Thursday, September 30, 2021

Poem. 6145. Strength of hope begin new

                                               Strength of hope begin new

Strength of hope begin new way to thought of mind which start new appeal to soul that show new knowledge to move of life

Strength of hope begin new move to appeal of mind which form new light to touch that create new touch to move of life

Strength of hope begin new route to direction of mind which create new path to smile that start new world to move of life

Strength of hope begin new path to shine of mind which show new world to chapter that give new dream to move of life

Strength of hope begin new smile to touch of mind which give new shine to direction that show new route to move of life

Strength of hope begin new world to route of mind which start new path to concept that form new light to move of life

Strength of hope begin new feeling to step of mind which form new route to soul that start new direction to move of life

Strength of hope begin new shine to world of mind which create new spirit to world that give new appeal to move of life

Strength of hope begin new touch to shine of mind which show new way to chapter that show new light to move of life

Strength of hope begin new appeal to soul of mind which start new route to dream that form new knowledge to move of life

Strength of hope begin new path to smile of mind which form new shine to thought that create new spirit to move of life

Strength of hope begin new route to touch of mind which show new light to concept that start new appeal to move of life

Strength of hope begin new world to way of mind which create new touch to start that form new light to move of life

Strength of hope begin new chapter to soul of mind which start new thought to way that give new direction to move of life

Strength of hope begin new shine to appeal of mind which give new knowledge to smile that show new touch to move of life

Strength of hope begin new touch to direction of mind which show new route to understanding that start new route to move of life

Strength of hope begin new concept to touch of mind which start new appeal to learning that form new light to move of life

Strength of hope begin new spirit to knowledge of mind which form new light to thought that give new knowledge to move of life

Strength of hope begin new world to appeal of mind which show new knowledge to way that show new direction to move of life

Strength of hope begin new soul to chapter of mind which start new touch to spirit that form new appeal to move of life

Strength of hope begin new step to shine of mind which give new knowledge to path that show new light to move of life

Strength of hope begin new route to thought of mind which form new appeal to soul that start new route to move of life

Strength of hope begin new touch to direction of mind which create new path to step that give new knowledge to move of life

Strength of hope begin new dream to smile of mind which show new light to touch that create new appeal to move of life

Strength of hope begin new thought to start of mind which form new appeal to route that form new light to move of life

Strength of hope begin new shine to soul of mind which give new direction to world that create new step to move of life

Strength of hope begin new touch to spirit of mind which start new thought to route that show new soul to move of life

Strength of hope begin new direction to step of mind which create new path to shine that give new touch to move of life

Strength of hope begin new world to path of mind which show new route to knowledge that start new smile to move of life

Strength of hope begin new thought to step of mind which form new light to direction that create new soul to move of life

Strength of hope begin new appeal to start of mind which give new route to chapter that form new step to move of life

Strength of hope begin new concept to way of mind which start new light to soul that show new route to move of life

Strength of hope begin new chapter to soul of mind which form new shine to path that create new touch to move of life

Strength of hope begin new route to direction of mind which create new step to spirit that give new light to move of life

Strength of hope begin new path to touch of mind which show new knowledge to start that form new appeal to move of life

Strength of hope begin new direction to way of mind which form new smile to dream that start new route to move of life

Strength of hope begin new touch to shine of mind which give new direction to path that create new shine to move of life

Strength of hope begin new start to concept of mind which create new shine to route that show new direction to move of life

Strength of hope begin new soul to chapter of mind which show new knowledge to way that form new appeal to move of life

Strength of hope begin new route to smile of mind which start new direction to spirit that give new knowledge to move of life.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Poem. 6144. Move of dream show new

                                                      Move of dream show new

Move of dream show new touch to spirit of mind which start new world to path of thinking that open new route to mind

Move of dream show new soul to thought of mind which form new appeal to way of learning that open new smile to mind

Move of dream show new appeal to soul of mind which create new shine to direction of meaning that open new way to mind

Move of dream show new strength to touch of mind which give new touch to touch of feeling that open new path to mind

Move of dream show new thought to light of mind which form new spirit to soul of understanding that open new route to mind

Move of dream show new knowledge to way of mind which create new word to appeal of learning that open new hope to mind

Move of dream show new direction to step of mind which start new chapter to strength of meaning that open new world to mind

Move of dream show new shine to touch of mind which give new knowledge to way of thinking that open new soul to mind

Move of dream show new direction to start of mind which create new touch to soul of meaning that open new shine to mind

Move of dream show new appeal to route of mind which form new spirit to thought of feeling that open new touch to mind

Move of dream show new hope to strength of mind which start new direction to path of learning that open new soul to mind

Move of dream show new path to knowledge of mind which give new thought to route of thinking that open new step to mind

Move of dream show new soul to direction of mind which create new step to concept of meaning that open new way to mind

Move of dream show new step to chapter of mind which form new appeal to touch of feeling that open new direction to mind

Move of dream show new start to concept of mind which give new knowledge to path of thinking that open new touch to mind

Move of dream show new spirit to strength of mind which start new touch to soul of learning that open new appeal to mind

Move of dream show new path to appeal of mind which create new route to light of understanding that open new direction to mind

Move of dream show new route to direction of mind which give new step to concept of feeling that open new shine to mind

Move of dream show new world to concept of mind which form new path to direction of meaning that open new start to mind

Move of dream show new appeal to path of mind which create new route to chapter of learning that open new soul to mind

Move of dream show new smile to shine of mind which start new touch to spirit of thinking that open new touch to mind

Move of dream show new step to route of mind which give new direction to path of meaning that open new appeal to mind

Move of dream show new light to appeal of mind which form new strength to soul of feeling that open new shine to mind

Move of dream show new soul to thought of mind which start new route to smile of learning that open new spirit to mind

Move of dream show new touch to way of mind which create new direction to route of meaning that open new appeal to mind

Move of dream show new shine to route of mind which form new chapter to world of thinking that open new concept to mind

Move of dream show new way to direction of mind which give new knowledge to path of feeling that open new touch to mind

Move of dream show new spirit to strength of mind which start new direction to soul of meaning that open new appeal to mind

Move of dream show new route to chapter of mind which form new light to step of learning that open new direction to mind

Move of dream show new strength to touch of mind which create new way to soul of thinking that open new world to mind

Move of dream show new appeal to path of mind which start new direction to step of  meaning that open new touch to mind

Move of dream show new thought to way of mind which give new knowledge to route of learning that open new direction to mind

Move of dream show new touch to start of mind which form new strength to spirit of feeling that open new appeal to mind

Move of dream show new shine to route of mind which create new touch to path of thinking that open new strength to mind

Move of dream show new spirit to world of mind which start new direction to route of meaning that open new path to mind

Move of dream show new word to chapter of mind which form new strength to hope of learning that open new appeal to mind

Move of dream show new route to concept of mind which give new appeal to way of feeling that open new spirit to mind

Move of dream show new thought to soul of mind which start new direction to soul of thinking that open new touch to mind

Move of dream show new appeal to step of mind which create new path to shine of meaning that open new smile to mind

Move of dream show new knowledge to path of mind which give new route to way of learning that open new spirit to mind.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Poem. 6143. Soul search for happiness which

                                            Soul search for happiness which 

Soul search for happiness which start as way to find light that show new thought to hope of mind that bring new light

Soul search for happiness which form as route to create world that give new path to shine of mind that show new light

Soul search for happiness which create as step to give chapter that form new appeal to step of mind that start new light

Soul search for happiness which give as smile to show concept that start new direction to route of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which show as spirit to form direction that give new strength to move of mind that create new light

Soul search for happiness which form new appeal to start strength that create new path to touch of mind that give new light

Soul search for happiness which start new knowledge to give appeal that show new step to route of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which give new thought to form touch that start new direction to appeal of mind that show new light

Soul search for happiness which create new path to show shine that form new dream to thought of mind that give new light

Soul search for happiness which form new strength to start route that create new path to concept of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which show new knowledge to give way that start new strength to move of mind that give new light

Soul search for happiness which start new direction to form chapter that give new route to hope of mind that show new light

Soul search for happiness which give new thought to show concept that form new path to shine of mind that start new light

Soul search for happiness which create new appeal to start knowledge that show new way to spirit of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which form new spirit to show dream that give new knowledge to move of mind that create new light

Soul search for happiness which show new strength to give touch that start new appeal to path of mind that show new light

Soul search for happiness which give new knowledge to show path that form new route to way of mind that start new light

Soul search for happiness which start new touch to create route that create new step to world of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which form new path to give direction that show new start to chapter of mind that create new light

Soul search for happiness which give new appeal to show knowledge that create new way to smile of mind that start new light

Soul search for happiness which create new direction to start appeal that form new spirit to concept of mind that show new light

Soul search for happiness which show new knowledge to form touch that give new appeal to touch of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which create new strength to give route that show new knowledge to path of mind that start new light

Soul search for happiness which form new appeal to show direction that start new touch to world of mind that give new light

Soul search for happiness which give new thought to create appeal that create new route to step of mind that show new light

Soul search for happiness which start new direction to give touch that form new strength to path of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which create new touch to start world that give new direction to move of mind that start new light

Soul search for happiness which form new chapter to show path that start new knowledge to route of mind that give new light

Soul search for happiness which show new concept to give shine that form new appeal to touch of mind that show new light

Soul search for happiness which start new knowledge to create path that give new shine to move of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which form new appeal to show touch that create new step to hope of mind that show new light

Soul search for happiness which give new strength to create way that form new appeal to start of mind that give new light

Soul search for happiness which create new shine to form step that show new knowledge to path of mind that start new light

Soul search for happiness which start new touch to give route that create new touch to direction of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which show new knowledge to start way that give new path to concept of mind that create new light

Soul search for happiness which form new thought to form direction that start new route to chapter of mind that give new light

Soul search for happiness which give new direction to create dream that form new step to concept of mind that start new light

Soul search for happiness which create new route to show hope that give new direction to spirit of mind that form new light

Soul search for happiness which start new touch to give strength that create new appeal to path of mind that create new light

Soul search for happiness which show new path to start knowledge that form new spirit to chapter of mind that show new light.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Poem. 6142. One wonderful sound open

                                               One wonderful sound open 

One wonderful sound open dream in life which start new thought to route that form new appeal to path of mind

One wonderful sound open shine in life which form new knowledge to touch that give new light to path of mind

One wonderful sound open move in life which show new strength to chapter that create new route to path of mind

One wonderful sound open start in life which create new appeal to shine that show new touch to path of mind

One wonderful sound open chapter in life which give new light to feeling that start new direction to path of mind

One wonderful sound open concept in life which form new way to soul that form new knowledge to path of mind

One wonderful sound open appeal in life which start new route to move that create new touch to path of mind

One wonderful sound open strength in life which create new step to concept that form new shine to path of mind

One wonderful sound open touch in life which show new knowledge to way that start new light to path of mind

One wonderful sound open spirit in life which start new direction to dream that create new route to path of mind

One wonderful sound open move in life which form new strength to path that show new spirit to path of mind

One wonderful sound open soul in life which create new appeal to chapter that form new touch to path of mind

One wonderful sound open route in life which give new touch to dream that start new direction to path of mind

One wonderful sound open spirit in life which show new light to shine that give new knowledge to path of mind

One wonderful sound open touch in life which form new thought to start that create new appeal to path of mind

One wonderful sound open move in life which start new route to concept that form new hope to path of mind

One wonderful sound open step in life which create new step to chapter that show new world to path of mind

One wonderful sound open route in life which give new touch to direction that create new move to path of mind

One wonderful sound open way in life which show new dream to strength that give new light to path of mind

One wonderful sound open move in life which form new route to appeal that start new world to path of mind

One wonderful sound open feel in life which start new shine to concept that create new word to path of mind

One wonderful sound open start in life which create new thought to step that form new move to path of mind

One wonderful sound open world in life which give new direction to start that show new touch to path of mind

One wonderful sound open chapter in life which form new strength to light that create new hope to path of mind

One wonderful sound open concept in life which start new appeal to world that give new spirit to path of mind

One wonderful sound open direction in life which give new route to concept that form new soul to path of mind

One wonderful sound open appeal in life which show new dream to knowledge that start new world to path of mind

One wonderful sound open chapter in life which form new touch to strength that show new touch to path of mind

One wonderful sound open smile in life which create new path to concept that form new appeal to path of mind

One wonderful sound open way in life which start new move to direction that give new light to path of mind

One wonderful sound open soul in life which form new appeal to dream that create new shine to path of mind

One wonderful sound open step in life which show new route to chapter that give new move to path of mind

One wonderful sound open start in life which create new move to concept that form new appeal to path of mind

One wonderful sound open hope in life which start new world to direction that show new touch to path of mind

One wonderful sound open touch in life which give new spirit to touch that create new world to path of mind

One wonderful sound open appeal in life which show new way to route that start new chapter to path of mind

One wonderful sound open shine in life which create new start to chapter that form new light to path of mind

One wonderful sound open direction in life which form new world to touch that give new soul to path of mind

One wonderful sound open strength in life which give new concept to soul that create new spirit to path of mind

One wonderful sound open knowledge in life which start new appeal to step that show new way to path of mind.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Poem. 6141. World of shine show new

                                             World of shine show new

World of shine show new touch to mind which start new direction to move of learning that form new light to step in mind

World of shine show new dream to mind which form new strength to path of meaning that give new soul to step in mind

World of shine show new path to mind which create new appeal to soul of feeling that start new touch to step in mind

World of shine show new spirit to mind which give new hope to word of understanding that create new hope to step in mind

World of shine show new soul to mind which start new touch to start of thinking that give new knowledge to step of mind

World of shine show new move to mind which create new path to route of learning that show new light to step of mind

World of shine show new way to mind which form new spirit to smile of meaning that form new appeal to step of mind

World of shine show new touch to mind which give new knowledge to move of feeling that start new way to step of mind

World of shine show new chapter to mind which create new appeal to path of learning that give new light to step of mind

World of shine show new spirit to mind which start new direction to start of thinking that create new path to step of mind

World of shine show new world to mind which form new thought to spirit of understanding that form new soul to step of mind

World of shine show new appeal to mind which create new touch to soul of meaning that start new direction to step of mind

World of shine show new touch to mind which give new light to chapter of feeling that form new knowledge to step of mind

World of shine show new soul to mind which start new start to direction of learning that create new route to step of mind

World of shine show new thought to mind which create new soul to touch of meaning that give new light to step of mind

World of shine show new concept to mind which form new route to strength of thinking that start new route to step of mind

World of shine show new chapter to mind which give new smile to thought of feeling that create new appeal to step of mind

World of shine show new start to mind which create new path to dream of understanding that form new light to step of mind

World of shine show new route to mind which start new hope to knowledge of learning that show new strength to step of mind

World of shine show new strength to mind which form new soul to direction of meaning that start new direction to step of mind

World of shine show new concept to mind which give new start to chapter of thinking that create new touch to step of mind

World of shine show new knowledge to mind which create new spirit to touch of understanding that form new path to step of mind

World of shine show new direction to mind which start new hope to thought of learning that give new smile to step of mind

World of shine show new chapter to mind which give new route to hope of thinking that form new light to step of mind

World of shine show new strength to mind which form new path to soul of meaning that start new route to step of mind

World of shine show new appeal to mind which create new world to start of learning that give new spirit to step of mind

World of shine show new touch to mind which start new direction to route of understanding that create new way to step of mind

World of shine show new move to mind which give new knowledge to way of feeling that form new appeal to step of mind

World of shine show new route to mind which create new touch to move of meaning that give new chapter to step of mind

World of shine show new way to mind which form new appeal to soul of learning that start new direction to step of mind

World of shine show new spirit to mind which start new direction to way of thinking that create new soul to step of mind

World of shine show new light to mind which create new strength to move of understanding that form new way to step of mind

World of shine show new route to mind which form new chapter to soul of feeling that start new direction to step of mind

World of shine show new path to mind which give new concept to route to meaning that create new soul to step of mind

World of shine show new spirit to mind which start new touch to move to learning that form new appeal to step of mind

World of shine show new soul to mind which create new start to direction to thinking that give new route to step of mind

World of shine show new start to mind which form new thought to move to feeling that show new light to step of mind

World of shine show new route to mind which give new light to route to understanding that start new path to step of mind

World of shine show new touch to mind which start new smile to soul to meaning that form new soul to step of mind

World of shine show new direction to mind which create new path to start to learning that give new touch to step of mind.  

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Adventure story. 520. Priya's marriage

                                                        Priya's marriage

Priya was so happy. She was getting ready upstairs while on downstairs her parents were fixing her marriage with boy. She never saw him before. But she liked him on first sight. He was handsome & well educated. She had already checked his financial background which was great. She was happy. She knew that soon she would loaded with jewellery & clothes. She wanted to show it off to entire world. She was going to be a rich wife. She knew that her many friends considered her as low due to her less financial background. Actually she belonged to upper middle class. But those girls were rich, wealthy & famous. Many times she felt jealousy towards them. But she knew that it was not their crime. In fact she had few good friends. She tried to say it but it was meaningless. She didn't have any friend. She was just burden for them. Whenever it came to share bench she had no one. She didn't have any one who would say happy birthday to her. She was invited to birthday parties but she didn't go since no one was going to come to her birthday party. They all always forget it. She decided to print invitation one day. She distributed them. But sadly before her birthday party a rich girl invited all. They all went there. Then they kept complaining about her party. They wanted all those luxuries which were impossible for her parents. She felt so sad. But she kept smiling. Now this time her parents arranged all. During entire life they just saved for her marriage & career. She wanted to get married after graduation so they searched this boy. They used their entire savings so they could fulfil her dreams. She could marry this boy since they saved every rupee for her. She was getting ready. She never wanted to use their entire money. But she didn't have much option. Her parents wanted to wed her in rich family. She knew that it was must. Her elder cousin got married to rich & famous boy. On that wedding her parents made commitment to all that they would give same sort of lavish wedding for their daughter. Now it was must. They all wanted her to find some rich boy. It seemed that they found one. She got ready & came down. Tushar was sitting on sofa. Tushar was nice looking boy. She didn't want to concentrate on looks but she liked his looks. She gave him sweet smile. She was hoping that he would return. But soon she sensed that he was watching something in mobile. It was clear that some one was sending him text. She looked towards him with shock. He came to talk with her. But he didn't seem much concerned about her. She was expecting something else & she got totally different thing. She was so confused. She didn't understand why did her life was not moving the way she planned. Tushar agreed to meet her. She didn't feel any confusion in it but now he was avoiding her. She didn't understand if he was not interested in marrying her why did he came here. Then his parents suggested that they should go in other room. He agreed. She went there. He sat on one sofa. She sat on sofa opposite to him. She felt so shy that she didn't understand what she wanted to say. She just kept watching towards him. He smiled then he began to talk " So what do you plan to do in future?" She was so confused. She didn't plan much. She was planning to get married then she would do cooking & other things. " I was planning to become housewife.." " Come on. I have maids for it. I want you to join my business." She immediately nodded. He took deep breath. " Frankly you don't seem smart enough but I have no option." She looked shocked. She didn't understand how to control her tears. She started to find some excuse to run away from that place. On that point her Mom called her. Her mother-in-law was showing some saree for bride. Clearly they began to decide all. She sensed that she needed to stop them. She couldn't marry him. He was so odd. She knew that he was rich & smart. For other girls he might be perfect. Actually she began to feel that she was not perfect for him. She was so stressed. He wanted a perfect girl. She was not that perfect. He wanted to her to study & do career. She was not interested in it. She knew that many girls did have plans for career. In fact she was only one who was not interested in career. It was so important to all girls. She was feeling so upset. She didn't understand what was she going to say. She just smiled. She nodded for saree which was selected. She selected costly jewellery. She sensed that everything was fine except one thing. Her future husband didn't love her. She didn't understand what she could do. She knew that they all would just ask her to adjust. She knew that she needed to adjust. She started to asking about business. Her mother-in-law smiled " They are perfect couple. He wanted wife who took interest in his business & she is interested in it." Her Mom looked shocked. Mom knew that she was not interested. It was confusing. But her Mom just smiled. Her Mom couldn't say it before all. After all she showed interest in business. She didn't understand when she started to do what Tushar wanted. It was against her wishes. But she knew that she needed to earn to run family. She started to understand that her idea that she could become housewife was wrong. She smiled & nodded. Tushar looked happy too. They decided that next day she would go to his office. She smiled happily. She wanted it. She kept telling herself. She sensed that her concept of becoming housewife was totally wrong. She smiled happily. She decided to go for. She told her Mom “ I needed to concentrate on career too. What is use of just sitting in house?” Her Mom who was housewife looked hurt. But her Dad jumped with joy. Dad “ Yes you are so right? You need to work. It is useless to just sit in house.” She smiled. She felt that she needed to change her lifestyle. She went back in her room. She was feeling sick in stomach. She sensed that she ate too much in excitement. She began to relax. She tried to calm herself. Her Mom came in room. She smiled towards Mom. “ Sorry. I value your dedication!” Mom smiled. Mom “ I don’t mind if you say anything to me but are you happy with him?” She nodded. She smiled happily. She was confident that she was doing what she wanted.

    Priya got ready next day in nice dress. She thought so much. Finally she decided one dress. She felt it was perfect. She came down. Tushar looked towards her with shock. Tushar “ I explained you that we work with international company.” She nodded. “ Then why you needed to wear this? Shift you something western?” She was so confused. She didn’t have western clothes that much. She looked nervous. He asked “ What happened? You don’t have dress.” She nodded. “ Great!” he said happily. “ I will show you one.” She smiled happily. They went for shopping. She wore dress he suggested. It was bold & mini but she didn’t mind it. She went to office with him. She began to talk. He started to object her every word. He kept saying her pronunciation was wrong. She needed to keep quiet. She agreed. But she started to feel so odd. She began to get inferiority complex. She knew that her English was not so great. But she needed to try. She tried hard to adjust but she couldn’t. That entire day was horrible. She kept sensing every one was laughing on her. She tried her best to look normal. But finally after one hour he said “ This is impossible for you. Forget it. Go home.” She said “ Let me try.” Tears were started welling in her eyes. He said angrily “ Don’t start drama! People would think I abused you. Do you cry every time like that?!” She tried to pretend that she was not crying but she knew that it was too late. She tried to smile & pretend. She said “ I am not crying. I tried different make up for eyes & it is irritating my eyes.” He looked towards her with doubt then he said “ Fine. Just go home. You are useless any way..” she nodded & ran out of office. While going out she managed to lose balance on steps, she fall on her face. She didn’t want to scream but she did. Soon her entire dress was damaged. She sensed that her dress was damaged. She knew that her body was more exposed. She began to feel so nervous. She just ran towards car & sat in it. Driver looked towards her but said nothing. Then she slowly started searching for mirror in purse. But her face was already wounded wherever she touched mark of her blood was developing. She was damaging costly car of Tushar. She was so upset. When she reached to home, her Dad screamed on her “ What are you wearing.” She started to cry. Her Mom came out running. Her Mom noticed blood immediately. She shivered with pain & fear. Her Mom took her in arms. She was so confused. She started to feel so scared. She didn’t feel so safe. She knew her Dad was still talking about her dress. His concern was just her dress. First Tushar insisted it. Now her Dad was abusing her. She said slowly “ Tushar told me...” her Dad screamed “ Go & change it first. Shameless girl!” She ran inside room. Her Mom started going after her. Her Dad kept abusing her. She cried so much. Her Mom started consoling her. Mom “ It’s alright.” She stood before mirror. She was so shocked. She sensed one thing. She couldn’t wear that dress again. She shifted in normal dress. She changed her clothes. Her Mom started discussing different things. She slowly began to relax. On that point her Mobile rang. She saw Tushar’s number. She began to feel so sick. She ran to washroom. She started to vomit. She began to feel so uneasy. She needed to breath peacefully. She started to sense that she had eaten something wrong. It might be food poisoning. She was so tense. She began to think hopefully about every thing. But she couldn’t. She went outside & told Mom that she needed to go to Doctor. She needed one appointment. She was so upset. She didn’t want to vomit again. Her Mom immediately got ready. She also changed in decent dress. She was so happy. She wanted to feel happy. She was so obsessed with her sorrows. She began to think her life was totally damaged. She started to think different way to calm herself. Finally she came out. She went with Mom to Doctor. She waited. She was feeling so uneasy. She kept feeling that she might vomit again. She was controlling so hard. It was horrible day for her. She didn’t understand what happened to her. Finally her number came. She told her symptoms to Doctor. Doctor checked her & declared that it was just acidity. She was so shocked. She couldn’t understand why she suddenly began to suffer from acidity. She never had symptoms so strong. She took medicine & went home. When she came back, Tushar’s parents were sitting in house. Her Dad pointed toward her. “ Here she is?” Her mother-in-law gave sweet  smile. She wanted to show her affection towards Priya but it was not working. Priya could hear fake tone in her voice “ We heard you fall on stairs! Are you hurt?” She was so shocked. Soon she sensed entire office must had seen her. She didn’t say anything. Her mother-in-law said “ Tushar shouldn’t insist you to wear those clothes...” her Dad interfered. “ It was not his mistake. Other girls wear it but it doesn’t suit her. You can see her.” She looked towards herself. She didn’t understand what was wrong with her. If she had few extra pounds then other girls had them too. It was so confusing. She was feeling so sad. Her Dad blamed on her. She tried to hide her tears. Her Mother-in-law added “ She is little plump but so what? Many overweight girls were clothes like that. She just needed practice..” she nodded happily. It was so sad. She knew that she was fat but still it was okay. She sensed that she needed to reduce her weight. Then her mother-in-law smiled & said “ I came to give you invitation. We kept small dance function in our house for my cousin’s daughter. Come to it.. “ She nodded. She didn’t dare to say she couldn’t dance. It would be her another failure. But she decided to reduce her weight any way. She knew that she could manage it soon. She wanted to remain perfect. She wanted to feel happy. She knew that if she managed it then Tushar would start to like her. She decided to go for diet from that day. She smiled at that thought. She took invitation with shyness. Then she touched feet of her in-laws & immediately went inside home. She was so happy.

    Priya began to feel so sick in her stomach. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. She was okay until now. She started searching for some wonderful dress. She began to get so tense. She had many traditional dresses. She was so happy. She arranged every thing properly. She started to arrange all ornaments. Her Mom came in. Mom “ What is this?” “ My ornaments!” She didn’t understand why Mom looked so shocked. Mom “ You can’t wear artificial ornaments in this function.” She felt so confused. She wanted to wear those ornaments. But she started to feel that her Mom was right. Her Mom gave her heavy gold jewellery. She loved. She kept talking about it. Suddenly everything started to look bright again. She began to get ready. She even started to get dressed. She looked at herself in mirror. She was so happy. She kept wearing ornaments carefully. She started to get dressed & she began to feel something evil was going to happen. She started to watch around. She looked for clue. She wanted to know what was so evil about all. She knew that something evil was around. She could sense it. She turned to Mom. “Mom I feel so scared. I might need to just wear some locket of God.” Her Mom immediately nodded. Mom brought a thread & locket to wear. She felt so happy. She felt that now everything would be perfect. She took deep breath & said prayer. She was tense for entire day. Finally time came. She got ready. She was looking beautiful. She smiled. Her Mom was so happy too. She went down with confidence. Tushar was sitting on sofa. He smiled when she came down. He said “ You are looking pretty.” She said “ Thanks.” But she sensed that he didn’t fall in love with her. He was not so attracted. He called driver. Then they went to avenue. All of them started looking towards her with admiration. She smiled nicely. But she forgot to touch feet of elders. Immediately one man said “ Doesn’t she touch feet of elders? It show culture.” Her parents joined them in next car. Her Dad came inside on that time & said “ Well we use to act well mannered in our younger days. But now in these cities girls start to lose culture & mothers forgot to teach..” she immediately started touching feet. She didn’t know much about them. She felt that she needed to touch feet of every elder. She was so convinced that she touched feet of one modern woman who screamed “ What are you doing? I am not that old! Are you blind or something?” Everyone started laughing. Tushar was upset again. He was feeling so tense. Another man said to that lady “ Come on you are old enough.” That lady screamed “ Shut up..” & went out of avenue in anger. She sensed that she did big blunder. She didn’t understand what she supposed to do. She felt so nervous. She sat in corner after it. Tushar gave her angry look. “ You are such burden.” She wanted to tell him that she didn’t dance but she didn’t dare. She just sat in corner. Then time of dance came. They forced her to start to dance first. She started dancing. From beginning she sensed that steps were complicated. She tried hard but her feet fall on Tushar’s feet. He screamed from pain. Tushar “ You are good for nothing. You can neither dance nor wear modern clothes! You are just burden!” Entire guests from party started to observe them with shock. She began to cry. She ran out. She went out of hall. She ran out without thinking where she was going. Her Mom tried to run after her. But she was so fast. She was about to fall when a man took hold of her  shoulder. He smiled & said “ Sister you must not run like that you will fall. Your Mom is also running after you. It is not safe. I  can understand you have big trouble but keep faith on yourself & understand it will vanish.” She looked towards him. He was nice decent person. Suddenly she began to sense that she was going in wrong way. She didn’t sense that she ran too far. It was too risky. People were watching her. Another woman came to help her too. Her Mom joined them. She looked around. She felt ashamed when crowd in Avenue was watching her but this crowd was different. Some of them were rich & some of them were poor but they were concerned. One shopkeeper bought glass of water for her. She drank it. She felt so happy. She decided to go back. But when she reached to Avenue once again everything was changed. Tushar was giving angry look to her. She started to feel sick. She went to washroom & she vomited. She began to feel so sick. She started to feel she would faint. She turned to her Mom who was standing with her like supporting pole. “ Mom I can’t marry him. We are not suitable for each other..” her Mom nodded. But then her Mom said  “ But we invested so much..” “ Mom?” “ Honey we planned all. Your Dad even took loan for marriage! We can’t waste it all. That man gave loan just for Tushar.” She was so sad. She wanted to argue but she knew that she didn’t have much option. All knew about this marriage so they would react. She didn’t find any way to get out of this marriage. She once again smiled. She prepared to dance again. She smiled & she was ready again. She went out with full confidence to dance. But this time Tushar didn’t asked her to dance. Still few people suggested her to dance so she danced with one Uncle who was just like her father. She danced perfectly. She sensed that she could learn. She found hope again. She felt that now she could please Tushar again. She needed to get married to him. She had no option. She was so sure that everything would be fine. That Uncle convinced it to her. When she went back Tushar even smiled towards her in nice way. She felt that it would be “ Yes”. She went back home. But she suddenly developed high fever. Her Mom was so shocked. They called Doctor. Doctor gave her medicine to reduce it. But Doctor didn’t understand it’s cause.

  Slowly Priya began to get sick again & again. Tushar started to avoid her with that excuse. Doctor suggested many tests. Nothing worked. Finally psychiatrist was recommended. Her parents were so upset at this suggestion that they changed Doctor. But soon they sensed that they had no option. Tushar managed to convince all that Priya had some sickness. So her marriage became impossible dream. But soon she started to shiver even at thought of marriage. It was so confusing. But any way no one was interested in marrying her. Her Dad started to get upset. He started to feel sick. She began to feel that she was cause of it. It started getting so worst that one day finally she decided to go to psychiatrist. She began to feel her Dad die due to heart attack if her sickness didn’t stop. Finally she got appointment & went there. She was so tense. Then she told everything. Doctor explained her that she was getting psychogenic fever due to stress. He explained that it was common in depression. Psychiatrist calmed her mind. She began to feel relaxed. When she went home, she began to plan life without marriage. She put all money saved for marriage in proper investments. She soon sensed that with them she could easily live her life. Her expenses were limited too. She started doing those things which she liked. She convinced this to her parents too. When she started living happily, they accepted her decision too. One day finally her Mom asked “ So you will not get marry?” She smiled & said “ I will marry only when I will fall in love.” Her Mom nodded. Slowly Priya’s sickness vanished & she started living normal life.

                                                                   The End 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Poem. 6140. Path open way to dream

                                                    Path open way to dream 

Path open way to dream give new light to life which form new knowledge to step of thought that start new direction to mind

Path open way to dream start new move to life which show new appeal to soul of chapter that create new thought to mind

Path open way to dream form new appeal to life which create new touch to way of concept that give new knowledge to mind

Path open way to dream create new touch to life which start new chapter to soul of soul that form new strength to mind

Path open way to dream show new chapter to life which give new world to shine of move that create new touch to mind

Path open way to dream give new direction to life which form new light to soul of path that show new route to mind

Path open way to dream form new strength to life which create new route to step of world that start new direction to mind

Path open way to dream start new thought to life which show new appeal to spirit of chapter that form new strength to mind

Path open way to dream create new move to life which give new knowledge to start of concept that show new spirit to mind

Path open way to dream show new soul to life which start new direction to route of direction that form new hope to mind

Path open way to dream form new step to life which create new touch to concept of shine that give new route to mind

Path open way to dream give new direction to life which show new path to soul of appeal that start new shine to mind

Path open way to dream start new chapter to life which form new light to hope of thought that create new world to mind

Path open way to dream create new concept to life which give new soul to route of spirit that form new direction to mind

Path open way to dream form new strength to life which start new direction to world of step that show new route to mind

Path open way to dream show new appeal to life which create new touch to direction of route that create new move to mind

Path open way to dream start new knowledge to life which form new step to smile of thought that give new touch to mind

Path open way to dream give new thought to life which show new shine to strength of soul that form new spirit to mind

Path open way to dream create new dream to life which form new thought to step of world that start new touch to mind

Path open way to dream form new hope to life which give new knowledge to start of route that create new world to mind

Path open way to dream start new shine to life which create new direction to move of spirit that form new shine to mind

Path open way to dream give new thought to life which show new light to concept of touch that show new light to mind

Path open way to dream show new touch to life which form new appeal to chapter of soul that start new direction to mind

Path open way to dream create new step of life which give new direction to touch of route that form new spirit to mind

Path open way to dream form new concept of life which start new light to appeal of move that create new soul to mind

Path open way to dream start new strength of life which create new step to concept of soul that show new light to mind

Path open way to dream show new direction of life which give new thought to light of hope that form new route to mind

Path open way to dream create new touch of life which form new knowledge to world of smile that start new spirit to mind

Path open way to dream start new appeal of life which create new strength to chapter of move that show new shine to mind

Path open way to dream form new thought of life which start new direction to route of appeal that form new strength to mind

Path open way to dream show new shine of life which give new knowledge to soul of touch that start new direction to mind

Path open way to dream give new touch of life which show new thought to step of chapter that give new morning to mind

Path open way to dream create new spirit of life which start new touch to world of smile that form new knowledge to mind

Path open way to dream form new move of life which create new hope to concept of route that create new step to mind

Path open way to dream start new soul of life which give new spirit to direction of move that form new light to mind

Path open way to dream create new step of life which start new route to shine of spirit that give new soul to mind

Path open way to dream show new touch of life which give new move to appeal of touch that start new spirit to mind

Path open way to dream form new thought of life which create new spirit to chapter of soul that form new touch to mind

Path open way to dream give new knowledge of life which start new route to hope of shine that show new shine to mind

Path open way to dream show new direction of life which form new concept to spirit of touch that give new appeal to mind.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Poem. 6139. Dream that form feeling give new

                                         Dream that form feeling give new

Dream that form feeling give new world that show new appeal to thought of life that form new knowledge to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new appeal that start new light to route of life that create new strength to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new chapter that form new dream to hope of life that show new thought to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new concept that create new start to dream of life that start new appeal to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new strength that show new route to world of life that form new understanding to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new hope that start new direction to thought of life that show new light to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new path that form new strength to touch of life that create new appeal to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new shine that create new thought to path of life that form new strength to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new step that show new knowledge to world of life that start new path to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new hope that start new direction to dream of life that create new soul to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new touch that create new hope to light of life that show new knowledge to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new spirit that form new appeal to touch of life that create new touch to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new direction that show new knowledge to appeal of life that form new light to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new strength that start new spirit to touch of life that give new shine to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new appeal that give new soul to route of life that create new route to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new shine that create new step to smile of life that show new light to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new path that start new appeal to shine of life that start new step to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new step that show new knowledge to spirit of life that form new touch to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new route that start new strength to soul of life that create new path to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new spirit that create new touch to step of life that show new spirit to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new hope that show new path to chapter of life that form new appeal to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new path that give new light to direction of life that create new smile to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new soul that start new shine to strength of life that show new route to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new chapter that create new smile to thought of life that start new soul to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new strength that show new soul to direction of life that create new step to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new appeal that start new route to hope of life that show new light to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new touch that create new path to spirit of life that form new appeal to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new direction that show new light to route of life that start new soul to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new thought that create new step to shine of life that show new step to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new knowledge that start new spirit to soul of life that create new touch to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new touch that show new shine to step of life that start new light to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new path that create new spirit to world of life that form new path to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new soul that start new direction to soul of life that create new route to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new step that show new knowledge to route of life that start new soul to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new spirit that create new appeal to hope of life that form new light to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new world that start new light to thought of life that show new route to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new chapter that show new path to chapter of life that create new spirit to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new concept that create new step to concept of life that start new route to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new direction that start new route to strength of life that form new light to way of move

Dream that form feeling give new route that show new smile to thought of life that create new path to way of move.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...