Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Poem. 6197. Touch of understanding give new morning

                                       Touch of understanding give new morning  

Touch of understanding give new morning of life which start new direction to path of strength that form new shine to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of appeal which form new chapter to way of spirit that create new soul to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of spirit which create new strength to move of shine that show new step to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of path which show new appeal to world of path that start new route to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of step which start new concept to light of move that form new world to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of soul which form new route to appeal of world that start new knowledge to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of route which create new way to chapter of move that show new concept to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of way which show new spirit to direction of step that create new hope to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of step which start new knowledge to move of route that form new step to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of soul which form new strength to way of spirit that show new start to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of route which create new appeal to step of move that form new path to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of light which show new shine to thought of dream that create new step to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of thought which start new path to chapter of route that show new route to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of dream which create new route to smile of soul that start new hope to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of word which show new spirit to step of appeal that form new shine to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of path which form new move to start of concept that create new spirit to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of move which start new appeal to world of spirit that show new hope to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of thought which create new dream to path of thought that start new shine to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of chapter which form new route to light of concept that form new spirit to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of hope which show new move to soul of direction that start new knowledge to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of path which start new spirit to world of hope that show new strength to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of step which form new shine to concept of spirit that give new appeal to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of route which create new soul to thought of move that show new touch to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of chapter which show new route to soul of hope that form new strength to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of concept which start new move to appeal of route that create new light to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of hope which form new dream to thought of spirit that show new world to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of step which create new world to concept of shine that start new path to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of start which show new appeal to move of strength that form new soul to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of direction which start new route to world of path that show new step to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of route which form new knowledge to step of appeal that give new shine to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of path which create new route to start of chapter that form new spirit to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of step which show new move to path of direction that start new path to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of start which start new step to light of strength that show new move to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of thought which form new way to move of appeal that create new world to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of shine which show new spirit to route of light that start new light to way in mind 

Touch of understanding give new morning of route which create new step to world of path that show new shine to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of hope which start new appeal to route of move that form new dream to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of soul which show new soul to thought of step that create new thought to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of world which form new shine to chapter of move that start new strength to way in mind

Touch of understanding give new morning of route which create new path to strength of soul that form new path to way in mind.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Poem. 6196. Dream will show new

                                                        Dream will show new

Dream will show new shine to understanding of path which start new hope to knowledge of touch that give new thought 

Dream will show new strength to learning of move which form new chapter to direction of soul that create new thought 

Dream will show new appeal to feeling of world which create new strength to path of concept that form new thought 

Dream will show new touch to meaning of route which give new direction to shine of appeal that start new thought 

Dream will show new move to learning of step which form new touch to concept of smile that show new thought 

Dream will show new path to feeling of chapter which start new light to strength of world that give new thought 

Dream will show new soul to thinking of touch which give new direction to path of route that start new thought 

Dream will show new step to understanding of path which create new move to spirit of way that form new thought 

Dream will show new route to meaning of appeal which form new touch to chapter of soul that feel new thought 

Dream will show new smile to feeling of direction which start new step to concept of world that show new thought 

Dream will show new light to learning of strength which give new route to direction of path that create new thought 

Dream will show new move to thinking of soul which create new move to strength of light that give new thought 

Dream will show new path to understanding of step which form new step to chapter of move that start new thought 

Dream will show new spirit to meaning of touch which start new concept to world of way that create new thought 

Dream will show new light to feeling of hope which give new knowledge to spirit of appeal that form new thought 

Dream will show new route to understanding of step which create new path to move of path that give new thought 

Dream will show new way to learning of direction which form new smile to shine of strength that start new thought 

Dream will show new move to meaning of appeal which start new chapter to route of move that create new thought 

Dream will show new spirit to thinking of strength which give new shine to way of step that start new thought 

Dream will show new appeal to feeling of move which create new appeal to start of touch that form new thought 

Dream will show new move to understanding of step which form new spirit to hope of shine that create new thought 

Dream will show new touch to learning of world which start new chapter to move of route that give new thought 

Dream will show new step to meaning of chapter which create new smile to path of touch that start new thought 

Dream will show new route to feeling of concept which form new appeal to soul of shine that form new thought 

Dream will show new path to thinking of strength which give new spirit to touch of step that create new thought 

Dream will show new shine to learning of soul which create new world to hope of start that show new thought 

Dream will show new route to understanding of step which start new route to way of touch that form new thought 

Dream will show new way to meaning of route which form new direction to move of shine that start new thought 

Dream will show new spirit to thinking of step which give new strength to path of touch that show new thought 

Dream will show new hope to learning of path which create new appeal to step of chapter that form new thought 

Dream will show new way to feeling of shine which form new chapter to soul of concept that create new thought 

Dream will show new step to understanding of touch which give new route to start of path that show new thought 

Dream will show new move to meaning of chapter which create new spirit to world of touch that start new thought 

Dream will show new route to learning of concept which start new concept to step of move that form new thought 

Dream will show new way to thinking of appeal which form new direction to start of chapter that give new thought 

Dream will show new path to meaning of soul which create new touch to world of smile that start new thought 

Dream will show new shine to learning of step which start new hope to chapter of path that form new thought 

Dream will show new start to understanding of start which give new route to concept of step that create new thought 

Dream will show new way to meaning of touch which create new way to direction of soul that form new thought 

Dream will show new shine to feeling of hope which form new move to thought of start that show new thought.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Poem. 6195. World give shine to

                                                              World give shine to

World give shine to thinking of life which start new strength to concept of mind that form new spirit to soul in mind

World give shine to learning of life which form new appeal to chapter of mind that show new touch to soul in mind 

World give shine to feeling of life which create new knowledge to light of mind that start new appeal to soul in mind 

World give shine to understanding of life which show new touch to path of mind that create new path to soul in mind 

World give shine to meaning of life which start new direction to spirit of mind that form new strength to soul in mind 

World give shine to thinking of life which form new thought to move of mind that show new appeal to soul in mind 

World give shine to learning of life which create new world to touch of mind that start new dream to soul in mind 

World give shine to feeling of life which show new chapter to direction of mind that form new touch to soul in mind 

World give shine to understanding of life which open new way to dream of mind that show new route to soul in mind

World give shine to learning of life which start new direction to route of mind that create new appeal to soul in mind

World give shine to meaning of life which form new strength to move of mind that form new step to soul in mind

World give shine to feeling of life which create new touch to light of mind that start new route to soul in mind

World give shine to thinking of life which show new hope to thought of mind that create new way to soul in mind

World give shine to understanding of life which start new path to direction of mind that form new hope to soul in mind

World give shine to learning of life which create new appeal to touch of mind that show new step to soul in mind

World give shine to meaning of life which form new knowledge to step of mind that start new path to soul in mind

World give shine to feeling of life which start new chapter to spirit of mind that create new appeal to soul in mind 

World give shine to thinking of life which show new smile to move of mind that form new concept to soul in mind 

World give shine to learning of life which create new direction to step of mind that start new strength to soul in mind 

World give shine to meaning of life which form new concept to route of mind that create new path to soul in mind 

World give shine to understanding of life which start new touch to start of mind that show new move to soul in mind 

World give shine to feeling of life which show new strength to appeal of mind that form new appeal to soul in mind 

World give shine to learning of life which create new direction to way of mind that show new shine to soul in mind 

World give shine to thinking of life which form new appeal to step of mind that start new strength to soul in mind 

World give shine to meaning of life which start new touch to spirit of mind that form new appeal to soul in mind

World give shine to feeling of life which create new thought to touch of mind that show new route to soul in mind

World give shine to understanding of life which show new spirit to way of mind that create new path to soul in mind

World give shine to learning of life which form new appeal to world of mind that start new shine to soul in mind

World give shine to meaning of life which show new light to strength of mind that create new touch to soul in mind

World give shine to thinking of life which start new touch to path of mind that form new chapter to soul in mind

World give shine to feeling of life which form new dream to hope of mind that start new concept to  soul in mind

World give shine to meaning of life which create new way to step of mind that show new touch to soul in mind

World give shine to learning of life which start new touch to route of mind that form new spirit to soul in mind

World give shine to thinking of life which show new step to smile of mind that create new way to soul in mind 

World give shine to feeling of life which form new route to word of mind that start new appeal to soul in mind

World give shine to meaning of life which start new way to chapter of mind that form new smile to soul in mind

World give shine to learning of life which create new move to concept of mind that show new step to soul in mind

World give shine to thinking of life which form new appeal to touch of mind that start new chapter to soul in mind

World give shine to feeling of life which show new dream to chapter of mind that form new touch to soul in mind

World give shine to meaning of life which start new route to concept of mind that create new way to soul in mind.


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Adventure story. 529. Sheetal’s son Rishi

                                                            Sheetal’s son Rishi 

Sheetal felt so happy when sunlight fall on her face. She felt that her life was going to be wonderful. She was so sure that everything would be perfect. She never did anything bad in her life so her life needed to be perfect. She woke up & watched towards clock. It was telling her that she needed to hurry up. Her husband Mohit needed breakfast & her son Rishi was going to sleep for one more extra hour but after that she needed to force him to woke up too. It was so upsetting. Her day was always busy & her life was perfect. She knew that it was going to remain same way. She never did anything unusual so nothing wrong could happen to her. It was her motto. She was so happy. She woke up Mohit. Mohit started complaining then he soon sensed that he was too late so he literally ran in bathroom to get ready. She was laughing. It was so funny to see elderly man running like that. While her son Rishi woke up on time, he went in bathroom did his brushing of teeth. Her son was so mature. She loved him so much. He was gift of God for her. She always thanked God for giving her such a wonderful child. But sometimes she felt that Rishi was not talking to her that much. She began to observe Rishi. Rishi was looking out of window. Rishi was observing sky. She didn’t understand what was so interesting in sky. She went behind him. She began to observe. She saw nothing but normal clouds. She thought that he might be imagining something out of them. She looked towards him again. He was not happy. He was sad. She was so confused. Sheetal asked “ What happened Rishi?” He just smiled & said “Nothing!” She was feeling so sad. She needed to work so hard to get everything in right way. Her childhood was not happy one. Her father died when she was small. Her Mom married to another man. That man was not evil soul but she was not daughter to him. She was always burden to him. He tried to do best for her. It was so upsetting. She knew that he was pretending affection when he didn’t sense it. She began to feel so restless when he began to push that she should go in hostel. She didn’t like that idea. She wanted to stay with Mom. But soon she sensed that she couldn’t say no to her stepfather. She went away to hostel. She couldn’t able to make friends there. She always missed her Mom. But she knew that her Mom didn’t miss her. Her Mom wanted to pursue her career & her stepfather permitted it. They never wanted child so she was only child. Money was never issue. They wasted all on her but she didn’t get their time or affection. But when she met Mohit everything was changed. Mohit’s family was so nice & decent. His house was full of people who cared for him. He introduced her to all. They showered affection on her. When she suggested marriage, her parents found their background which was great & soon their marriage was fixed. Her life was perfect. She had just one sorrow. Her father’s death! But frankly she didn’t even remember it. She didn’t miss him. He died when she was baby. To world her childhood was perfect but in her heart she hated it. But she never confessed that to anyone. She didn’t want to blame her stepfather. He was really nice man. But he didn’t have that nature which could make him affectionate father. He didn’t feel that way. Even her Mom was not affectionate towards her. They always paid attention & fulfilled her demands but they never understood what affection she wanted. She was so upset due to it. But in her house she gave perfect attention to Rishi. Mohit was affectionate. Mohit loved his son. Out of busy schedule Mohit always managed to find time for him. It was so stressful to see Rishi like that. She was feeling so upset. She wanted to insist but Rishi gave her angry look & said “ Don’t look at me that way! I am not small baby.” She felt hurt. Rishi was always so sweet & nice. She never saw him like that. She didn’t let him see that she was hurt. She just gave sweet smile & asked “ What did you like for breakfast?” He didn’t say anything. Finally she gave breakfast which she felt suitable. She said “ Eat.” He started eating peacefully. She began to look out of window. She didn’t see anything interesting except one dog. It was street dog. It was too dirty & ugly in her eyes. She couldn’t imagine what great her son was seeing in it. She suddenly began to feel scared. She thought that Rishi might wanted to pet him. She didn’t want that dirty dog in her house. In fact she didn’t want any dog on her house. She didn’t have enough stamina to pet a dog. She knew that Mohit would immediately agree but he wouldn’t help. She said slowly “ Honey we can’t pet a dog!” Rishi said slowly “ Yes you already have one!” She looked confused. She didn’t have any dog. She never had Dog. She began to feel that she heard it wrong. She decided that she needed to ignore it. “ Okay. Eat your breakfast.” Rishi gave sad smile & ate his breakfast. There was sadness in his face. She wanted to discuss. But she didn’t understand how. Then suddenly Mohit began to scream for breakfast. She needed to turn her attention to him. She began to help Mohit to get ready for office. By that time Rishi managed all. She soon sensed that Rishi was going away. She screamed “ Honey you are going too early. Rishi just nodded & went away. She didn’t like the way Rishi was acting but Mohit began to discuss about budget of house & she turned her attention to it. She needed to purchase nice microwave for cooking. She needed to save money. She began to discuss it. She knew that everything would be fine. She never did anything wrong so wrong thing would never happen to her or her family. She began to discuss in normal way her budget. Mohit was trying to increase amount he wanted to waste on himself but she objected. She just kept that amount which was needed. Then she began to plan all. She wanted perfect future & life for her family. She was planning to cook many dishes for many parties in her microwave oven. She had so many plans. She saw birthdays of other kids & she was planning a big birthday for her son Rishi. She needed a perfect cake for it. She didn’t trust bakery to do it. She decided to cook it herself. She smiled happily at that thought.

    Rishi was no longer interested in planning anything on Sunday. Mohit didn’t understand cause. His little boy was always enthusiastic about everything. But today everything seemed to changed. Rishi was sitting quietly whole time. Mohit tried to talk with him but it didn’t help. It was very frustrating. Mohit came out to go to office. Rishi was gone by then. Mohit “ What is wrong with our son?” Sheetal shivered with fear. She didn’t want to accept that Rishi had problems. She wanted to think that her son was perfect. Rishi was happy & normal child. “ He is okay. Kids get moody sometimes.” “ But I don’t like his dark moods. Let’s talk to Doctor.” She was so shocked. Her son was perfect & Mohit was suggesting to send him for treatment. She gave him angry look. “ My son is perfect.” He looked nervous. Mohit “ I mean he might be getting little bit weak. He kept reducing his vegetables & eating junk food.” She smiled. She sensed that Mohit was just talking about physical check up. She didn’t want her son to be treated as mentally problematic. She didn’t like it at all. Mohit just ate breakfast & went away. Rishi once again came back home. Rishi kept looking out of window. Sheetal wanted him to act normal at any cost. Sheetal went near him & started talking about planning birthday party. She wanted him to invite all his friends. He needed to look normal before all. She wanted to present him as normal before Mohit. She started discussing party. He suddenly began to look pale. He said “ I don’t want to invite anyone from school!” “ Why? Before you use to invite friends! For long time none of your friend came.” He looked so pale & nervous. “ I don’t want to invite. No one do that.” Sheetal didn’t like this. Long list of friends was important when person needed to appear normal. Sheetal smiled. “ Now invite just few. One or two friends will be enough.” He nodded. She smiled. Then she started telling him what she was doing for party. He just nodded to all. She was so upset. She didn’t understand why he was not taking interest. She was so angry. She needed to prove that he was normal. She decided that she could say few angry words. She said angrily “ You must invite few school friends. You need to make friends otherwise people will not consider you normal.” She saw tears in his eyes. She immediately regretted her words. “ I mean it will not look normal. We can’t just invite adults on birthday party of child.” He didn’t say anything. She pushed pictures of return gifts before him. “ What did you want as return gift?” She was so confused. He didn’t seem to say anything. Then he asked for lunch. He peacefully ate lunch. He didn’t say anything. She couldn’t say if he was upset. But he didn’t say anything & his face was expressionless. She kept talking. Then he went in his room. She wanted happy childhood for Rishi. She was trying so hard. He went in his room. Now he was in his own world she couldn’t enter in it. She wanted her son to be normal. She tried so hard to talk what was wrong. But Rishi was not telling anything. She began to get tense. She wanted suggestions but she didn’t understand who could be best. She thought about her siblings. But she knew that they couldn’t help her. They didn’t show any interest in her life. They always remained stuck in their life. She decided to talk with her parents. She called. Her Mom took call. She slowly explained all. Her parents didn’t say anything on mobile. They decided to visit her. They came for lunch next day. Rishi was in home since it was Sunday. When she told Mohit about this visit, Mohit sounded happy. Mohit “ I feel we need to do something to make Rishi happy again.” She nodded. Then next day her parents came. They talked with Rishi. Rishi appeared perfectly normal before them. At end when they decided to go back, they told Sheetal that she was getting paranoid. Sheetal didn’t understand what was true. She was happy that her son was normal. She kept noticing that Rishi was not normal. But still he was normal. This kept going on for long time. She didn’t understand what was wrong. Finally she received one call from Cops. They were telling her that her son had one accident. She didn’t understand why & how. She just took address of hospital. She was feeling as if she was living in movie. She didn’t accept that this was true. They showed her a horrible body. She didn’t understand anything. She kept saying this was not her son. Then she started to check things. It belonged to her son. She started to confirm body marks. It was her son. She saw it. But she couldn’t accept it. She kept asking everyone that why did her son went in that market. He was nice boy. He didn’t bunk school. Mohit came running too. Then they started doing procedures. Mohit told her to go home. She didn’t understand anything. She went back home. Then she understood all. Someone was harassing her son Rishi. That person forced him to visit market & then killed him or Rishi killed himself. She wanted justice. She kept calling Cops. But Cops didn’t see anything fishy. They said Rishi was enjoying holiday when it was not permitted so he got scared of someone might be some one who might recognised him. In procedure to hide himself he came under car. Sheetal didn’t believe it. She knew Rishi was upset. Someone from school did something. She called school principal. She kept going to school. Soon she found that there were some bullies. She wanted punishment for them. She told Cops. Cops agreed to do inquiries. Then Cops told her that they were bullying many kids. Rishi was upset by it. But Rishi killed himself was far fetched in their eyes. But she knew that this was what happened. Those kids were somewhere in school kids. She was so angry. She kept watching those kids. She saw one kid hitting another & she knew that this was kid who killed her Rishi by harassing. She felt so upset. She managed to click photo. Then she started to show photo to Cops. But Cops didn’t took interest. She started to follow that kid.

   One day Sheetal went after that kid. She waited then when that kid was alone. She stopped that kid. She took hold of his hand & began to scream on him. That kid kept telling that he didn’t know Rishi but she didn’t believe. Finally some one who was walking on road interfered. That fellow asked “ What’s wrong with you? You are hurting that kid. I am going to call Cops.” She knew that she could go to jail but she didn’t care. She just wanted to punish that kid. Soon Cops were called. That kid was crying loudly but she knew that he was just pretending. This was his drama. She kept telling. Finally Cops arrested her. Mohit was shocked when he received this call. He felt so upset. He wanted to adjust but Sheetal was not getting over it. He knew that Rishi had mental disorder. He was even planning visit to psychiatrist but it was too late. He knew that it was painful but still he needed to do it. She was not doing it properly. She kept searching for bullies. He knew that those kids were responsible but he also knew that it was impossible to legally prove it & he didn’t want to make his life more painful by discussing it. She was making everything worst for them. If she kept doing this, soon people would start to treat her in wrong way. Many would call her mad. He knew that he needed to help her. He told to Cops on phone. He came to Police station. He apologised to parents. When they heard their story, that small kid also agreed to forgive. But he could see trauma in eyes of that kid. He said “ I am taking appointment of psychiatrist..” Cop said “ I will arrange one for today afternoon. We don’t want this lady walking around hurting kids.” Mohit was so shocked. That Cop was right. His wife who was trying to give justice to their son was becoming cause of injustice for other kids. It was really stressful. He agreed immediately. Then they went to hospital in Police van. It was so strange. Sheetal was keeping telling that she was innocent. Then they finally went there. Psychiatrist immediately took them inside then psychiatrist discussed. Sheetal told him “ How did Rishi was suffering but she couldn’t able to help him. She said “ I told him that he needed to bring friends on birthday. I forced him. He told me that he didn’t have friends but I said normal people have them. Now many people don’t have if they are shy.” Psychiatrist nodded. “ Rishi was too scared to tell you about ragging but you sense it. You want to punish those who were ragging but do you sense that you are becoming bully yourself.” She was so shocked. Then psychiatrist slowly explained her that she needed treatment. She began to agree. Mohit admitted her in hospital. She cried slowly & said good bye. She promised him that she would come back & cooperate to treatment. Mohit said slowly “ I lost Rishi now I don’t want to lose you.” She took hold of his hand & said “ I will come back. I will just same as before.” He nodded & went away with hope. He knew that this time he had started treatment perfectly on time for her.

                                                                   The End

Friday, November 26, 2021

Poem. 6194. When spirit start to jump with


                                              When spirit start to jump with  

When spirit start to jump with joy life begin to create new sound on every point which show new appeal give way to mind

When spirit start to jump with hope move begin to form new path on every point which start new touch show way to mind

When spirit start to jump with path light begin to show new route on every point which give new direction form way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with move route begin to give new appeal on every point which create new touch give way to mind

When spirit start to jump with step chapter begin to form new touch on every point which show new smile form way to mind

When spirit start to jump with world concept begin to create new step on every point which start new path show way to mind

When spirit start to jump with touch thought begin to show new light on every point which form new step create way to mind

When spirit start to jump with chapter step begin to form new strength on every point which give new shine show way to mind

When spirit start to jump with concept start begin to give new knowledge on every point which show new route form way to mind

When spirit start to jump with appeal soul begin to show new direction on every point which form new strength give way to mind

When spirit start to jump with strength path begin to create new touch to every point which give new appeal show way to mind

When spirit start to jump with touch step begin to form new concept to every point which show new hope create way to mind

When spirit start to jump with smile route begin to give new strength to every point which create new path form way to mind

When spirit start to jump with path world begin to create new appeal to every point which form new move show way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with touch which begin to show new touch to every point which give new step create way to mind

When spirit start to jump with route which begin to form new strength to every point which show new soul form way to mind

When spirit start to jump with world which begin to give new knowledge to every point which create new step show way to mind

When spirit start to jump with knowledge which begin to show new appeal to every point which form new path create way to mind

When spirit start to jump with strength which begin to form new thought to every point which create new soul give way to mind

When spirit start to jump with touch which begin to create new direction to every point which show new direction form way to mind

When spirit start to jump with appeal which begin to show new shine to every point which give new strength create way to mind

When spirit start to jump with move which begin to form new touch to every point which create new appeal show way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with path which begin to give new appeal to every point which form new direction form way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with step which begin to show new strength to every point which give new appeal create way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with move which begin to create new touch to every point which show new soul form way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with appeal which begin to form new soul to every point which create new dream give way to mind

When spirit start to jump with touch which begin to give new strength to every point which form new hope show way to mind

When spirit start to jump with thought which begin to show new direction to every point which give new route form way to mind

When spirit start to jump with chapter which begin to form new appeal to every point which show new soul create way to mind

When spirit start to jump with direction which begin to create new touch to every point which form new route to show way to mind

When spirit start to jump with strength which begin to show new path to every point which give new hope to form way to mind

When spirit start to jump with appeal which begin to form new move to every point which show new path to create way to mind

When spirit start to jump with route which begin to give new direction to every point which create new touch to show way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with chapter which begin to create new strength to every point which form new path to give way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with concept which begin to show new appeal to every point which give new direction to form way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with touch which begin to form new chapter to every point which show new strength to give way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with shine which begin to create new light to every point which give new appeal to form way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with way which begin to give new appeal to every point which form new knowledge to create way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with soul which begin to show new strength to every point which create new touch to form way to mind 

When spirit start to jump with step which begin to form new direction to every point which show new path to give way to mind.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Poem. 6193. World give new light if you decide

                                             World give new light if you decide 

World give new light if you decide to start new direction to hope that form new strength to chapter towards step of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new strength to spirit that show new appeal to shine towards start of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new touch to shine that start new thought to path towards route of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new soul to appeal that create new concept to way towards step of life 

World give new light if you decide to start new start to concept that form new knowledge to soul towards way of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new appeal to smile that show new touch to step towards soul of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new knowledge to path that create new way to spirit towards path of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new thought to appeal that start new move to shine towards route of life 

World give new light if you decide to start new touch to chapter that form new smile to thought towards way of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new concept to shine that show new path to appeal towards step of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new chapter to soul that start new strength to route towards start of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new spirit to move that create new soul to move towards move of life 

World give new light if you decide to start new world to touch that form new step to direction towards path of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new soul to direction that show new chapter to hope towards touch of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new strength to dream that start new concept to route towards way of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new appeal to hope that create new thought to move towards route of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new touch to step that start new direction to spirit towards shine of life 

World give new light if you decide to start new direction to soul that form new hope to soul towards path of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new chapter to route that create new way to move towards direction of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new thought to smile that show new touch to soul towards appeal of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new path to step that start new knowledge to way towards soul of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new start to path that form new thought to spirit towards start of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new shine to move that create new light to path towards dream of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new step to appeal that show new soul to move towards hope of life 

World give new light if you decide to start new touch to strength that form new shine to way towards route of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new smile to route that create new step to soul towards way of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new step to path that start new world to spirit towards hope of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new direction to way that show new path to route towards path of life 

World give new light if you decide to start new thought to soul that create new step to move towards spirit of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new word to smile that bring new touch to step towards soul of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new touch to step that start new direction to move towards start of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new concept to spirit that show new route to appeal towards move of life 

World give new light if you decide to start new knowledge to way that create new hope to smile towards path of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new direction to move that form new touch to spirit towards appeal of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new strength to start that give new chapter to step towards soul of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new appeal to concept that start new start to move towards shine of life 

World give new light if you decide to start new chapter to strength that form new path to spirit towards touch of life 

World give new light if you decide to create new touch to direction that show new step to word towards route of life 

World give new light if you decide to form new thought to route that start new appeal to move towards hope of life 

World give new light if you decide to show new appeal to way that create new touch to shine towards step of life.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Poem. 6192. Step to soul of understanding

                                                 Step to soul of understanding 

Step to soul of understanding show new spirit to touch which start new knowledge to path of world that give new light

Step to soul of understanding create new shine to thought which form new appeal to move of chapter that start new light

Step to soul of understanding give new direction to shine which create new touch to feel of concept that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding start new strength to path which show new path to thought of shine that create new light

Step to soul of understanding form new appeal to move which give new strength to way of touch that show new light 

Step to soul of understanding create new touch to start which start new direction to dream of hope that start new light 

Step to soul of understanding show new route to chapter which form new spirit to world of way that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding give new world to path which create new way to concept of route that give new light 

Step to soul of understanding form new chapter to route which show new path to shine of appeal that start new light 

Step to soul of understanding create new appeal to world which start new move to spirit of touch that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding show new concept to touch which give new strength to world of route that create new light 

Step to soul of understanding give new direction to dream which form new touch to shine of soul that show new light 

Step to soul of understanding start new knowledge to way which create new route to spirit of move that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding form new chapter to touch which give new appeal to route of path that start new light 

Step to soul of understanding create new path to thought which start new touch to soul of way that show new light

Step to soul of understanding give new appeal to chapter which form new shine to world of route that create new light 

Step to soul of understanding show new route to spirit which create new path to direction of dream that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding form new hope to appeal which start new move to chapter of path that show new light 

Step to soul of understanding create new direction to way which give new start to concept of touch that start new light 

Step to soul of understanding start new knowledge to route which show new way to shine of path that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding give new strength to world which form new appeal to move of spirit that create new light 

Step to soul of understanding show new touch to chapter which start new strength to soul of route that give new light 

Step to soul of understanding form new appeal to route which give new touch to shine of world that show new light 

Step to soul of understanding create new shine to path which show new step to appeal of way that start new light 

Step to soul of understanding give new touch to way which create new route to thought of touch that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding start new thought to start which form new world to concept of spirit that give new light 

Step to soul of understanding show new spirit to direction which start new path to chapter of route that create new light 

Step to soul of understanding create new move of concept which give new route to smile of touch that show new light 

Step to soul of understanding form new path of strength which show new spirit to way of move that give new light 

Step to soul of understanding give new touch to appeal which form new path to world of smile that start new light 

Step to soul of understanding show new dream to chapter which create new way to path of feel that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding start new hope to direction which form new move to touch of shine that show new light 

Step to soul of understanding form new route to concept which show new appeal to world of start that create new light 

Step to soul of understanding give new appeal to smile which start new knowledge to way of shine that start new light 

Step to soul of understanding create new path to spirit which form new direction to spirit of world that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding show new shine to touch which give new appeal to word of smile that give new light 

Step to soul of understanding start new thought to start which create new path to shine of touch that create new light 

Step to soul of understanding form new direction to path which show new spirit to move of path that start new light

Step to soul of understanding give new strength to route which start new thought to way of world that form new light 

Step to soul of understanding show new appeal to shine which form new chapter to touch of route that create new light.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Poem. 6191. Light will open

                                                           Light will open

Light will open hope on each point which start new direction to dream of feeling that bring new strength to soul in life 

Light will open start on each direction which give new thought to path of learning that create new chapter to soul in life 

Light will open appeal on each touch which form new path to route of meaning that show new world to soul in life 

Light will open strength on each way which create new move to shine of thinking that form new path to soul in life 

Light will open direction on each world which show new light to soul of understanding that give new way to soul in life

Light will open thought on each step which give new chapter to step of learning that form new spirit to soul in life 

Light will open knowledge on each soul which start new direction to way of feeling that show new step to soul in life 

Light will open appeal on each thought which create new strength to route of meaning that start new shine to soul in life 

Light will open touch on each strength which show new shine to appeal of thinking that form new path to soul in life 

Light will open route on each spirit which form new path to strength of learning that show new spirit to soul in life 

Light will open move on each step which start new route to dream of understanding that create new move to soul in life 

Light will open path on each word which form new knowledge to step of feeling that start new appeal to soul in life 

Light will open touch on each path which create new spirit to move of meaning that show new chapter to soul in life 

Light will open step on each shine which give new direction to path of learning that form new touch to soul in life 

Light will open route on each touch which show new appeal to world of thinking that give new path to soul in life 

Light will open shine on each spirit which start new knowledge to way of feeling that create new way to soul in life 

Light will open knowledge on each path which form new route to step of meaning that show new route to soul in life

Light will open touch on each direction which create new shine to dream of learning that start new step to soul in life 

Light will open thought on each start which give new spirit to hope of understanding that form new path to soul in life 

Light will open chapter on each move which start new world to way of thinking that show new  spirit to soul in life 

Light will open concept on each step which form new appeal to spirit of meaning that create new touch to soul in life 

Light will open direction on each way which create new strength to touch of learning that start new shine to soul in life 

Light will open world on each knowledge which show new step to route of understanding that give new spirit to soul in life 

Light will open direction on each touch which start new way to shine of feeling that create new strength to soul in life 

Light will open chapter on each start which create new route to appeal of meaning that form new move to soul in life 

Light will open strength on each path which show new touch to chapter of thinking that start new smile to soul in life 

Light will open appeal on each hope which form new direction to touch of learning that give new concept to soul in life 

Light will open thought on each way which give new strength to concept of feeling that show new spirit to soul in life 

Light will open world on each step which start new knowledge to chapter of meaning that form new move to soul in life 

Light will open touch on each spirit which create new appeal to shine of understanding that give new step to soul in life

Light will open knowledge on each way which form new spirit to way of learning that show new path to soul in life 

Light will open strength on each dream which show new move to appeal of feeling that start new touch to soul in life 

Light will open appeal on each route which start new strength to touch of meaning that form new shine to soul in life 

Light will open dream on each step which create new knowledge to hope of thinking that give new strength to soul in life 

Light will open hope on each direction which show new thought to step of understanding that start new chapter to soul in life 

Light will open way on each concept which give new direction to route of feeling that create new knowledge to soul in life 

Light will open route on each smile which form new appeal to chapter of meaning that show new shine to soul in life 

Light will open step on each move which start new thought to spirit of learning that form new strength to soul in life 

Light will open touch on each shine which give new hope to concept of thinking that start new direction to soul in life 

Light will open thought on each step which form new light to direction of feeling that show new hope to soul in life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...