Sunday, June 5, 2016

Poem 2768. Small things which will start as beginning

                                Small things which will start as beginning
Just one small voice can scare you sometimes and sometimes many voices can’t change your life just one small touch
Will manage to change our mind on sometimes we sense that small thing can scare us we need to have so much
Effect will have so many impact on mind small things will change our world with one thought from mind on just
One thing that small things will start to create big things on every point when small things will have effect on life
When big thing will happen towards that point we sense we must react but on some points we feel that small things change world
And big things no longer seem part of life we need to sense one feel from  every point small things are not unimportant on any point
They will open our world on each way of life we need to understand one thought from mind which will open new start in life
Small things will matter when we will sense different on mind we sense one appeals which will open our world on every point
Small things will start to move with one thought from inside they will not matter that much in life but I have noticed it in life
Small things will not small in life when they become that part which you desire from mind on every point
Just we never able to understand in life nothing is small on any point life become  change by small things in life
Just try to be aware on every point with one thought in life we need to act right since one wrong step mess our life
We need to one thought from mind nothing is small in life when things will matter nothing seem small in life
We need to understand importance of things on every point since they began with one thought we need life from mind
We have to find those things which matter on every point but their size never matter in life on any move or point
Small will become that matter which began to matter in our life we need to understand thoughts from soul and mind
But then after some points big and small things are matter of our mind we need to understand on every step of life
We need to understand our soul and mind with one thought from every point of our life we just understand
What will matter how much in life but it is false hope sometimes in life many times it matters more in our life
We need to understand small matters become important on every point of life since they will start things in new style
Sometimes small will look as breathe of life while large things will not matter that much on any point
Small things will start to become bigger poles of life which will start new thing on every step and point in life
Things will not matter that much in life seem to matter more and more on every point since every thing starts in small way in life
When we give it some time we will understand they can become bigger on that point since from small it changes life
Then it will get big on every point since it is just small start which will matter after some time in our future and life
When small things will show that color in life which will began to show wonderful touch on every point
We sense just one feeling from inside those touches are opening world in that style which shows meaning in small things
On every step and point we will have so many hidden appeals which open our life small things make good start
They will began new world for our soul on every point we need to understand every touch of mind on every point
Small things will look small and useless on every point we start with them our life which will began new feel in life
They are giving us that soul which we need on every point we need to understand power of our mind since we start
On every way of life when life will improve on every page of life we need to understand on each move our life
Small things will begin on every point with one thought we need our life we never value of thing in start
But people have different thoughts which open life we need not to understand from inside on every point
Small thing will have value which we sense from inside on every point we just began to feel those touches which are giving power
To our life since small things will start to show world in that style which we desire from inside so never consider them
Something less on any point we need to understand those things will start to show wonderful in life but then 
On every step of life which will start to show those things which will open in that style which will give power to life
What start as a one small move it will start to show those different appeals on life we need to just those impact on mind
We will began to sense one thought from mind we will start to understand every step as beginning on every point in life 
Small things are showing effect on our life we need to understand thoughts on every point
Which one thought from our mind we need to understand those effect which are forming those impact on every step of life
Since small things are showing world on each point with one thought which will start to just one thinking from our mind
We will start to understand small things are creating world which will have effect on our mind we need to just understand
Small things will create so much effect on mind we will sense that small things start to show world in different style 
When small things will began to form effect on life we need to understand those big things which are need of our life
We need to move ahead towards that point which will tell us clearly that we need on every point
One fact will change our world at every step of life we need to understand one thing just clearly from inside since on every step
We just hear one fact from mind that we need to start with small thing and then turn them  big in life
We need to understand small things as fact of our life which will grow in big way so we need to understand them in life.

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