Monday, August 31, 2020

Poem. 5420. That picture which have feeling hidden inside

                                      That picture which have feeling hidden inside
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those steps are showing new routes of mind which give new direction to thought of life that create new world to learning of soul that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those starts are giving new appeals of mind which create new route to chapter of life that show new direction to thinking of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are creating new chapters of mind which show new path to concept of life that form new appeal to meaning of way that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those words are showing new directions of mind which start new chapter to touch of life that show new start to learning of path that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are giving new strength of mind which show new concept to thought of life that create new appeal to feeling of route that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those paths are creating new appeal of mind which give new knowledge to start of life that show new direction to thinking of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those ways are showing new touch of mind which create new appeal to step of life that give new strength to meaning of route that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are giving new shine of mind which show new direction to start of life that create new appeal to learning of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those steps are thinking new hope of mind which give new dream to thought of life that show new direction to meaning of soul that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those routes are creating new path of mind which show new start to chapter of life that give new strength to thinking of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those ways are showing new soul of mind which create new path to concept of life that start new appeal to meaning of route that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are creating new dream of mind which show new touch to direction of life that give new concept to learning of route that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those paths are thinking new shine of mind which give new knowledge to touch of life that create new touch to feeling of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those starts are meaning new path of mind which create new shine to thought of life that show new step to understanding of way that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those words are showing new route of mind which show new spirit to appeal of life that give new direction to meaning of route that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are giving new chapter of mind which give new direction to touch of life that create new spirit to learning of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those paths are creating new concept of mind which show new strength to path of life that start new route to thinking of spirit that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those steps are thinking new way of mind which start new chapter to touch of life that form new appeal to meaning of route that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are learning new route of mind which give new direction to appeal of life that show new thought to understanding of path that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those starts are creating new move of mind which show new thought to touch of life that create new knowledge to meaning of route that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are showing new appeal of mind which create new direction to shine of life that give new strength to learning of touch that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those starts are creating new concept of mind which give new knowledge to way of life that show new direction to thinking of spirit that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those routes are giving new chapter of mind which show new strength to route of life that give new appeal to meaning of soul that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are showing new touch of mind which create new appeal to world of life that show new direction to learning of way that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those paths are creating new shine of mind which give new direction to touch of life that create new strength to feeling of path that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those ways are giving new chapter of mind which start new concept to route of life that show new appeal to meaning of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are showing new touch of mind which show new direction to way of life that give new knowledge to feeling of step that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those paths are creating new concept of mind which give new strength to start of life that create new appeal to learning of route that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those ways are giving new appeal of mind which show new direction to touch of life that give new touch to meaning of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those routes are showing new path of mind which create new strength to concept of life that show new way to thinking of path that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those chapters are creating new route of mind which show new direction to start of life that give new touch to learning of way that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those touches are giving new concept of mind which give new knowledge to way of life that create new route to meaning of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those starts are thinking new hope of mind which show new dream to understanding of life that show new path to thinking of path that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those steps are meaning new route of mind which create new path to learning of life that give new knowledge to feeling of move that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those routes are learning new word of mind which give new direction to meaning of life that create new path to thinking of way that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are thinking new shine of mind which start new thought to learning of life that show new touch to meaning of soul that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those starts are learning new route of mind which show new chapter to meaning of life that create new soul to thinking of step that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those paths are meaning new world of mind which give new appeal to thinking of life that show new concept to learning of start that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those moves are thinking new touch of mind which show new direction to learning of life that show new chapter to meaning of way that give light
That picture which have feeling hidden inside those steps are learning new route of mind which create new appeal to meaning of life that create new start to understanding of path that give light.

Poem. 5419. Direction of soul which show

                                                         Direction of soul which show
Direction of soul which show new shine start from thinking which give light to thought of mind that start on every step of concept give new step to feeling of mind which show new way of life
Direction of soul which show new route start from learning which create path to concept of mind that form on every route of smile create new way to path of mind which give new light of life
Direction of soul which show new chapter start from meaning which show touch to route of mind that give on every spirit of hope show new dream to soul of mind which give new soul of life
Direction of soul which show new concept start from feeling which give thought to step of mind that show on every move of touch give new way to thought of mind which give new path of life
Direction of soul which show new strength start from learning which create chapter to start of mind that form on every way of path show new step to touch of mind which give new route of life
Direction of soul which show new appeal start from meaning which show start to touch of mind that create on every start of move give new word to chapter of mind which give new move of life
Direction of soul which show new thought start from concept which give route to strength of mind that give on every spirit of chapter create new path to strength of mind which give new step of life
Direction of soul which show new feel start from knowledge which show touch to thought of mind that show on every step of concept start new thought to shine of mind which give new start of life
Direction of soul which show new move start from strength which create route to appeal of mind that give on every start of touch create new appeal to step of mind which give new way of life
Direction of soul which show new path start from thought which give chapter to touch of mind that create on every route of path show new touch to start of mind which give new path of life
Direction of soul which show new move start from chapter which create thought to hope of mind that show on every chapter of start give new appeal to spirit of mind which give new word of life
Direction of soul which show new step start from concept which show touch to strength of mind that give on every concept of soul create new shine to way of mind which give new step of mind
Direction of soul which show new touch start from move which give thought to appeal of mind that create on every step of route show new hope to dream of mind which give new start of mind
Direction of soul which show new path start from shine which create touch to concept of mind that give on every start of soul form new direction to spirit of mind which give new way of mind
Direction of soul which show new route start from move which show shine to chapter of mind that create on every step of route start new strength to touch of mind which give new path of mind
Direction of soul which show new step start from spirit which create soul to direction of mind that give on every start of move show new knowledge to step of mind which give new word of mind
Direction of soul which show new touch start from move which give step to strength of mind that show on every route of soul create new appeal to touch of mind which give new start of mind
Direction of soul which show new move start from path which show route to knowledge of mind that give on every path of step show new thought to start of mind which give new way of mind
Direction of soul which show new route start from move which give soul to thought of mind that show on every touch of appeal start new chapter to route of mind which give new move of mind
Direction of soul which show new step start from path which create step to chapter of mind that give on every step of chapter begin new path to move of mind which give new word of mind
Direction of soul which show new move start from soul which show route to direction of mind that create on every way of concept start new route to way of mind which give new move of mind
Direction of soul which show new shine start from light which give strength to feeling of mind that show on every word of route create new appeal to move of mind which give new path of mind
Direction of soul which show new chapter start from route which create path to shine of mind that give on every concept of soul show new touch to shine of mind which give new world of mind
Direction of soul which show new strength start from path which show step to thought of mind that create on every step of route give new spirit to touch of mind which give new start of mind
Direction of soul which show new appeal start from thought which give route to concept of mind that show on every world of move start new path to concept of mind which give new way of mind
Direction of soul which show new touch start from start which create path to thought of mind that give on every appeal of step create new route to chapter of mind which give new move of mind
Direction of soul which show new move start from knowledge which show route to spirit of mind that create on every start of path give new touch to route of mind which give new step of mind
Direction of soul which show new soul start from strength which create concept to path of mind that give on every thought of route show new way to move of mind which give new start of mind
Direction of soul which show new touch start from appeal which give knowledge to step of mind that show on every move of step create new shine to path of mind which give new route of mind
Direction of soul which show new spirit start from chapter which create strength to touch of mind that create on every route of chapter give new appeal to start of mind which give new way of mind
Direction of soul which show new move start from touch which give route to step of mind that give on every concept of appeal create new chapter to soul of mind which give new start of mind
Direction of soul which show new world start from spirit which create path to soul of mind that show on every chapter of path show new appeal to touch of mind which give new route of mind
Direction of soul which show new concept start from way which show move to start of mind that create on every touch of chapter give new appeal to step of mind which give new way of mind
Direction of soul which show new strength start from move which give appeal to way of mind that give on every path of thought start new chapter to route of mind which give new word of mind
Direction of soul which show new appeal start from concept which show touch to move of mind that show on every way of route create new touch to path of mind which give new spirit of mind
Direction of soul which show new chapter start from strength which create shine to light of mind that give on every step of thought show new spirit to move of mind which give new start of mind
Direction of soul which show new strength start from concept which give appeal to touch of mind that start on every route of touch give new route to world of mind which give new path of mind
Direction of soul which show new appeal start from chapter which show spirit to start of mind that show on every concept of route create new word to start of mind which give new way of mind
Direction of soul which show new concept start from touch which create shine to light of mind that create on every path of step show new move to appeal of mind which give new start of mind
Direction of soul which show new spirit start from move which give appeal to touch of mind that give on every appeal of move create new step to concept of mind which give new route of mind.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Poem. 5418. Step will show new shine to

                                                    Step will show new shine to
Step will show new shine to light which show new direction to thought of mind that start from route which give new spirit to chapter of mind that create new way to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to route which give new strength to concept of mind that give from path which show new concept to touch of mind that give new direction to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to path which create new appeal to chapter of mind that create from move which give new strength to start of mind that show new concept to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to start which show new concept to touch of mind that show from route which create new appeal to thought of mind that create new direction to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to touch which give new knowledge to route of mind that start from path which give new direction to spirit of mind that show new strength to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to path which create new appeal to start of mind that create from dream which give new strength to touch of mind that start new chapter to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to move which show new touch to strength of mind that give from hope which show new appeal to route of mind that give new knowledge to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to spirit which give new concept to light of mind that show from soul which create new knowledge to start of mind that show new touch to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to appeal which create new path to touch of mind that create from move which give new direction to way of mind that give new shine to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to concept which give new route to direction of mind that give from strength which create new path to route of mind that give new move to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to chapter which create new light to strength of mind that give from knowledge which give new way to concept of mind that create new path to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to appeal which show new route to chapter of mind that show from direction which show new spirit to chapter of mind that give new route to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to strength which give new path to knowledge of mind that create from spirit which show new soul to direction of mind that create new start to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to touch which create new route to direction of mind that give from concept which give new start to strength of mind that show new path to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to soul which show new spirit to strength of mind that create from route which start new direction to knowledge of mind that give new appeal to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to start which give new soul to knowledge of mind that give from start which give new strength to concept of mind that create new chapter to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to light which create new start to direction of mind that show from move which create new appeal to strength of mind that give new knowledge to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to touch which give new path to strength of mind that create from spirit which show new direction to move of mind that show new chapter to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to concept which show new light to touch of mind that give from move which give new knowledge to path of mind that create new touch to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to chapter which create new spirit to direction of mind that show from route which start new touch to word of mind that give new path to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to appeal which give new soul to strength of mind that create from path which give new knowledge to soul of mind that show new start to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to concept which create new route to chapter of mind that give from way which show new route to start of mind that create new move to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to chapter which show new touch to knowledge of mind that start from move which create new spirit to route of mind that give new soul to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to strength which give new spirit to appeal of mind that give from direction which give new way to move of mind that start new start to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to appeal which create new soul to knowledge of mind that show from strength which start new path to touch of mind that give new light to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to route which give new start to direction of mind that give from touch which create new soul to concept of mind that show new route to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to move which create new appeal to spirit of mind that start from path which give new direction to appeal of mind that show new path to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to start which give new strength to soul of mind that create from start which show new strength to concept of mind that give new move to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to path which show new appeal to light of mind that give from touch which create new chapter to direction of mind that create new start to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to touch which start new concept to route of mind that show from spirit which give new strength to chapter of mind that show new touch to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to route which give new chapter to touch of mind that create from way which show new touch to knowledge of mind that give new appeal to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to way which create new concept to shine of mind that give from start which create new world to chapter of mind that show new direction to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to spirit which give new direction to spirit of mind that show from path which give new concept to touch of mind that create new chapter to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to soul which show new strength to touch of mind that give from route which show new chapter to start of mind that give new direction to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to path which create new appeal to start of mind that show from path which start new strength to move of mind that show new strength to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to light which give new chapter to touch of mind that create from move which give new direction to appeal of mind that create new chapter to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to route which start new concept to path of mind that give from spirit which show new knowledge to path of mind that give new direction to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to move which create new appeal to step of mind that show from touch which give new strength to concept of mind that start new knowledge to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to route which show new direction to hope of mind that give from path which create new appeal to touch of mind that show new strength to thought of mind
Step will show new shine to start which give new knowledge to dream of mind that start from hope which give new direction to path of mind that create new path to thought of mind.

Poem. 5417. Those lights of hope which

                                                   Those lights of hope which
Those lights of hope which created with words on each point start with hopes on every step of soul that give new direction to thought of mind which show new shine to move of life
Those lights of hope which form with moves on each point create with ways on every start of thought that strength to understanding of spirit which give new light to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with routes on each point give with steps on every route of shine that knowledge to feeling of soul which create new dream to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with steps on each point create with starts on every path of concept that give new appeal to chapter of way which show new light to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with starts on each point show with paths on every way of direction that start to meaning of route which show new strength to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with paths on each point create with steps on every route of chapter that show new knowledge of way which give new appeal to move of life
Those lights of hope which form with starts on each point give with chapters on every step of appeal that create new concept of step which show new direction to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with routes on each point show with smiles on every path of concept that give new direction of start which create new strength to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with paths on each point give with routes on every start of chapter that show new strength of path which give new appeal to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with steps on each point create with words on every path of direction that create new touch of soul which show new shine to move of life
Those lights of hope which form with moves on each point show with routes on every touch of strength that give new knowledge of step which create new hope to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with starts on each point give with paths on every route of concept that show new appeal of soul which give new knowledge to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with routes on each point create with starts on every step of chapter that create new touch of spirit which show new direction to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with paths on each point show with touches on each start of strength that give new direction of step which create new thought to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with steps on each point start with lights on each spirit of direction that show new strength of soul which give new knowledge to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with routes on each point create with hopes on each step of knowledge that create new path of route which show new chapter to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with starts on each point show with smiles on each touch of strength that show new chapter of light which give new direction to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with dreams on each point start with lights on each appeal of chapter that give new knowledge of soul which show new thought to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with routes on each point give with direction on each soul of concept that show new touch of shine which create new knowledge to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with lights on each point show with strength on each path of direction that create new route of spirit which show new thought to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with steps on each point start with knowledge on each route of chapter that give new appeal of shine which create new concept to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with routes on each point create with appeal on each concept of touch that show new direction of soul which give new knowledge to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with paths on each point form with thought on each hope of dream that create new strength of start which show new direction to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with starts on each point give with concept on each route of chapter that show new direction of touch which create new strength to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with ways on each point show with spirit on each dream of direction that give new strength of soul which show new knowledge to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with words on each point create with step on each touch of soul that show new direction of start which create new thought to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with steps on each point give with strength on each spirit of thought that give new chapter of route which give new appeal to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with starts on each point show with knowledge on each touch of direction that create new touch of step which show new thought to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with souls on each point give with thought on each chapter of concept that show new direction of appeal which give new soul to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with starts on each point create with chapter on each touch of strength that give new knowledge of touch which show new start to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with dreams on each point show with concept on each route of chapter that create new appeal of thought which give new path to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with words on each point give with chapter on each thought of soul that show new knowledge of spirit which create new way to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with starts on each point create with direction on each path of start that give new direction of route which show new appeal to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with routes on each point give with knowledge on each step of shine that create new strength of world which give new touch to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with paths on each point show with strength on each spirit of concept that show new appeal of start which create new step to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with steps on each point create with appeal on each soul of chapter that give new direction of route which show new start to move of life
Those lights of hope which started with ways on each point show with strength on each step of direction that create new spirit of soul which give new concept to move of life
Those lights of hope which form with appeals on each point give with knowledge on each route of strength that show new appeal of start which create new chapter to move of life
Those lights of hope which showed with routes on each point create with thought on each light of concept that give new direction of route which show new touch to move of life
Those lights of hope which created with steps on each point show with direction on each step of chapter that create new strength of light which give new appeal to move of life.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Adventure story. 464. Revenge on love

                             Revenge on love

Harish began to search for route again on mobile. It was always easy for him. He was so confident that he would find her home. It was really wonderful feeling. He was searching for her since long time. They met on internet. He still remembered that day. He was reading all comments under his post. He was so happy that everyone was appreciating his post. Then he suddenly noticed her comment. It was beautiful flower and wonderful lines. He started reading them. She was truly special. He kept reading her comments again and again. They were truly heart touching. He saved that picture. He set it as desktop. This way he kept watching it for hours. He was so happy when he started to observing her picture. It was so unique. Then next day he decided to get in touch. He began to think that this lady was unique. He did because those lines and that picture had different impact on his mind. He dreamt about it in night. That dream was truly wonderful. He felt so excited. It seemed as if this lady had special magic inside. He send message to make friendship with her. It was so important for him. He kept feeling restless. He wanted to make friendship with her. She chatted for some seconds next day. She didn't chat for long time. But he felt so wonderful. He sensed that she was his strength and he knew that it was wrong to get obsessed but he was. From that day he started reading her posts daily. He began to chat with her. He started appreciating her suggestions. He began to feel that she was just wonderful girl. He never thought that he was getting too much obsessed. But finally one day his girlfriend Ritu asked him "What are you doing on mobile?" He had one girlfriend and he supposed to be honest with her. But things were not moving as they should. He needed to admire her for day and night. He needed to keep thinking about Ritu. But he was not. He was thinking about that unknown girl. He was obsessed with her. He knew that it was wrong. But he liked her. Slowly he began to make big print out of her posts. He started to fill every wall of his room with her posts. She was his need. Then Ritu started to sense something was wrong. She began to feel upset. Ritu began to think that something was wrong. They were not planning to marry on that stage. He had convinced her that he needed to settle little bit in career and she was truthfully scared to take responsibility of marriage too. She decided that she didn't want to hurry up. But after sensing that he was showing interest in some other girl. She began to doubt his intentions. One day Ritu asked him " Are you truly interested in me?" He looked at her. She was perfect. He couldn't expect more. But he didn't feel love. It was so strange. He was taking out one girl with him just because he needed to take out someone. It was wrong. He knew but still he was doing it. He looked at her. She was so beautiful. It was big loss to say no to her. Specially when he was not sure about that unknown chatter. He couldn't say no to Ritu. He smiled and said " This is just game. Do you want to confirm?" Ritu smiled. He was watching her every move. He wanted her more than anything. He knew that he might like that woman from internet. But this woman was before him alive. He knew that he was living alone in his house. His parents were in different town so he had full privacy which he could use as per his choice. He smiled and pushed mobile in Ritu's hand. It was risky move. If she decided to check it on that moment everything could have changed. But he took it. And it worked. She didn't check mobile. She wanted to show that she had faith in him. He was happy. It worked. So he managed to keep one girlfriend to pretend before world. But one thing was totally strange. After Ritu never mentioned marriage again. He began to feel tense about this. He didn't want to commit her. But he knew that she might ask again. Then he felt that she might be dating another just like him. He was not dating. He was just chatting and it was totally different than dating. But his biggest trouble was not that. His trouble was his dislike towards Ritu. Not his dislike towards her. He didn't dislike her. He liked her but he didn't love her. She was not his dream. He needed her before world. He remembered every party where he was admired due to her. She dressed with such good grace. She was giving him status. He needed it for his professional life. He was party planner. It was wonderful business if he kept looking great and people kept seeing him in positive way. But it would happen only if he kept nice companion with him. He saw many girls but they were too demanding. They kept asking more and more. They wanted flats from him. They wanted ornaments. They wanted costly things. But Ritu was simple. She never demanded anything. She took whatever he gave and admired it. She didn't ask for anything since she brought out that way. Her family never liked to give too much freedom to girls. She was taught to give respect to men. Sometimes he thought that she was talking nicely with him just because she wanted escape from her family. They kept criticising her. But their attitude was helpful to him. She didn't demand. She was not oversmart. He kept giving her few things time to time. He was even planning to gift her diamond set but he didn't understand how could he marry her. He didn't want to see her even in his bedroom but sadly even his family didn't understand. Few days ago even his Mom started talking about marriage. He was so confused. He didn't understand. Sometimes he felt that Ritu might have managed to convince his Mom. But then he sensed that even if she did it then it was not wrong. Ritu's family was talking about marriage so if he was not interested she needed to find another fellow. So it seemed that she was planning to replace him officially. He decided that he needed to do it before her. So he decided to meet his unknown chat friend. It was so upsetting when Ritu planned to replace him. He was supposed to replace her. She was nothing before him. He planned all. He decided that he would introduce this new girl. He had planned this entire party. His chance to prove himself and way to show Ritu her level. He laughed happily and started searching for address again on mobile.

    Sapana was working so hard to get her start. She was posting different things. She always hoped one day someone would value her talent and finally that day came. She did all inquiries about Harish. He was talented party organiser. He had good reputation. He didn't have any record of womanizer. She heard that he had one girlfriend and he was honest to her. She was so happy to get a decent man who would appreciate her talent. She wanted to show how good her performance was. She could become great DJ. She wanted to become actress but for it she needed to start on some point. She knew that as DJ she could get fame. Her one friend started as DJ and finally managed to famous movie actress. One director located her in one event. Sapana wanted same break. But she didn't want someone who would fall in love with her or started making wrong advances. Harish had perfect girlfriend. She heard that they were perfect couple. They always stood beside each other like love birds. Sapana was so happy after hearing this. She was working so hard on her dress up and music. She was not good singer but she could sing nice song if required. She knew that on some point they might demand singing from her. She was so determined to impress him. Today she was meeting him for first time. She was feeling different excitement. Her Mom entered in her room and asked " Why your cheeks are so pink? Where are you going?" Her Mom assumed something wrong. She started laughing. " Mom I am not planning to get married. I am going to meet that man with whom I chat." " Ohh! That event manager!! Do you feel he will give you chance?" " I don't know Mom! But I need to impress him." She began to get ready. She managed to create her best look. She began to wait while Harish kept searching. Finally Harish arrived. He took deep breath and waited. She came out of society and Harish jumped with joy. No doubt she was perfect. He couldn't get better replacement than her. She could do anything to please him. She managed to do so much to please him even on that time. He could easily sense that it was her new dress just bought from shop. He knew even about latest trend of lipstick so he knew that this was latest lipstick. This was latest colour introduced. Cherry blossom!! Ritu was mad after it. She felt that after using it she would look like some enchanting lady whom no one could reject. She was excited about it. But he didn't find her that exciting or good looking. He didn't understand why did she feel that she was such beautiful girl of universe. She was just one ordinary girl and he was planning to replace her and prove this. It was so upsetting. Ritu kept telling him. She did this for him and that for him. He knew that Ritu did nothing for him. She was not nothing but just a useless pretty girl. It was so upsetting when she began to tell him that she was so important. Once he even cracked jokes on her before all. Ritu laughed even on them. It seemed that she didn't understand it. He smiled towards his chat friend Sapana. His new dream girl. He wanted to start throwing gifts on her immediately but he felt that it might look wrong. She might began to feel that it had wrong intentions. But he didn't understand. He wanted her as his girlfriend. It was not wrong intention. He wanted true love not just show off like Ritu. Ritu was just show off. Ritu kept telling world how much she cared for Harish. But she needed her manager to remind her about his birthday. This was something which managed to upset him most. She totally forgot his birthday last year. He planned big party and send out invitations. He didn't plan to send one to her. He thought that she would discuss. But she totally forgot. She didn't even remembered his birthday. Her manager reminded her. It happened before him. One day they were sitting when someone asked about their birth dates. She kept looking in air as if some beautiful design was created there. He didn't understand for long time why she was doing that. Then her manager told date and he sensed that Ritu forgot his birthday. She tried to make that matter light but it was not for him. He felt hurt. She forgot his birthday. It was big thing to him. He didn't want her to be his girlfriend. He decided that he would quit her friendship. But he knew that no one would like it. He was earning nicely. His family was already began to think that she was his good partner. Few times he tried to convince them but it was useless. They wanted to show everything was perfect. But today he got solution on her. Sapana was her answer. He immediately came out and opened car door for her. She was shocked and impressed. He did this for Ritu every time but it failed to impress her. She smiled so happily. He felt so glad. Then she sat beside him and he felt that he began his new journey of hope. He started to sense her sweet perfume. She was so different than Ritu. She was so much better. He had high hopes from this friendship. He wanted it to give wonderful feeling to his soul. He knew that Sapana was perfect. They started discussing about her skill. Sapana was so happy. He sensed that she needed admiration and it was so easy. He kept admiring her every creation. She was so happy about it. She kept talking about her future without stopping. It was so perfect. She needed help and she was getting it through him. He sensed it. But after some point he sensed that she was not sharing anything personal. It was strange but he decided to ignore. He felt that she was moving ahead step by step. He wanted her at any cost. He wanted to show Ritu that he was better much better than her. He knew that everyone in his family expected him marry her but he wanted to say no her. He wanted to fight back. He needed to move over Ritu and Sapana was his best chance. He started to watch her carefully. She was really beautiful. He likes her. He knew that he could use her as replacement she was perfect. He would start his life in new way. He smiled happily when he started to take his car in restaurant.

   Sapana was happy that Harish was interested in her career. She was so scared that he might keep asking about her personal matters. They chatted in restaurant. He kept admiring her for hours for her talent. He kept thinking that he was impressing her. Then finally their dinner was over. He smiled and told her that he would drop her home. She nodded. After this Harish increased his chatting. Sapana kept chatting for sometime. But soon she lost hope of job. She began to think that Harish was just wasting her time. On that point she received one call. It was Ritu. Ritu " I heard you are Harish's good friend.." She felt so happy. She thought that it was for job. She immediately said " Yes Madam. I am that one who post and I am good DJ." Ritu didn't speak for long time. Harish was trying to hide all. But Ritu managed to hear all. She was reading all their conversation through her common friend. Harish didn't understand that this friend managed to enter in their chat box. Ritu was observing Harish since he started avoiding her. She wanted to know why. She began to search for cause. She started to see different angles. She was so happy when her friend told her about these chats. She decided that she must find out this girl. But today when she called her, she was confused. This girl Sapana was calling her Madam. It seemed as if she had special respect for her. Sapana was telling how good DJ she was. It was clearly for job. Ritu decided to give it try. Ritu knew her one celebrity friend who was planning party. She decided to give Sapana that chance. Ritu " Actually my friend is planning party and I needed someone who could plan it." Sapana's heart started to jump with joy. Sapana smiled and asked " Which friend Madam?" Ritu told name and Sapana jumped with joy. She never expected this. Sapana thought that she would get small job but it was big chance. She began to laugh with joy. She took some time to control herself. She thought that Ritu would consider her mad. But Ritu was trying to control herself too. Ritu knew that Harish was just finding new DJ. This girl just wanted job. Sapana apologized. Ritu " Don't worry. I had same excitement on my first job." Sapana kept thanking her. It was wonderful start for Sapana. After this she kept working for her new job. She was so busy but she always managed to tell all to Harish. She thought that Harish suggested her name to Ritu. Harish never thought that Ritu was part of this. Step by step Sapana started to get better chances. But they were not enough. Sapana began to sense that she was going nowhere. She didn't feel anything was that much promising in friendship with Harish. She started to avoid him. On same point her parents introduced her to nice boy. She started dating him. She didn't mention it to Harish. She felt that it was her personal issue. She never thought that she was double dating. She always thought that Harish would offer her job. One day finally she confessed " Harish Sir.." " No need to call me Sir!" " But you are my Sir!!" Harish was confused. He didn't understand what she was saying. " I got all those jobs thanks to your wife. I mean your girlfriend but she would become your wife soon." Harish was so shocked. This girl was using him for job. He couldn't control his anger any more. He wanted revenge and without second thought he threw entire hot soup towards her. Sapana just managed to hide her eyes. She began to scream. He didn't stop on that point. He began to throw entire food on her. People came to stop him. It was truly horrible scene. Soon even media with cameras. Sapana was screaming in pain. Doctor came and checked. He told everyone to relax. There were burn but she was going to be fine. Cops took hold of Harish. Harish landed in jail. But he didn't care. He just wanted revenge. He wanted revenge on Ritu. He kept abusing Sapana since she teamed up with Ritu. When Ritu heard about this, she came running in hospital. They were treating Sapana. Ritu started offering money. At beginning her parents rejected offer. Then Ritu kept apologising. Doctor confirmed that there would be no permanent damage. They accepted money. Ritu sat near Sapana and started to explain her. " Something is wrong with Harish. I told him to go to Psychiatrist but he didn't listen. His family also stood against me. I can't tell what is wrong since I am not Psychiatrist. Even this time soon they took him out of jail." Sapana talked even out of pain. " But they didn't even came to hospital to meet me?" " I know they are like that. Their son is special to them. They never blamed him. He is always perfect." " Why don't you just left him?" Both gave sad smile. Ritu " Do you think I have not tried? I did. But he kept following me everywhere. I can't get any life. I have some property gifted by him. He will surely use it against me. But don't worry. Soon he would come out. I feel now he wanted to replace me. Finally I will come out of this cage. I will be no longer caged bird." Sapana nodded. After some time Sapana came out. She became fine. She got married. Her life was perfect. But she kept looking in newspaper to see some news about Ritu. She was expecting something and something different came in news. They found Harish dead in house. They were suspecting Ritu. Sapana didn't know what was true. But she knew one thing Harish was not like that nice guy whom they were picturing in news. But she didn't dare to tell truth. She knew that no one would support her. Harish wanted revenge against Ritu and they were planning to take it on Ritu even after his death. Sapana just prayed for Ritu daily. And she kept hoping God would do justice to her.

                                                                        The End

Friday, August 28, 2020

Poem. 5416. Feeling will start new world

                                                        Feeling will start new world
Feeling will start new world for life which give new breath to thinking of mind that create new chapter to thought of move which give new direction to route of soul that create way in mind
Feeling will start new world for move which show new step to feeling of mind that give new direction to strength of word which show new touch to path of start that give start in mind
Feeling will start new world for route which create new route to learning of mind that show new thought to chapter of route which give new way to touch of step that give shine in mind
Feeling will start new world for move which give new hope to thinking of mind that create new strength to concept of path which show new route to spirit of move that give route in mind
Feeling will start new world for spirit which show new step to meaning of mind that give new appeal to direction of route which give new strength to touch of world that give path in mind
Feeling will start new world for soul which create new route to feeling of mind that show new thought to strength of shine which show new appeal to shine of spirit that show light in mind
Feeling will start new world for step which give new touch to learning of mind that start new chapter to concept of path which create new spirit to thought of step that give move in mind
Feeling will start new world for start which show new world to meaning of mind that give new direction to touch of soul which give new direction to appeal of start that create route in mind
Feeling will start new world for path which create new step to thinking of mind that show new shine to thought of light which show new strength to concept of shine that give way in mind
Feeling will start new world for route which give new appeal to learning of mind that create new step to knowledge of soul which give new chapter to strength of start that show move in mind
Feeling will start new world for step which show new touch to feeling of mind that give new direction to touch of start which create new thought to appeal of spirit that give light in mind
Feeling will start new world for start which create new spirit to meaning of mind that show new thought to shine of light which show new direction to touch of strength that give path in mind
Feeling will start new world for light which give new appeal to thinking of mind that create new step to concept of word which give new strength to soul of knowledge that create way in mind
Feeling will start new world for shine which show new start to learning of mind that start new chapter to light of soul which create new appeal to start of strength that show step in mind
Feeling will start new world for step which create new move to feeling of mind that show new direction to route of start which show new touch to shine of thought that give move in mind
Feeling will start new world for start which give new knowledge to meaning of mind that give new concept to touch of step which give new direction to route of chapter that create start in mind
Feeling will start new world for shine which show new direction to thinking of mind that create new spirit to thought of move which start new concept to step of path that show light in mind
Feeling will start new world for soul which create new strength to learning of mind that show new move to knowledge of path which create new appeal to start of spirit that give way in mind
Feeling will start new world for light which give new knowledge to meaning of mind that give new appeal to direction of route which show new touch to step of chapter that create path in mind
Feeling will start new world for way which show new direction to thinking of mind that create new thought to strength of start which give new shine to light of concept that show route in mind
Feeling will start new world for move which create new appeal to learning of mind that show new direction to touch of shine which show new start to strength of thought that give light in mind
Feeling will start new world for path which give new thought to meaning of mind that show new strength to move of start which create new path to chapter of knowledge that show way in mind
Feeling will start new world for step which show new direction to thinking of mind that give new soul to concept of touch which give new route to strength of appeal that create move in mind
Feeling will start new world for start which give new appeal to learning of mind that create new step to thought of appeal which show new way to concept of touch that give path in mind
Feeling will start new world for route which create new light to meaning of mind that show new touch to knowledge of soul which give new move to thought of start that show route in mind
Feeling will start new world for shine which give new concept to thinking of mind that give new direction to appeal of start which show new way to knowledge of route that give move in mind
Feeling will start new world for spirit which show new touch to feeling of mind that create new appeal to chapter of route which create new touch to direction of way that show path in mind
Feeling will start new world for soul which create new spirit to learning of mind that show new shine to light of appeal which give new thought to chapter of move that create route in mind
Feeling will start new world for step which give new soul to thinking of mind that create new appeal to touch of way which show new direction to thought of route that give way in mind
Feeling will start new world for route which show new step to meaning of mind that give new direction to spirit of move which give new strength to concept of start that show path in mind
Feeling will start new world for step which create new route to learning of mind that show new strength to concept of path which show new appeal to chapter of touch that give route in mind
Feeling will start new world for start which give new appeal to thinking of mind that create new direction to chapter of route which give new strength to concept of spirit that show light in mind
Feeling will start new world for touch which show new touch to meaning of mind that give new knowledge to touch of way which show new appeal to thinking of soul that create move in mind
Feeling will start new world for light which give new thought to learning of mind that show new strength to concept of soul which create new chapter to strength of step that give path in mind
Feeling will start new world for route which create new appeal to thinking of mind that give new direction to appeal of spirit which show new touch to knowledge of start that show light in mind
Feeling will start new world for path which show new route to meaning of mind that create new strength to touch of soul which give new direction to appeal of spirit that create touch in mind
Feeling will start new world for move which give new touch to learning of mind that give new knowledge to step of shine which create new step to shine of soul that give light in mind
Feeling will start new world for route which show new path to thinking of mind that give new direction to route of appeal which give new light to thought of start that show move in mind
Feeling will start new world for path which create new route to meaning of mind that show new knowledge to way of path which show new route to chapter of step that give step in mind
Feeling will start new world for shine which give new spirit to learning of mind that create new appeal to thought of soul which create new step to concept of light that show light in mind.

Poem. 5415. One thought from soul which bring smile

                                             One thought from soul which bring smile
One thought from soul which bring smile to life that start one every step to begin thinking which will give light to spirit of mind that start new concept to knowledge that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to move that give hope to understanding which create world to strength of mind that show new direction to appeal that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to step that show dream to strength which show direction to appeal of mind that give new light to concept that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to start that create shine to thought which will give concept to touch of mind that create new step to direction that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to touch that show hope to appeal which create knowledge to way of mind that show new spirit to chapter that start new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to move that give light to strength which show direction to appeal of mind that create new learning to strength that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to shine that create route to direction which give spirit to thought of mind that give new knowledge to direction that form new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to touch that show move to thought which start strength to concept of mind that show new appeal to strength that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to start that give chapter to knowledge which show route to direction of mind that create new touch to thought that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to route that create touch to strength which create shine to chapter of mind that give new direction to appeal that form new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to touch that show thought to appeal which give spirit to knowledge of mind that show new strength to concept that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to move that give knowledge to step which show touch to appeal of mind that create new chapter to strength that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to light that create direction to start which give chapter to knowledge of mind that give new appeal to concept that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to touch that show strength to soul which create thought to appeal of mind that show new direction to chapter that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to strength that give appeal to start which show direction to soul of mind that create new strength to concept that form new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to direction that create touch to move which give touch to start of mind that give new knowledge to appeal that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to knowledge that show route to way which show spirit to direction of mind that show new appeal to touch that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to strength that give chapter to soul which create shine to knowledge of mind that give new thought to appeal that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to concept that create touch to start which give soul to direction of mind that show new chapter to knowledge that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to appeal that show concept to touch which create step to chapter of mind that start new strength to touch that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to strength that give chapter to shine which show start to concept of mind that show new appeal to spirit that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to direction that create touch to step which give route to knowledge of mind that start new concept to strength that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to appeal that show chapter to route which show move to concept of mind that give new chapter to direction that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to strength that start direction which create direction to chapter of mind that show new touch to thought that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to concept that give knowledge which give strength to touch of mind that give new direction to appeal that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to chapter that show direction which create appeal to spirit of mind that create new strength to concept that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to touch that create strength which show direction to appeal of mind that show new knowledge to light that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to move that give knowledge which create touch to strength of mind that give new direction to touch that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to spirit that show appeal which give strength to concept of mind that create new knowledge to understanding that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to step that create chapter which show thought to spirit of mind that give new dream to thinking of direction that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to start that give concept which create knowledge to step of mind that show new start to meaning of route that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to soul that show direction which give strength to concept of mind that give new step to feeling of move that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to shine that create strength which show appeal to chapter of mind that create new touch to learning of soul that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to move that give appeal which give concept to direction of mind that show new knowledge to feeling of move that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to way that show strength which show touch to chapter of mind that create new appeal to thinking of concept that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to route that start knowledge which create path to spirit of mind that give new direction to meaning of chapter that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to spirit that give direction which give thought to start of mind that create new knowledge to feeling of direction that give new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to soul that show strength which show step to concept of mind that show new touch to learning of move that create new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to touch that create spirit which create way to chapter of mind that give new direction to feeling of thought that show new path to life
One thought from soul which bring smile to route that show touch which give thought to appeal of mind that create new strength to meaning of hope that give new path to life.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...