some trends will show new words which will give those lines that will show new world those chapters will give meanings which will give new lines which will give spirit in life
Some trends will show those touches which will give new start that will show world in new style which will give new directions which will give new light which will give understanding in life
Some trends will show those moves which will give new world that will show new effects in our life which will give new steps which will create new world which will give new change in life
Some trends will show those meanings which will give new start that will give new beginning to our mind which will give new need which will start to show hope on every point in life
Some trends will show those touches which will create new world that will give new meanings to our thinking which will give new start which will create new step on each point in life
Some trends will show those meanings which will give new spirit that will give new speed to our understanding which will give new touch which will create new world in life
Some trends will show those words which will give new moves that will give new lines to our life which will start to show new world at every step which will give new touch in life
Some trends will show those understanding which will give new power that will give new spirit to our life which will show one window which we need to open again and again in new way in life.

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Poem. 7209. Move from soul bring

                           Move from soul bring  Move from soul bring new path to strength that form new word to hope of chapter which give ...