Friday, June 30, 2023

Poem. 6692. When smile start to move with

                          When smile start to move with

When smile start to move with route that show new direction to mind which form new concept to thinking of soul that give light 
When smile start to move with path that create new thought to mind which give new direction to learning of route that give light 
When smile start to move with soul that form new knowledge to mind which start new appeal to meaning of step that give light
When smile start to move with step that give new strength to mind which create new touch to feeling of path that give light
When smile start to move with shine that show new appeal to mind which form new dream to understanding of soul that give light
When smile start to move with appeal that create new touch to mind which give new hope to learning of move that give light
When smile start to move with touch that give new knowledge to mind which start new path to meaning of route that give light
When smile start to move with chapter that form new spirit to mind which form new concept to feeling of move that give light
When smile start to move with concept that show new soul to mind which create new route to thinking of path that give light
When smile start to move with dream that create new path to mind which start new appeal to learning of shine that give light
When smile start to move with hope that form new concept to mind which show new touch to meaning of path that give light
When smile start to move with strength that give new appeal to mind which create new path to thinking of route that give light
When smile start to move with appeal that show new touch to mind which form new thought to feeling of move that give light
When smile start to move with knowledge that create new step to mind which give new chapter to learning of route that give light
When smile start to move with touch that form new direction to mind which create new appeal to meaning of soul that give light
When smile start to move with spirit that give new knowledge to mind which form new concept to thinking of step that give light
When smile start to move with soul that create new appeal to mind which show new direction to understanding of route that give light
When smile start to move with step that show new touch to mind which give new strength to learning of path that give light
When smile start to move with route that give new knowledge to mind which form new touch to feeling of step that give light
When smile start to move with move that form new concept to mind which create new soul to meaning of route that give light
When smile start to move with path that create new strength to mind which give new shine to learning of move that give light
When smile start to move with spirit that give new direction to mind which show new appeal to thinking of soul that give light
When smile start to move with touch that form new strength to mind which give new direction to  meaning of step that give light
When smile start to move with path that show new appeal to mind which start new knowledge to feeling of route that give light
When smile start to move with soul that create new path to mind which form new chapter to understanding of way that give light
When smile start to move with appeal that give new soul to mind which show new dream to learning of step that give light
When smile start to move with chapter that form new step to mind which create new hope to meaning of route that give light
When smile start to move with concept that show new path to mind which give new touch to feeling of soul that give light
When smile start to move with touch that create new route to mind which show new thought to thinking of step that give light
When smile start to move with spirit that give new appeal to mind which form new direction to learning of route that give light
When smile start to move with strength that form new touch to mind which give new concept to meaning of path that give light
When smile start to move with appeal that create new step to mind which show new strength to thinking of soul that give light
When smile start to move with touch that show new route to mind which create new appeal to feeling of step that give light
When smile start to move with chapter that give new path to mind which form new direction to learning of route that give light 
When smile start to move with concept that form new shine to mind which give new knowledge to meaning of path that give light 
When smile start to move with knowledge that show new way to mind which start new touch to feeling of shine that give light
When smile start to move with direction that create new strength to mind which form new soul to learning of step that give light
When smile start to move with thought that form new direction to mind which create new route to thinking of soul that give light
When smile start to move with chapter that give new concept to mind which show new path to meaning of route that give light
When smile start to move with strength that show new appeal to mind which form new soul to feeling of dream that give light.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Poem. 6691. Thinking of step which

                                 Thinking of step which

Thinking of step which show new direction to appeal of dream that form new chapter of concept that form new way to light
Thinking of step which start new concept to shine of strength that give new touch of direction that give new way to light
Thinking of step which form new knowledge to path of shine that create new soul of strength that show new way to light
Thinking of step which create new appeal to route of direction that show new start of appeal that start new way to light
Thinking of step which give new strength to move of touch that start new concept of smile that form new way to light
Thinking of step which show new smile to dream of appeal that give new direction of route that create new way to light
Thinking of step which form new path to concept of spirit that show new knowledge of soul that give new way to light
Thinking of step which start new move to direction of soul that create new path of chapter that show new way to light
Thinking of step which give new route to strength of shine that form new appeal of touch that start new way to light
Thinking of step which form new start to knowledge of dream that show new thought of soul that create new way to light
Thinking of step which show new appeal to touch of way that give new knowledge of spirit that show new way to light
Thinking of step which give new knowledge to soul of hope that form new chapter of move that form new way to light
Thinking of step which create new spirit to feeling of move that start new concept of appeal that give new way to light
Thinking of step which form new path to chapter of knowledge that give new dream of route that create new way to light
Thinking of step which show new move to concept of strength that create new path of soul that form new way of light
Thinking of step which create new route to direction of dream that form new start of spirit that show new way of light
Thinking of step which give new appeal to knowledge of path that start new dream of move that create new way of light
Thinking of step which form new direction to chapter of soul that give new strength of path that form new way of light
Thinking of step which start new strength to touch of direction that show new appeal of route that give new way of light
Thinking of step which create new thought to shine of dream that form new knowledge of start that start new way of light
Thinking of step which show new knowledge to path of appeal that create new touch of concept that form new way of light
Thinking of step which give new appeal to dream of strength that show new chapter of direction that create new way of light
Thinking of step which start new touch to direction of route that form new appeal of knowledge that give new way of light
Thinking of step which form new chapter to dream of move that create new strength of touch that show new way of light
Thinking of step which create new spirit to concept of path that start new direction of shine that create new way of light
Thinking of step which give new soul to dream of appeal that show new knowledge of start that form new way of light
Thinking of step which show new knowledge to way of touch that give new appeal of spirit that give new way of light
Thinking of step which form new direction to shine of strength that create new dream of soul that show new way of light
Thinking of step which start new chapter to touch of direction that form new hope of shine that create new way of light
Thinking of step which show new concept to path of knowledge that start new start of route that form new way of light
Thinking of step which create new appeal to shine of strength that give new chapter of move that give new way of light
Thinking of step which form new strength to hope of concept that start new direction of route that show new way of light
Thinking of step which give new touch to direction of route that form new concept of start that form new way of light
Thinking of step which start new concept to strength of move that give new strength of soul that create new way of light
Thinking of step which show new direction to touch of soul that create new thought of route that start new way of light
Thinking of step which form new knowledge to route of appeal that start new dream of path that give new way of light
Thinking of step which create new strength to move of chapter that form new hope of start that show new way of light
Thinking of step which give new chapter to dream of direction that show new appeal of shine that form new way of light
Thinking of step which start new appeal to concept of strength that give new touch of spirit that create new way of light
Thinking of step which show new direction to touch of knowledge that create new path of soul that start new way of light.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Poem. 6690. Spirit of dream show

                                  Spirit of dream show 

Spirit of dream show hope in mind that give new direction to thought of way which start new concept to path of light
Spirit of dream show route in mind that create new touch to knowledge of start which give new knowledge to path of light
Spirit of dream show start in mind that form new chapter to strength of move which show new direction to path of light
Spirit of dream show soul in mind that give new appeal to touch of route which create new appeal to path of light
Spirit of dream show move in mind that start new knowledge to step of soul which form new touch to path of light
Spirit of dream show touch in mind that form new strength to way of appeal which give new move to path of light
Spirit of dream show strength in mind that give new direction to soul of touch which create new step to path of light
Spirit of dream show knowledge in mind that create new touch to start of route which form new start to path of light
Spirit of dream show shine in mind that start new knowledge to soul of move which give new appeal to path of light
Spirit of dream show soul in mind that form new strength to appeal of touch which start new chapter to path of light
Spirit of dream show thought in mind that create new path to thought of move which form new touch to path of light
Spirit of dream show appeal in mind that give new direction to shine of knowledge which start new shine to path of light
Spirit of dream show strength in mind that form new appeal to route of concept which create new start to path of light
Spirit of dream show direction in mind that create new move to chapter of thought which form new direction to path of light
Spirit of dream show concept in mind that start new direction to soul of chapter which give new knowledge to path of light
Spirit of dream show touch in mind that give new knowledge to step of thought which start new direction to path of light
Spirit of dream show soul in mind that form new strength to move of appeal which create new shine to path of light
Spirit of dream show move in mind that give new appeal to touch of strength which form new concept to path of light
Spirit of dream show start in mind that create new move to direction of route which give new thought to path of light
Spirit of dream show route in mind that form new touch to knowledge of way which create new appeal to path of light
Spirit of dream show thought in mind that give new shine to strength of soul which form new chapter to path of light
Spirit of dream show appeal in mind that create new hope to shine of thought which start new direction to path of light
Spirit of dream show touch in mind that show new thought to appeal of soul which give new knowledge to path of light
Spirit of dream show soul in mind that start new direction to touch of concept which form new touch to path of light
Spirit of dream show step in mind that give new strength to chapter of strength which start new soul to path of light
Spirit of dream show start in mind that form new concept to path of knowledge which give new move to path of light
Spirit of dream show hope in mind that create new step to shine of direction which form new direction to path of light
Spirit of dream show touch in mind that give new start to move of thought which create new appeal to path of light
Spirit of dream show route in mind that start new hope to route of chapter which show new concept to path of light
Spirit of dream show way in mind that form new path to thought of concept which give new strength to path of light
Spirit of dream show move in mind that create new step to chapter of touch which start new direction to path of light
Spirit of dream show shine in mind that give new route to direction of appeal which create new touch to path of light
Spirit of dream show step in mind that form new appeal to strength of shine which give new knowledge to path of light
Spirit of dream show hope in mind that start new knowledge to start of route which form new chapter to path of light
Spirit of dream show route in mind that create new touch to shine of light which show new strength to path of light
Spirit of dream show path in mind that give new appeal to soul of move which create new knowledge to path of light
Spirit of dream show soul in mind that form new direction to step of route which give new thought to path of light
Spirit of dream show start in mind that create new touch to start of direction which form new hope  to path of light
Spirit of dream show direction in mind that give new thought to way of touch which start new step to path of light
Spirit of dream show strength in mind that start new chapter to hope of soul which create new route to path of light.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Poem. 6689. World bring hope with smile

                              World bring hope with smile

World bring hope with smile start new direction to thinking of life that create new appeal to touch of soul which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new knowledge to feeling of life that give new knowledge to way of start which create new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new strength to learning of life that form new direction to step of move which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile give new appeal to understanding of life that show new thought to start of path which form new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new thought to meaning of life that give new strength to concept of route which start new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile show new concept to thinking of life that form new appeal to chapter of move which create new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new touch to feeling of life that start new direction to thought of soul which form new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new direction to learning of path that create new appeal to touch of way which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile give new strength to understanding of step that show new start to move of route which start new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile start new appeal to thinking of knowledge that form new touch to path of soul which create new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile show new touch to meaning of chapter that give new direction to touch of step which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new path to feeling of concept that create new strength to concept of start which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new step to learning of strength that show new appeal to chapter of touch which start new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile start new route to understanding of path that form new light to thought of path which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile show new path to thinking of appeal that start new concept to direction of way which form new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new direction to feeling of move that create new path to concept of route which create new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new strength to meaning of step that form new move to chapter of step which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile give new thought to learning of soul that show new dream to direction of start which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile start new knowledge to feeling of path that give new route to strength of dream which form new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile show new concept to thinking of move that form new light to appeal of move which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new direction to understanding of way that create new route to touch of way which start new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new strength to learning of soul that give new knowledge to appeal of move which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile start new chapter to thinking of route that create new direction to touch of spirit which form new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile give new knowledge to meaning of path that form new concept to route of move which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new direction to feeling of appeal that start new chapter to light of chapter which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new touch to learning of chapter that give new direction to path of light which start new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile give new appeal to understanding of soul that create new touch to route of way which form new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile start new chapter to meaning of step that show new knowledge to spirit of soul which create new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new concept to thinking of way that form new appeal to direction of way which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new strength to learning of soul that give new chapter to knowledge of path which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile show new touch to meaning of step that create new path to concept of dream which start new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile give new knowledge to feeling of start that show new route to appeal of spirit which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile start new direction to learning of route that form new way to direction of move which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new thought to understanding of path that start new route to spirit of path which create new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new path to meaning of concept that give new concept to route of step which form new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile give new chapter to feeling of chapter that create new appeal to soul of touch which create new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile start new concept to thinking of appeal that show new direction to step of route which show new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile form new dream to understanding of soul that create new path to concept of soul which give new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile give new spirit to learning of strength that form new knowledge to touch which start new shine to mind
World bring hope with smile create new path to chapter of touch that give new direction to appeal which form new shine to mind.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Poem. 6688. Concept bring new start

                                Concept bring new start

Concept bring new start with spirit of mind that create new touch to meaning of soul which form new direction to step of mind
Concept bring new start with move of mind that form new direction to learning of start which create new route to step of mind
Concept bring new start with shine of mind that show new knowledge to feeling of touch which show new path to step of mind
Concept bring new start with appeal of mind that give new chapter to thinking of light which form new direction to step of mind
Concept bring new start with chapter of mind that form new spirit to understanding of move which start new light to step of mind
Concept bring new start with strength of mind that create new move to learning of dream which give new knowledge to step of mind
Concept bring new start with touch of mind that show new chapter to meaning of hope which start new appeal to step of mind
Concept bring new start with path of mind that give new light to thinking of appeal which form new chapter to step of mind
Concept bring new start with route of mind that form new move to understanding of touch which show new soul to step of mind
Concept bring new start with soul of mind that create new path to feeling of knowledge which give new way to step of mind
Concept bring new start with world of mind that give new strength to meaning of chapter which form new move to step of mind
Concept bring new start with strength of mind that show new shine to learning of light which show new touch to step of mind
Concept bring new start with appeal of mind that create new step to thinking of soul which create new direction to step of mind
Concept bring new start with touch of mind that form new appeal to understanding of step which give new knowledge to step of mind
Concept bring new start with thought of mind that give new touch to learning of chapter which start new chapter to step of mind
Concept bring new start with knowledge of mind that create new move to feeling of shine which show new appeal to step of mind
Concept bring new start with direction of mind that show new thought to meaning of route which form new shine to step of mind
Concept bring new start with chapter of mind that start new knowledge to learning of path which create new soul to step of mind
Concept bring new start with touch of mind that form new direction to understanding of light which give new thought to step of mind
Concept bring new start with strength of mind that give new shine to thinking of move which form new chapter to step of mind
Concept bring new start with appeal of mind that form new soul to meaning of touch which create new touch to step of mind
Concept bring new start with chapter of mind that create new light to feeling of route which give new appeal to step of mind
Concept bring new start with knowledge of mind that give new path to learning of soul which show new path to step of mind
Concept bring new start with direction of mind that show new touch to thinking of step which form new route to step of mind
Concept bring new start with strength of mind that form new chapter to meaning of route which give new soul to step of mind
Concept bring new start with touch of mind that create new appeal to understanding of light which create new route to step of mind
Concept bring new start with path of mind that show new direction to learning of knowledge which start new way to step of mind
Concept bring new start with dream of mind that give new strength to feeling of direction which form new chapter to step of mind
Concept bring new start with hope of mind that form new chapter to meaning of thought which give new shine to step of mind
Concept bring new start with appeal of mind that create new touch to understanding of start which show new way to step of mind
Concept bring new start with chapter of mind that give new direction to feeling of concept which form new touch to step of mind
Concept bring new start with direction of mind that show new appeal to learning of move which give new soul to step of mind
Concept bring new start with strength of mind that form new chapter to thinking of spirit which show new path to step of mind
Concept bring new start with knowledge of mind that create new step to meaning of soul which create new move to step of mind
Concept bring new start with touch of mind that form new strength to understanding of path which start new way to step of mind
Concept bring new start with hope of mind that give new knowledge to feeling of direction which show new route to step of mind
Concept bring new start with dream of mind that create new appeal to thinking of touch which form new hope to step of mind
Concept bring new start with appeal of mind that show new thought to meaning of soul which create new shine to step of mind
Concept bring new start with chapter of mind that form new dream to understanding of path which show new light to step of mind
Concept bring new start with direction of mind that give new hope to learning of strength which form new direction to step of mind.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Poem. 6687. Step of dream give new

                                Step of dream give new

Step of dream give new touch of knowledge to thinking of mind that form new appeal of move which give new thought to life
Step of dream give new appeal of strength to learning of mind that create new shine of direction which show new thought to life
Step of dream give new shine of appeal to meaning of mind that show new touch of strength which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new soul of direction to understanding of mind that start new step of touch which start new thought to life
Step of dream give new route of touch to feeling of mind that create new knowledge of shine which show new thought to life
Step of dream give new path of strength to meaning of mind that start new direction of appeal which create new thought to life
Step of dream give new move of shine to learning of mind that form new chapter of strength which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new route of appeal to thinking of mind that create new start of direction which show new thought to life
Step of dream give new path of touch to understanding of mind that start new path of concept which create new thought to life
Step of dream give new appeal of start to meaning of mind that give new chapter of strength which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new strength of soul to feeling of mind that form new hope of direction which start new thought to life
Step of dream give new touch of direction to learning of mind that create new soul of chapter which give new thought to life
Step of dream give new light of knowledge to learning of mind that show new shine of direction which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new soul of concept to thinking of mind that start new appeal of strength which show new thought to life
Step of dream give new start of chapter to meaning of mind that give new knowledge of path which create new thought to life
Step of dream give new path of hope to understanding of mind that form new direction of soul which give new thought to life
Step of dream give new appeal of shine to feeling of mind that create new strength of touch which  start new thought to life
Step of dream give new light of strength to meaning of mind that start new concept of path which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new move of appeal to learning of mind that show new knowledge of step which create new thought to life
Step of dream give new spirit of knowledge to feeling of mind that form new direction of start which give new thought to life
Step of dream give new soul of light to understanding of mind that create new appeal of route which start new thought to life
Step of dream give new shine of path to thinking of mind that show new strength of concept which create new thought to life
Step of dream give new start of move to meaning of mind that form new chapter of knowledge which show new thought to life
Step of dream give new appeal of route to learning of mind that start new concept of direction which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new touch of light to feeling of mind that create new understanding of shine which start new thought to life
Step of dream give new shine of touch to understanding of mind that show new thought of spirit which give new thought to life
Step of dream give new move of appeal to thinking of mind that form new knowledge of touch which show new thought to life
Step of dream give new route of chapter to meaning of mind that start new direction of soul which start new thought to life
Step of dream give new path of concept to learning of mind that create new touch of shine which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new touch of direction to feeling of mind that show new spirit of appeal which give new thought to life
Step of dream give new knowledge of shine to meaning of mind that create new start of chapter which show new thought to life
Step of dream give new appeal of path to understanding of mind that form new path of route which create new thought to life
Step of dream give new light of strength to feeling of mind that start new move of direction which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new move of appeal to learning of mind that show new start of touch which give new thought to life
Step of dream give new shine of concept to thinking of mind that create new soul of spirit which create new thought to life
Step of dream give new route of strength to meaning of mind that form new way of chapter which show new thought to life
Step of dream give new path of chapter to feeling of mind that create new move of direction which start new thought to life
Step of dream give new light of direction to learning of mind that show new path of strength which form new thought to life
Step of dream give new soul of knowledge to thinking of mind that start new start of concept which give new thought to life
Step of dream give new move of appeal to understanding of mind that form new way of touch which create new thought to life.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Adventure story. 611. Rita's Uncle David

                                  Rita's Uncle David                           

Rita began to think about her dream world. She was so happy. She was waiting for this since long time. She knew that it was wrong. She must not feel happy but she was feeling that way. Few moments ago she had one call which told her that her Uncle David was dead. She knew that she was his only heir. She was his niece. Her Mom was her only sister. She always felt sad about it since her Uncle David never cared about her Mom while her Mom kept talking about him for hours. It was really painful for her. She kept feeling sad about it. She began to hate Uncle David. Her Dad always hated him & she didn’t blame her Dad for it. It was so wrong. Her Mom never got any affection from her brother. Her Uncle David disliked her Mom since she married to her Dad. Her Dad was not enough rich in Uncle David’s eyes. Uncle David never welcomed her in his home. They always heard stories of his big house in magazines. Uncle David was famous builder. He did plenty of buildings, malls..she didn’t know how many things Uncle David managed to built. She was so stressed. She wanted to feel sad about death but she was happy in her soul. She wanted that money. She didn’t care for that man. She hated her Uncle David. But she couldn’t say it. If she truly hated her Uncle David then she didn’t need to even take that money. She knew that his wife Auntie Tara had two nephews. Tara Auntie was celebrity too & her nephews were famous too. She always saw their photos in glamour Magazine. She felt that they didn’t end that money. She was actually one who needed it. She began to convince herself that she needed to tell herself that she felt sad on his death. She called her Tara Auntie. She was so scared that her voice might sound normal but her voice came out so sad. She felt so upset. She didn’t understand when she started talking she was actually crying. Tara Auntie cried too. Then after sometime they controlled. Tara Auntie “ When you will come dear?” Clearly Tara Auntie was impressed by her performance. She didn’t understand why did she perform this way. She didn’t wanted to pretend but she pretended. She was feeling so stressed. She didn’t understand how could she pretended so easily. She knew that she was not sad. But then she sensed that she needed to talk & decide date. She slowly asked “ When I can come?” “ As soon as possible honey. You are only one to close to him. You care for him. You cried. All other people kept talking how bad he is before me. He had his defects no doubt. But he had his nice side too. Didn’t he?” She just kept quiet. Tara Auntie assumed it as affirmative answer. “ I know how much your mother use to love him. She use to keep trying to console him..I tried but he just never listen. I feel sometimes that he regret it before death. He was happy that he was going to his sister..” Tara Auntie started to cry. Rita didn’t understand what she supposed to do. It was all so stressful. She was trying hard to tell herself that she was not feeling pain. But she sensed that she was feeling sad. She didn’t understand why did she felt so upset on death of her unknown Uncle David. But she was crying. She said “ I will arrange tickets..” “ No need. I will book for you. My agent is before me.” Then Tara Auntie discussed with some one. Immediately Tara Auntie came back on call & said “ He send Ticket on mobile.” She smiled happily. She sensed that she wanted to go. Rita just said “ Thanks.” Then Rita began to search for outfits. She needed few suitable clothes. She started to feel that she needed to do all to please her Tara Auntie. She didn’t understand why. She was so obsessed with all. She wanted to do all for Tara Auntie. She began to select clothes. She decided carefully. She put all needful things in suitcase. She knew that she wanted to meet Tara Auntie. She needed to take leave from office for it. She managed to totally forget it. She immediately called her office. Her Boss took her call. “ Sir I need a leave of week. My Uncle is dead.” “ That’s not my problem. I want you to come immediately or I will replace you..” she was so shocked. She was working there for at least ten years. It was so complicated. She wanted to create friendly relationships with all so she never argued. But now she needed to go. She said slowly “ I need to go there.” “ Then forget your job. You can get your salary & I will give you notice of termination from today. Are you planning to come & take it or I should send by post?” She was so angry. She just said “ Send by post. I am leaving my house in some time.” She just disconnected call. She was so angry. She was going to other town since her Uncle David was dead but her Boss was acting in a way as if she was going on some function. She began to pack all. She looked towards her ticket. She looked around her house. It was so small. But she lived in it nicely. She couldn’t say she was attached to it. But it was giving her security. She was no longer feeling secure same way when she decide to shift in some other place. She felt nervous but on that time she felt as if her Uncle David was telling her to go & help her Auntie so she decided that she needed to do it. She knew Uncle David was dead but she felt scared obsession towards him. He was telling her to take care of his wife. She wanted to do that. So she started to call Taxi & without second thought she went on Airport. She didn’t thought how odd it was. She never traveled by Airplanes before it but still she didn’t enjoy that flight much. She was thinking about just one thing that was her Uncle. She was crying for him. Passenger who was sitting next to her ask slowly “ Are you alright?” She just nodded & said “ My Uncle died.” “ Ohh..very sad. Listen to some music to relax yourself.” Then he suggested some relaxing music. She kept hearing it. Slowly she fall asleep. She began to get relaxed. She started to think about days in which she was playing with Uncle David. She smiled in those wonderful moments. That passenger thought it was her wonderful memories. He never thought she was visiting her Uncle David after long time who had deserted her Mom & her niece in most of time of life.

     When Rita looked towards Uncle David’s house, she sensed that it was too big & stylish. She felt that she might be not welcomed so much. She was getting so stressed. She knew that she needed to meet Tara Auntie. She promised her. She began to feel so upset. But still she kept going inside. She entered & suddenly everything was changed. She began to feel as if she was part of this world. She ran towards Tara Auntie. She hugged her. Tara Auntie was confused but then she hugged her tightly too. Rita began to talk “ I never thought I will miss Uncle David so much but after hearing about his death I felt so sad. I just started to imagine how we could have enjoyed our life. Now I will stay with you. Now I will compensate all.” Tara Auntie was not happy with this comment. Tara Auntie invited her for some days. But Tara Auntie didn’t want her to settle permanently. Tara Auntie wanted to live her life. Tara Auntie was childless but she was not planning to adopt Rita. If she deserved to adopt Rita then she could have done it long ago. But she was not planning it. It was shocking. Tara Auntie slowly said “ You don’t need to stay forever. Stay for two three days.” Rita just nodded. Rita sensed that she was unwanted. Rita said “ I will stay until funeral.” Tara Auntie nodded. Tara Auntie already planned funeral. But on that point suddenly guest entered. Tara Auntie felt so scare. Tara Auntie sensed that this house might belong to Rita now. Her husband David was so upset with her. It was not her mistake. He always kept bullying her. He was just attached to his odd dream. She never understood what he was doing in his room. It was totally locked. She didn’t want to open it now. She knew that he was fond of odd things. She didn’t want to imagine what might be in that room. She didn’t want to investigate it. She decided that she might needed to tell Rita to check it. Rita was about to go when Tara Auntie called her back. “ Actually there is one room..” Rita was listening. Tara Auntie didn’t say anything for some time then slowly she said “ I don’t want to sort all things of your Uncle.” Rita smiled & said “ Don’t worry I will do it. Just show me that room.” Tara Auntie pointed & Rita went in it. Rita was so shocked. That room was full of papers. It was clear that it was all papers belong to recycle bin. She didn’t like to sort them out. But she couldn’t say “ No.” to Tara Auntie. Rita began to clean that room. It was painful & exhausting but still she kept doing it. She felt as if Uncle David was telling her to do that. She began to put files properly while watching them carefully. She knew that everything was not perfect but still she tried to do all her best. She managed to destroy lots of papers. She was putting them all in one waste paper bag. She was collecting them all. She knew that she needed someone to send them away. She was collecting them all. When she was doing it Tara Auntie was enjoying nice conversation with guests. They asked her “ So how does you manage to clean up this mess? I am sure David had collected lots of garbage.” “ I know but his niece just came. I will use her to clean up mess.” “ Niece? But David use to hate them. I mean he hated his sister.” “ I know but this niece Rita came here & started odd  melodrama about her Uncle David’s affection to her. It was shocking. I don’t feel it will help her that much. I am not planning to keep her in house.” “ But why not? She could be your nice maid until your death.” Tara Auntie gave shocked look. Tara Auntie never thought that way. If property was in her name then she could use this girl until death. She could pretend that she would give property to Rita & she could give it to someone else. Tara Auntie “ But I need to first check on whose name this property.” “ Come on! She will not get anything. I know that much from my resources.” They both laughed. Tara Auntie was talking with lawyer’s girlfriend. It was hidden officially from his wife. It was so upsetting for his family when they understood it. But any way she was not cause. David exposed it. She was sure that no one knew it. But her guest & her lawyer’s secret girlfriend knew all about will. Tara Auntie smiled happily. But Tara Auntie still didn’t like this idea. Tara Auntie decided to send Rita off on her way as soon as funeral was over. Tara Auntie was so happy. She began to feel sure that property belong to her. She noticed that Rita came out with big garbage bags. She knew that she needed to get some servant but she decided that Rita was not more than servant she decided to ignore & she went in her room. Rita worked so hard. Rita finally became breathless. Then she sensed that now she needed some one who would dispose off those papers. She decided to ask security man on door for help. She came out & went to him. He immediately asked “ What do you need Madam?” She slowly explained all. Then Security man called person who took away waste paper. After some time one man came. One by one he took away all waste paper & that room became empty. She looked in that room. She began to like this room. She started to watch it’s beauty & she decided that she would shift in this room. She knew that in will all would belong to her. Uncle David’s lawyer called her & told it to her. Rita didn’t understand why but Uncle David wanted her to take control of this house & she was doing it. She slowly called servants. She knew Tara Auntie send them away. But she needed them. They were faithful one. She began to call them one by one. Security man looked confused. He said “ Madam fired them. So they are not needed.” “ No they are now I am owner of this property. I want it to become once again grand.” Rita told with full confidence & called all servants back. Security ran towards telephone & called Tara Auntie everything. Tara Auntie was sleeping but she took call. When she heard all she was shocked. But she sensed one thing. She told David about that affair & lawyer guessed it. It was clear they took revenge. She knew that she lost all her property. She just disconnected call & started calling while Rita was calling all servants & was giving them salary as per their demands. It was wrong but no one was there to stop. Rita was so happy while doing it. She felt as if Uncle David told her to do all.

      Tara Auntie was shocked when all servants came back. Tara Auntie immediately sensed that this would over budgeting. Tara Auntie called Rita “ Do you sense how much extra it will cost?” Rita didn’t pay attention to her. Rita began to tell them what did they suppose to do. Soon Lawyer came. Then Tara Auntie sat with Rita. Lawyer told about will. All was given to Rita. But Rita was not happy. Rita said “ Did Uncle David told how to run house? I need his guidance!” “ Now this is your house. You can run it as you want.” Rita screamed angrily “ No this is Uncle David house & it will remain his only. I will do all as it was before.” Then Rita once again smiled & said “ Sorry. I overreacted. But I want everyone to give full respect to Uncle David. He deserved better treatment.” Tara Auntie & Lawyer looked at each other. Uncle David was rich person but not so nice man. Rita was admiring him without cause. It was so odd. Rita had all property now but her behaviour was clearly not normal. Rita was acting so strange. Tara Auntie was so scared. Tara Auntie needed that money but it was in Rita’s hand. She knew that she couldn’t get it out of Rita. Tara Auntie said nervously “ Actually David never like  to fix any rule. He just love to change things from time to time.” Rita smiled & said “So it’s rule too. I will now change everything including curtains monthly or weekly.” Tara Auntie was so confused. “ I don’t mean interior. I mean his hobbies.” “ Like?” Now Tara Auntie didn’t want to tell all hobbies of David to Rita. They were not so respectful. But Rita spoke “ He use to have lots of friends didn’t he?” Lawyer smiled & said “ Not just friends special friends. They use to come here to do their odd rituals & plan different sort of meditation. It was so odd. We always do all God’s ritual in our house. But David was fond of odd sort of rituals.” Tara Auntie didn’t like the way conversation was going. She didn’t want Rita to know about David’s odd hobbies. His friends were just bunch of arrogant selfish people who never cared for them. She didn’t want them to be invited. She knew that they all came just for money. But Rita wanted to follow her Uncle David’s mistake & it was clearly a bad news. Tara Auntie “ You don’t need to do it all. It was totally wrong..” Lawyer sensed his mistake. Lawyer didn’t want to waste entire money. Lawyer “ It’s not needed. Actually those friends.” Suddenly Rita’s voice changed. She began to talk like man. She was not sounding like Uncle David but she was trying to prove herself like him. She was trying to talk in manly voice. It was so odd. Rita began to say “ I will do all that is important for me. This all belong to me.” She began to smile in strange way. Lawyer said slowly “ All property belonged to this girl & she is starting lose her mind. This will be problematic. I can’t do transactions.” Rita was so angry. She took out one flower vase. She began to throw it towards lawyer. It managed to hit on lawyer’s shoulder. Lawyer was screamed in pain. He ran out of house. He was in such pain. Tara Auntie wanted to stop Lawyer. She needed that money. Rita began to feel so angry. She knew that she was going to become important for her to act like Uncle David. It was very precious but that Lawyer was not ready. Rita began to scream “ I am like Uncle David.” Tara Auntie was so shocked. She knew that Rita was unsound. Rita was totally out of her mind. Tara Auntie “ Are you mad like that always?” Rita began to laugh. “ You made me mad. You cheated me. It was why I started calling her daily! I called her for my rituals.” Rita began to laugh. Tara Auntie understood all. When she went out to keep her friends her husband called this girl here. But Tara Auntie didn’t understand what sort of cheating. She never did anything against David. “ Cheating against whom?” Rita screamed “ You were going out with that Lawyer. I know it.” Tara Auntie was so shocked. She knew that in end David lost his mind but she never thought on this level & he planted all of it in Rita’s mind too. Tara Auntie felt so sad. Tara Auntie tried to calm down her. Tara Auntie “ Now you need to talk with Lawyer but before it we need to meet one Doctor.” “ Why?” Tara Auntie began to thought then she smiled & said “ You are David aren’t you?” Then Tara Auntie hugged Rita. Rita suddenly began to feel so happy. She was Uncle David now even Tara Auntie accepted it. Rita said in strange voice “ I try to forgive you.” Tara Auntie wanted to push her away but she didn’t. She knew that she needed to admit her in mental hospital. She needed to cure Rita to get back all property. A mad person couldn’t get property. Tara Auntie said “ Let’s go to Doctor to prove you are David.” Rita liked this idea. She smiled & agreed. Tara Auntie slowly went in corner & called Psychiatrist of hospital. Luckily due to Tara Auntie’s depression she had contacted one Psychiatrist. She told him all. “ I think this girl is suffering from personality disorder. It’s possible that David managed to do it to her. David had issues. He never visited me but I know it from your conversation with me. He could influence that girl easily. It might be mental trouble but if you admit her for sometime. I feel she will be fine then she can get certificate of her mental soundness & she can get property too.” Tara Auntie immediately thanked Psychiatrist & took emergency appointment. Then she told Rita to come with her. Rita smiled & went in room. Then Rita came back dressed up just like David then she came near Tara Auntie like David. It was so horrible for Tara Auntie. She shivered with fear. Rita asked in strange manly voice “ What happened Tara dear. Why you are shivering like that?” “ Ohh nothing.” Then they went to hospital. When they enter all were looking towards Rita in strange way. Rita didn’t have cigarette in hand but she was smoking her imaginary cigarette. When time of their appointment came Tara Auntie literally ran inside. Psychiatrist talked nicely with Rita. Then slowly he convinced her to go with nurse. She went away willingly. Psychiatrist gave confidence to Tara Auntie that Rita would be cured. Tara Auntie didn’t say anything for long time finally she spoke truth. “ I don’t care for that girl but I want that property.” Psychiatrist smiled & said “ I know but you need to care for that girl & property both now. You need to understand they will always remain together.” Tara Auntie nodded with sad face. Then after talking with Psychiatrist for sometime she went back. Tara Auntie went home with hope that one day she learnt to love Rita like daughter since she knew that she needed property & if she wanted to have it she needed to accept this girl too. She slowly told to herself that she would learn to love Rita. She was determined to do it. Since Psychiatrist told her that was her only option. She went in her room & cried. David was trouble when he was alive & he became trouble even after his death. She wanted to forget him. But she knew that she couldn’t. So she decided to accept him as bad past & determined herself to adjust in future with Rita.

                                                         The End 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Poem. 6686. Smile of understanding

                                     Smile of understanding

Smile of understanding show new thought to mind that form new direction to learning of soul which create new path to way of life
Smile of understanding start new direction to mind that create new appeal to feeling of chapter which give new move to way of life
Smile of understanding form new concept to mind that give new knowledge to meaning of route which show new step to way of life
Smile of understanding create new knowledge to mind that start new touch to thinking of soul which start new route to way of life
Smile of understanding give new appeal to mind that show new strength to feeling of shine which form new move to way of life
Smile of understanding form new strength to mind that create new touch to learning of route which give new step to way of life
Smile of understanding create new touch to mind that form new chapter to meaning of spirit which show new path to way of life
Smile of understanding start new concept to mind that give new direction to thinking of move which form new route to way of life
Smile of understanding give new knowledge to mind that start new concept to feeling of path which create new shine to way of life
Smile of understanding form new direction to mind that create new appeal to learning of soul which start new appeal to way of life
Smile of understanding show new strength to mind that give new touch to meaning of appeal which form new direction to way of life
Smile of understanding start new appeal to mind that form new chapter to thinking of dream which show new strength to way of life
Smile of understanding create new path to mind that show new direction to learning of hope which start new concept to way of life
Smile of understanding give new chapter to mind that start new strength to feeling of dream which give new strength to way of life
Smile of understanding form new strength to mind that create new appeal to meaning of soul which show new dream to way of life
Smile of understanding start new knowledge to mind that give new concept to thinking of route which form new hope to way of life
Smile of understanding create new appeal to mind that form new direction to learning of move which start new path to way of life
Smile of understanding form new direction to mind that start new chapter to meaning of spirit which create new route to way of life
Smile of understanding show new strength to mind that create new touch to feeling of soul which show new concept to way of life
Smile of understanding start new chapter to mind that show new concept to thinking of way which form new direction to way of life
Smile of understanding create new path to mind that give new knowledge to meaning of route which create new soul to way of life
Smile of understanding give new concept to mind that form new direction to learning of appeal which form new shine to way of life
Smile of understanding start new direction to mind that show new appeal to meaning of touch which give new appeal to way of life
Smile of understanding form new dream to mind that create new thought to feeling of shine which start new concept to way of life
Smile of understanding give new strength to mind that start new chapter to learning of path which create new chapter to way of life
Smile of understanding create new touch to mind that form new concept to thinking of route which give new touch to way of life
Smile of understanding show new thought to mind that give new strength to feeling of move which form new soul to way of life
Smile of understanding start new direction to mind that create new touch to meaning of route which show new route to way of life
Smile of understanding form new concept to mind that show new shine to learning of path which start new chapter to way of life
Smile of understanding create new shine to mind that form new direction to feeling of step which create new touch to way of life
Smile of understanding show new appeal to mind that create new touch to thinking of route which form new direction to way of life
Smile of understanding start new direction to mind that give new strength to meaning of move which show new touch to way of life
Smile of understanding form new knowledge to mind that start new chapter to feeling of path which give new strength to way of life
Smile of understanding give new thought to mind that show new direction to learning of spirit which start new chapter to way of life
Smile of understanding create new touch to mind that form new thought to meaning of soul which create new appeal to way of life
Smile of understanding show new path to mind that create new appeal to feeling of concept which form new move to way of life
Smile of understanding start new move to mind that show new concept to thinking of touch which start new knowledge to way of life
Smile of understanding form new step to mind that give new knowledge to learning of soul which show new concept to way of life
Smile of understanding give new chapter to mind that form new direction to meaning of step which give new strength to way of life
Smile of understanding show new concept to mind that create new shine to thinking of start which start new chapter to way of life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...