Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Poem. 5314. Touch of wonderful thought show

                         Touch of wonderful thought show
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new shine to strength of soul which take new feeling to that moon where we can see different shine to knowledge of way to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new start to concept of step which take new meaning to that spirit where we can sense different step to touch of start to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new route to direction of step which take new thinking to that soul where we can feel different route to concept of path to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new appeal to strength of move which take new learning to that start where we can see different shine to knowledge of way to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new chapter to thought of step which take new feeling to that star where we can sense different spirit to concept of touch to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new shine to hope of direction which take new learning to that path where we can see different step to dream of strength to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new appeal to spirit of strength which take new thinking to that soul where we can see different hope to chapter of route to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new concept to shine of light which take new meaning to that step where we can see different dream to feeling of move to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new direction to start of path which take new learning to that world where we can see different soul to thinking of spirit to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new strength to shine of light which take new feeling to that shine where we can see different start to meaning of soul to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new appeal to direction of path which take new meaning to that touch where we can see different move to learning of step to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new chapter to hope of route which take new learning to that shine where we can see different path to feeling of move to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new concept to dream of path which take new thinking to that spirit where we can see different light to direction of start to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new strength to hope of light which take new feeling to that concept where we can see different route to shine of light to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new chapter to soul of move which take new meaning to that shine where we can see different spirit to concept of path to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new appeal to step of route which take new thinking to that spirit where we can see different start to direction of move to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new thought to path of world which take new feeling to that concept where we can see different soul to strength of step to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new chapter to route of light which take new thinking to that move where we can see different start to direction of move to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new concept to path of soul which take new meaning to that spirit where we can see different spirit to strength of shine to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new chapter to step of move which take new feeling to that thought where we can see different path to move of touch to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new direction to way of path which take new learning to that spirit where we can see different start to path of shine to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new strength to route of move which take new meaning to that path where we can see different shine to hope of step to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new touch to spirit of thought which take new thinking to that move where we can see different spirit to dream of route to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new step to chapter of strength which take new feeling to that shine where we can see different light to direction of path to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new start to concept of touch which take new meaning to that path where we can see different word to chapter of start to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new soul to thought of spirit which take new learning to that move where we can see different path to concept of route to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new step to knowledge of way which take new thinking to that spirit where we can see different start to chapter of soul to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new path to direction of soul which take new feeling to that move where we can see different shine to light of spirit to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new move to strength of way which take new meaning to that start where we can see different step to concept of path to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new route to chapter of step which take new learning to that route where we can see different shine to direction of route to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new move to concept of start which take new thinking to that path where we can see different spirit to strength of world to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new path to chapter of touch which take new feeling to that route where we can see different start to concept of thought to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new route to strength of word which take new learning to that move where we can see different step to shine of hope to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new step to direction of step which take new meaning to that path where we can see different start to appeal of light to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new start to strength of move which take new thinking to that route where we can see different spirit to concept of route to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new soul to chapter of world which take new feeling to that move where we can see different start to direction of shine to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new step to thought of spirit which take new meaning to that path where we can see different route to concept of word to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new start to direction of route which take new learning to that shine where we can see different step to thought of move to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new shine to thought of spirit which take new thinking to that route where we can see different start to chapter of path to appeal to mind
Touch of wonderful thought show new dream that give new spirit to concept of start which take new meaning to that move where we can see different spirit to thought of move to appeal to mind.

Poem. 5313. Hope of sky which give new

                                Hope of sky which give new
Hope of sky which give new direction to start that give new shine of light which show new dream come to start of life which show new strength to move that give new appeal to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new strength to route that show new spirit of route which show new shine come to step of life which give new direction to start that give new chapter to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new appeal to shine that create new start of move which show new spirit come to way of life which show new touch to path that give new concept to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new chapter to light that give new appeal of spirit which show new move come to step of life which create new shine to way that give new touch to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new thought to path that create new world of step which show new path come to way of life which show new spirit to light that give new shine to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new concept to start that show new touch of way which show new world come to start of life which give new appeal to route that give new move to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new strength to move that show new step of word which show new path come to shine of life which create new touch to start that give new appeal to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new appeal to spirit that show new start of chapter which show new step come to move of life which show new light to thought that give new touch to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new chapter to step that show new soul of concept which show new way come to start of life which give new appeal to chapter that give new shine to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new direction to start that show new way of strength which show new move come to word of life which show new path to way that give new start to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new strength to touch that show new start of appeal which show new path come to start of life which give new step to thought that give new move to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new appeal to concept that show new step of path which show new way come to strength of life which show new route to direction that give new word to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new touch to chapter that show new shine of light which show new path come to appeal of life which create new world to chapter that give new move to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new shine to strength that show new move of appeal which show new step come to start of life which give new touch to spirit that give new thought to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new spirit to appeal that show new start of strength which show new touch come to step of life which show new move to start that give new spirit to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new start to concept that show new step of concept which show new appeal come to start of life which create new world to path that give new way to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new shine to thought that show new shine of light which show new direction come to path of life which give new concept to way that give new step to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new appeal to chapter that show new spirit of move which show new touch come to shine of life which show new direction to start that give new way to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new strength to spirit that show new soul of thought which show new appeal come to way of life which create new concept to path that give new step to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new chapter to touch that show new step of concept which show new direction come to move of life which give new appeal to world that give new path to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new thought to shine that show new move of shine which show new touch come to start of life which show new chapter to appeal that give new way to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new knowledge to path that show new way of touch which show new direction come to move of life which create new world to start that give new step to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new appeal to thought that show new word of chapter which show new strength come to path of life which give new appeal to move that give new way to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new chapter to shine that show new start of direction which show new appeal come to step of life which show new chapter to touch that give new move to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new concept to touch that show new spirit of concept which show new touch come to start of life which create new direction to path that give new world to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new appeal to strength that show new step of thought which show new direction come to path of life which give new appeal to move that give new start to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new touch to knowledge that show new start of shine which show new strength come to way of life which show new concept to path that give new spirit to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new spirit to concept that show new direction of path which show new knowledge come to start of life which show new spirit to way that give new start to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new move to direction that show new strength of word which show new direction come to path of life which create new world to step that give new way to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new path to strength that show new concept of shine which show new start come to move of life which give new direction to start that give new word to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new way to appeal that show new chapter of move which show new world come to path of life which show new strength to spirit that give new move to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new move to concept that show new strength of way which show new step come to start of life which create new direction to touch that give new step to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new route to chapter that show new spirit of appeal which show new move come to move of life which give new thought to step that give new start to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new move to direction that show new touch of shine which show new appeal come to path of life which show new strength to start that give new way to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new shine to strength that show new move of spirit which show new touch come to start of life which show new direction to path that give new move to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new start to chapter that show new path of soul which show new move come to appeal of life which show new knowledge to step that give new world to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new path to concept that show new step of start which show new start come to direction of life which give new thought to start that give new appeal to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new spirit to strength that show new touch of path which show new step come to knowledge of life which create new move to spirit that give new step to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new start to direction that show new chapter of move which show new start come to appeal of life which show new step to path that give new way to route to mind
Hope of sky which give new move to knowledge that show new start of soul which show new path come to thought of life which give new shine to light that give new word to route to mind.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Poem. 5312. Every cloud seem to carry one dream

                      Every cloud seem to carry one dream
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every time which open new chapter to strength that show new spirit to concept which give new direction to appeal of touch at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every spirit which start new concept to touch that create new soul to thought which form new strength to concept of route at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every shine which form new direction to spirit that give new appeal to strength which show new touch to direction of path at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every soul which open new chapter to soul that give new concept to touch which give new chapter to strength of word at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every shine which open new touch to appeal that give new chapter to spirit which give new concept to thought of soul at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every start which start new chapter to spirit that give new direction to move which give new appeal to strength of path at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every path which open new concept to word that show new strength to step which create new hope to appeal of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every route which open new appeal to touch that show new chapter to spirit which give new thought to touch of shine at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every move which start new chapter to spirit that create new appeal to soul which form new concept to strength of path at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every path which show new touch to route that give new knowledge to shine which create new world to direction of start at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every word which show new spirit to path that show new direction to appeal which give new knowledge to path of soul at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every route which open new shine to light that create new strength to concept which give new appeal to touch of route at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every step which create new spirit to touch that show new path to chapter which show new thought to spirit of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every start which show new start to touch that give new appeal to concept which create new knowledge to way of route at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every touch which open new spirit to chapter that give new touch to strength which give new direction to move of start at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every path which create new start to concept that give new appeal to direction which give new strength to spirit of path at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every thought which show new way to direction that create new path to word which show new start to move of way at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every shine which show new start to concept that give new step to chapter which create new path to touch of light at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every spirit which create new world to chapter that show new appeal to concept which give new spirit to start of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every route which show new shine to light that create new knowledge to touch which show new move to appeal of path at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every path which show new start to concept that give new appeal to move which show new spirit to concept of word at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every start which show new world to touch that give new direction to path which show new way to knowledge of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every soul which show new appeal to shine that give new strength to concept which give new path to chapter of route at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every start which show new concept to touch that give new appeal to direction which create new step to concept of world at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every move which give new direction to appeal that give new touch to strength which show new start to knowledge of path at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every shine which give new strength to touch that give new chapter to direction which give new appeal to touch of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every spirit which create new appeal to shine that give new concept to strength which create new thought to start of way at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every start which show new touch to chapter that give new appeal to concept which show new direction to spirit of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every route which give new appeal to concept that create new world to chapter which give new knowledge to start of world at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every path which give new concept to thought that give new touch to direction which show new strength to soul of chapter at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every move which give new strength to chapter that give new path to touch which create new start to way of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every route which create new appeal to concept that give new move to spirit which show new path to route of path at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every shine which show new light to thought that give new soul to thought to soul which give new world to shine of touch at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every soul which show new path to concept that give new start to direction to start which show new path to spirit of route at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every shine which create new path to touch that give new path to feel to route which create new way to start of world at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every light which give new appeal to thought that give new route to shine which show new touch to thought of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every path which show new start to chapter that give new appeal to touch which create new route to soul of start at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every move which show new route to concept that create new word to thought which give new appeal to path of route at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every route which give new shine to strength that show new appeal to concept which show new start to spirit of move at each step of mind
Every cloud seem to carry one dream from soul on every way which give new appeal to chapter that give new direction to appeal which create new world to start of path at each step of mind.

Poem. 5311. Shine will show new route to

                             Shine will show new route to
Shine will show new route to appeal of thought that give new strength which create new move to knowledge that give new spirit to direction which show new soul in concept give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to strength of spirit that give new chapter which give new spirit to thought that give new appeal to concept which show new touch to chapter give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of start that give new direction which show new word to chapter that give new thought to route which show new concept to hope give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to concept of word that give new appeal which create new path to direction that give new strength to way which show new chapter to light give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to thought of route that give new strength which give new step to knowledge that give new chapter to step which show new touch to word give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of move that give new concept which create new light to thought that give new spirit to strength which show new start to direction give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to chapter of touch that give new chapter which show new world to concept that give new step to appeal which show new path to knowledge give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to concept of spirit that give new strength which give new appeal to thought that give new start to direction which show new step to chapter give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to strength of path that give new direction which show new light to concept that give new step to thought which show new start to appeal give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of route that give new strength which show new path to chapter that give new start to concept which show new world to touch give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to chapter of start that give new appeal which show new spirit to touch that give new direction to concept which show new dream to feeling give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to strength of path that give new direction which show new step to path that give new appeal to spirit which show new light to knowledge give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to concept of route that give new strength which show new way to appeal that give new touch to word which show new step to concept give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to chapter of soul that give new appeal which create new word to chapter that give new path to strength which show new way to direction give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to direction of step that give new concept which give new move to strength that give new step to appeal which show new start to strength give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to strength of move that give new appeal which give new hope to spirit that give new knowledge to chapter which show new route to direction give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to concept of path that give new direction which show new dream to touch that give new appeal to touch which show new start to knowledge give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to direction of step that give new appeal which create new world to chapter that give new touch to strength which show new path to concept give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of move that give new chapter which show new concept to strength that give new direction to touch which show new step to thought give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to concept of path that give new strength which create new light to knowledge that give new appeal to start which show new route to chapter give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to thought of start that give new appeal which show new direction to chapter that give new direction to spirit which show new path to concept give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to knowledge of path that give new touch which show new start to concept that create new shine to soul which show new world to chapter give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of chapter that give new spirit which give new touch to chapter that give new light to thought which show new direction to appeal give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to touch of strength that give new step which give new appeal to knowledge that give new path to concept which show new start to thought give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to chapter of appeal that give new start which show new spirit to soul that give new understanding to thought which show new step to concept give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to direction of route that give new move which create new step to appeal that give new path to strength which show new start to chapter give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to concept of path that give new world which give new appeal to thought that give new step to chapter which show new world to touch give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to strength of route that give new move which give new touch to knowledge that give new start to touch which show new path to move give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of move that give new concept which give new spirit to thought that give new path to concept which show new step to route give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to chapter of route that give new thought which give new step to concept that give new step to thought which show new start to light give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to direction of move that give new appeal which create new start to strength that give new start to chapter which show new path to move give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to strength of chapter that give new hope which show new light to appeal that give new soul to concept which show new step to spirit give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to direction of strength that give new path which give new appeal to knowledge that give new path to strength which show new start to word give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of chapter that give new touch which create new step to concept that give new world to chapter which show new path to touch give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to chapter of touch that give new appeal which show new spirit to thought that give new touch to shine which show new direction to spirit give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of path that give new direction which show new world to chapter that give new appeal to path which show new strength to step give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to concept of move that give new touch which show new appeal to direction that give new spirit to soul which show new touch to appeal give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to chapter of spirit that give new appeal which create new thought to concept that give new start to move which show new start to thought give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to appeal of thought that give new chapter which give new concept to touch that give new direction to soul which show new thought to route give new way to mind
Shine will show new route to strength of spirit that give new concept which show new direction to appeal that give new strength to spirit which show new direction to path give new way to mind.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Poem. 5310. Wind will show new touch to

                              Wind will show new touch to
Wind will show new touch to strength that give new thought to step which give new concept to soul of knowledge which show new light to spirit of concept that give new appeal to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to appeal that show new chapter to start which create new word to shine of strength which show new path to start of strength that give new touch to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to thought that give new appeal to route which show new move to spirit of appeal which show new move to step of knowledge that give new word to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to shine that give new strength to move which give new path to thought of touch which show new path to start of direction that give new move to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to spirit that give new thought to appeal which create new step to concept of route which show new way to touch of strength that give new path to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to step that give new concept to spirit which show new route to direction of path which show new start to appeal of chapter that give new word to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to start that give new appeal to start which give new appeal to strength of chapter which show new direction to strength of touch that give new move to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to shine that give new concept to path which create new path to concept of move which show new step to chapter of route that give new world to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to appeal that give new thought to step which show new path to world of knowledge which show new start to direction of world that give new concept to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to chapter that give new direction to start which give new word to thought of shine which show new path to strength of move that give new touch to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to concept that give new appeal to step which give new move to knowledge of step which show new start to chapter of start that give new move to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to direction that give new spirit to start which show new route to strength of word which show new spirit to concept of path that give new spirit to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to thought that give new appeal to soul which show new word to chapter of move which show new start to direction of world that give new step to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to knowledge that give new thought to step which show new move to concept of route which show new step to strength of touch that give new start to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to appeal that give new direction to start which create new path to strength of word which show new shine to knowledge of path that give new route to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to chapter that give new appeal to concept which show new world to chapter of step which show new path to concept of route that give new touch to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to direction that give new touch to chapter which give new concept to appeal of route which show new world to chapter of move that give new spirit to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to strength that give new shine to thought which create new chapter to knowledge of world which show new shine to touch of spirit that give new step to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to appeal that give new soul to knowledge which give new appeal to hope of direction which show new start to thought of step that give new start to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to concept that give new start to strength which show new spirit to concept of path which show new route to knowledge of word that give new step to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to direction that give new route to knowledge which create new step to strength of soul which show new move to path of chapter that give new appeal to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to concept that give new spirit to thought which give new appeal to knowledge of step which show new route to word of concept that give new start to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to chapter that give new strength to shine which give new world to direction of route which show new start to shine of appeal that give new world to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to strength that give new appeal to start which give new chapter to thought of start which show new route to spirit of concept that give new appeal to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to thought that give new chapter to path which give new direction to appeal of move which show new world to start of strength that give new touch to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to knowledge that give new route to way which show new strength to chapter of shine which show new appeal to step of direction that give new move to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to direction that give new thought to appeal which show new start to concept of route which show new strength to move of chapter that give new path to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to knowledge that give new concept to route which show new shine to light of knowledge which show new route to path of strength that give new word to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to appeal that give new thought to learning which show new step to strength of world which show new spirit to move of concept that give new start to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to chapter that give new knowledge to feeling which show new route to direction of concept which show new light to shine of strength that give new path to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to concept that give new direction to learning which show new path to strength of chapter which show new appeal to spirit of concept that give new step to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to strength that give new appeal to meaning which give new move to path of thought which show new direction to step of strength that give new word to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to appeal that give new concept to feeling which show new soul to step of knowledge which show new thought to start of chapter that give new path to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to chapter that give new knowledge to thinking which show new word to chapter of thought which show new step to concept of world that give new step to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to thought that give new appeal to learning which show new move to concept of knowledge which show new start to touch of shine that give new route to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to knowledge that give new route to feeling which show new path to strength of chapter which show new thought to appeal of move that give new start to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to concept that give new thought to meaning which show new route to appeal of concept which show new direction to touch of route that give new path to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to chapter that give new direction to learning which show new step to thought of move which show new strength to concept of word that give new start to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to appeal that give new strength to feeling which show new start to concept of spirit which show new direction to chapter of move that give new route to way of mind
Wind will show new touch to concept that give new appeal to meaning which show new word to chapter of route which show new thought to touch of world that give new spirit to way of mind.

Poem. 5309. Different route will show hope to dream

                    Different route will show hope to dream
Different route will show hope to dream that give new appeal to shine which create new path to concept of knowledge that show new light to thought will show new way to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new concept to spirit which show new step to chapter of strength that give new appeal to knowledge will show new path to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new touch to start which show new route to concept of path will create new world to appeal will show new shine to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new step to thought which give new path to strength of move will show new shine to chapter will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new start to appeal which create new step to chapter of shine will show new world to strength will show new spirit to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new path to concept which show new spirit to appeal of path will start new meaning to knowledge will show new step to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new move to strength which give new start to knowledge of word will give new appeal to thought will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new step to knowledge which give new path to concept of move will create new strength to touch will show new touch to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new word to chapter which show new step to thought of start will show new knowledge to path will show new shine to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new move to concept which create new start to appeal of touch will give new direction to step will show new knowledge to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new path to strength which give new appeal to shine of light will show new chapter to route will show new touch to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new world to light which create new chapter to strength of way will create new path to shine will show new thought to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new spirit to touch which give new thought to chapter of soul will show new step to appeal will show new knowledge to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new start to thought which show new path to concept of step will show new spirit to shine will show new strength to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new move to knowledge which create new step to chapter of start will show new start to touch will show new appeal to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new path to strength which give new shine to thought of step will create new word to chapter will show new touch to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new start to chapter which show new path to strength of word will show new step to concept will show new spirit to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new step to concept which give new soul to concept of path will show new start to strength will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new touch to thought which show new step to chapter of spirit will show new path to world will show new appeal to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new appeal to strength which create new spirit to concept of move will show new step to touch will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new thought to concept which give new soul to knowledge of step will show new start to thought will show new step to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new chapter to thought which give new step to thought of world will show new spirit to appeal will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new concept to shine which give new spirit to strength of soul will show new route to chapter will show new spirit to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new appeal to route which show new start to thought of move will show new step to concept will show new appeal to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new strength to way which show new route to chapter of soul will show new start to strength will show new concept to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new thought to appeal which give new path to concept of step will show new way to appeal will show new chapter to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new shine to knowledge which create new word to chapter of step will show new start to thought will show new touch to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new spirit to thought which show new strength to appeal of soul will show new step to concept will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new path to concept which give new thought to chapter of route will show new start to strength will show new move to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new route to strength which create new shine to thought of light will create new word to chapter will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new move to chapter which show new start to knowledge of path will show new path to concept will show new route to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new path to concept which show new spirit to thought of move will show new start to chapter will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new word to chapter which give new appeal to strength of word will show new step to thought will show new move to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new shine to light which create new concept to touch of appeal will show new start to knowledge will show new path to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new spirit to move which show new chapter to spirit of concept will show new soul to thought will show new start to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new step to chapter which give new touch to soul of move will show new step to chapter will show new route to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new start to concept which create new path to concept of step will give new start to appeal will show new move to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new soul to strength which give new appeal to knowledge of route will show new way to spirit will show new path to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new path to concept which show new route to strength of world will show new step to way will show new touch to direction of life
Different route will show hope to dream that give new step to thought which create new shine to light of chapter will create new spirit to move will show new step to direction of life.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Adventure story. 455. Adjusting with new job

                                        Adjusting with new job
Rohit was so excited about this new job. New job meant new world. Normally people felt scared of new things but not Rohit. He loved challenges and he always received admiration for his courageous attitude. He was born that way. He never felt scared. His younger sister Ritu admired him for it. She nearly worship him in everything. She was his true admirer. He knew that she was most valuable gift of God and no one could replace it. He always loved her. She had wonderful timid and caring nature. She thought that she was coward. But he hated that way of thinking. He kept telling her stop thinking like that. She was caring not harsh like him. She valued life and she didn’t put it in risk like him without second thought and it was not wrong. People didn’t understand her but Rohit knew value of her nature. He kept telling her that she was winner. But he didn’t need to just telling her. He needed to give her some push in life to move ahead. In this job he felt that he could do it. In this job he could encourage her talent. Actually he was planning to work in one advertising agency. It was world famous agency. He knew that they had lots of singers but he could manage to give her small chance to sing some giggle. It was going to give confidence to her. Ritu wanted to feel happy in soul. She wanted to sing wonderful songs but she was just too scared and nervous. It was so upsetting that her talent get wasted like that. But now in this company he could do it for her. He was full of confidence. He dressed in his style and took out his bike. He put on his helmet. Then he went on his job with full confidence. He was so sure that everyone would prefer him. But when he entered security guard looked at him with disgust. It seemed that security guard didn’t like him. He didn’t understand why did security guard hated him so much. That Security guard showed him place to park his bike. He did it. But in his heart he hated Security guard’s attitude. He parked his bike on that spot. Then he was about to go in office when Security guard asked from behind “ I saved one place to park your car did you need it?” He said easily “ No need. I use bike.” It was normal and causal thing for him. He went in office. He looked around. No one was interested in him. In fact no one was friendly in this office. They were totally busy. He didn’t want to grab attention but he expected at least little bit attention. He didn’t got any. He was so frustrated. He didn’t understand what was wrong. Then he located office of Boss. He went inside. His Boss was busy too. He didn’t understand how did he supposed to demand attention. But he just kept standing. Soon he sensed that it was useless. He needed to find some way to grab attention. He slowly began to make sound with feet. At beginning his Boss didn’t look. Then his Boss gave him angry look. Boss “ What did you want?” “ I am your new employee and I want you to explain me what work I supposed to do?” His Boss gave him such angry look that he felt so much scared. He wanted to be feel friendly with his Boss but he couldn’t. He didn’t understand why his Boss needed to act so angry. His Boss “ Do you sense who is Boss?” “ You are!! Sir.” “ Then why did you gave me orders?” “ I don’t give you orders. I am asking orders from you. I want to obey you.” “ Ohh so you are my slave right?” He was so confused. He nodded. His Boss screamed loudly “ Do you think I treat people like slave?” He didn’t understand what did he supposed to say. He just kept looking at shoes. He started to regret his decision of leaving first job. His last Boss was nice man. But his Boss couldn’t able to increase his salary. That Company was small and his ambitions were big. He wanted to achieve fast progress. He still remembered that day when he took this decision. He was working in this company for long time. Every day his relatives were taunting him. They kept telling him that he needed find another job better one. One day during a wedding function he was sitting with his uncle when his Uncle started talking “ Rohit you are smart boy. I heard that you are hard working too.” He smiled happily. He loved it when someone admired him. He was so happy but he never thought that next sentence which his Uncle was planning to say. “ But you are acting weak.” “Weak?!!” “ Yes!” “ But why?” He tried to laugh but he was hurt. No one called him weak before. He was always strong personality. He took every risk and won in it. “ I am strong man. You can ask anyone!” “ Really! Then why don’t you change job?” Now this was confusing. He did everything with confidence so he never thought that someone would call him timid. “ I am not timid.” “ Then why don’t you try new job?” “ New job? But I will miss my friends?” “ Then you are scared to make new friends?” He kept talking like this and remaining relatives kept nodding in agreement. Soon all started telling him to act brave. It really managed to hurt his self respect. He thought that it was self respect on that time but today when he stood before this new arrogant Boss whom he didn’t know how to answer he felt that it was just ego. He didn’t want to encourage it now. He wanted to go back. He slowly started to think just about that job and he slowly began to forgot his entire surroundings. He began to feel that he was once again back in his old office. It was wonderful thought. He felt confident again. He looked at his Boss and said “ I am sorry Sir!! I just want to find work.” Boss was still looking at him with anger. He pointed on desk. “ Go there. They will show you.” Rohit nodded. He went to desk. On this point he was sure that he didn’t get any smile. He went to desk took papers given to him like obedient employee. He stared working. He didn’t understand any rule of this office. He knew that he needed to handle. He knew that he couldn’t just quit job overnight. He needed to adjust. He took deep breath and started to see work he needed to get done. It was important for him. He started to do it seriously. He sensed one thing that in this office he needed to be serious. He shouldn’t laugh or enjoy since no one was doing it. He kept working seriously.
     Rohit’s Dad was so happy. For such a long time he wanted to get Rohit new job. This job was not enough. No one knew even name of company. He felt that his son must work which had big name. He kept feeling that these friend circles were not encouraging for his son. In fact he thought that they were too encouraging. They gave him too much freedom. He was becoming weak due to them. While other people worked even in night Rohit was sitting in home every holiday. He was helping his Mom and sister. His Dad hated it. His Dad didn’t want him helping female members of family. He wanted him to work hard and to win. He wanted to prove him some strong person. He wanted to make him great. He didn’t like the way Rohit’s future was moving. Rohit’s future was not making much progress. Rohit needed to move ahead while keeping others behind. But Rohit was not moving ahead as he should. Rohit was full of confidence but he needed a job which taught him discipline so he decided to convince his brother and Rohit’s Uncle to instigate him. It clearly worked. Now Rohit took another job. Dad was so happy. He knew that this company wouldn’t take anything lightly. He would need to work hard to get things as per need of this company. He was so upset by lenient way Rohit was treated. Now Dad was happy. This Boss would remove that childish innocent smile out of his face. He would become smart. He would become that man which he would be. Dad always wanted him to be strong. Now these people would teach him how to become strong. Most importantly he became the way he wanted him to become. He wanted to Rohit to be as he wanted. Dad began to dream. Mom saw smile of his lips. She assumed that it was because of new job and extra earnings which Rohit would get. Mom never understood why did Dad kept getting so obsessed to money. They had enough to survive and remain happy. They never actually suffered financial crisis. They always stayed life in well to do financial status. But Dad always kept showing off as if he lived in financial crisis. Mom didn’t understand why did he kept convincing this to him. Due to his this attitude he kept harassing their children. She could understand when kids were making unreasonable demands. But now a days kids never demanded anything. In fact they were no longer kids. Their both children were not demanding and peaceful by nature. But Dad never felt happy about it. Mom never understood what did he wanted. She always felt upset when Dad began target kids. It was not right. She knew that their kids were obedient but Dad always enjoyed targeting and harassing them. Mom didn’t understand why. Once his smile used to give Mom happiness but now it began to scare her sometimes but still she convinced herself that all was perfect. Dad was smiling just because he was happy for Rohit. She tried to smile but she was scared. She knew that something was wrong. She began to feel so tense. She didn’t understand what did she want. She kept watching towards mobile with hope to see Rohit’s message. He promised her to call her during lunch hour. It was so confusing. She decided to make that call herself. She started calling him. He didn’t answer at beginning then after sometime he called. He tried to make it light but she sensed that something was wrong. It didn’t work that way as he wanted. Truthfully Mom never wanted that job. But Rohit took it in his head that it would help all. He could manage to find a job for Ritu but truthfully Ritu didn’t need that chance. She needed her brother. But today when Mom talked with Rohit she sensed that something was missing. He was not normal. She didn’t like this. She wanted him to go back to his old office. Mom was housewife. She never did job. But she knew many things about it. Her father was modern man. When Mom was staying with her parents she was permitted to go out and search for opportunities. Her parents warned her about wrong type of approach by men but they never stopped her from taking experience of world. But Dad was trying to do that with kids. He kept pretending that he wanted to Rohit become independent. But Mom didn’t believe it. Once Rohit managed to find one nice shop. He wanted to rent it and start business. Dad didn’t cooperate instead he discouraged him. Dad screamed on him for trying to waste money. Mom always felt that Rohit deserved that chance. If kid wanted to start business on rent, then Dad should take shop for one month at least on rent. He could surely give him one chance. But It didn’t work that way. Dad kept screaming against it and Rohit decided to forget that idea. Then Rohit found this job. It was perfect. Mom saw him so happy during working. Everything was perfect when suddenly many people started to suggest him to change job. Rohit was confused. But then he found this big company and he took decision. Mom felt that he was cheating his friends. In this Company he managed to make many friends but he said that it was life. He needed more money and Boss couldn’t increase salary. She nodded. But in her heart she didn’t like it. It was so frustrating. She didn’t like any move Rohit took. She felt that he was not listening to his heart. He was listening to wrong people but it was too late. Many people convinced him and Rohit believed them. Suddenly his Mom was no longer so much wise to him. He was so confident that she didn’t understand that he just ignored her advice. But today she sensed that she was right. He was not happy. She just wished that they could take him back in his Company. But she knew that he couldn’t do it. If he went back then his value would be reduced. They would feel that he might be thrown out of new Company. In fact that New Company would surely spread rumours about him. He needed to do job until they didn’t decide to let him go willingly. Mom truly really didn’t like this situation but she knew that she needed to accept it so she didn’t say anything. She went in kitchen and started cooking his favourite food.
      Rohit was so upset. He didn’t want to tell it to all since it was giving him feeling that he looked like weak. He wanted to look strong. He wanted to feel happiness from soul. He needed to work hard to impress that staff. He was not planning to give. He was not small kid to cry in arms of his Mom but he was feeling like small kid. He decided to control himself. It was so frustrating. He knew that he would go back in his house and gave big smile. He would lie about things in office. It was not optional. He needed to think about different things he read. He started to think about books. He had to remind himself of those books in which he read about beautiful office. It was so nice to think about them. He wished that he needed to find those experiences which managed to turn office in best. He knew that he needed to lie and for that he needed to think about those books. He slowly began to remember and he managed to created wonderful world of his office for his Mom. He prepared himself completely. He knew that he would look perfect. So he kept quiet inside office. He did his work and he went in house as hero. He hugged his Mom as soon as he entered then he began to tell her story of office. Ritu was also listening to him. Most importantly Dad was listening to him. Dad was clearly upset and shocked. Dad didn’t expected office to treat him like that. This was supposed to discourage him. But it seemed to encourage Rohit. Dad didn’t like it. Dad wanted him to live hard life. Dad needed Rohit to suffer but Rohit was talking about nice welcome. He said that he was not even abuse on his mistakes. This job seemed easier than last one. Even on last job on first day Rohit was not so happy. Dad really hated this. Dad wanted different thing and what happened was least expected by him. He kept watching. After seeing smile Mom’s face he sensed that everything was moving in perfect way. He was feeling so happy. He managed to fool them. But he didn’t sense how much angry and upset his Dad was. Dad was so frustrated. Dad sensed that he needed to do something more to handle situation. Dad decided to call his friend in same Company. Dad began to speak with his friend. He discussed about many things before coming to main point. He didn’t come to point easily. Then he slowly asked “ Do you met new boy joined Company?” “ New boy? Which one? Come on!! You know very well in big Companies small employees doesn’t exist!” Now Dad was shocked. Rohit was telling different story. Dad didn’t went directly to point. He kept talking about many things. Then in end Dad said bye but Dad was totally upset. He didn’t understand how could two person give so different version. Dad began to feel that it was possible that this was not Company in which Rohit was working. Dad understood all. Rohit was working in some small Company and he was pretending that he was working in big one. Dad smiled. Now he knew how did he would show Rohit his inferiority. Dad began to plan. Rohit went in his room. He was so scared. He never lied so much. Immediately his door was knocked. He didn’t want to open it but he knew that he didn’t have much option. He took deep breath and opened it. He was so confused. He didn’t understand how could he face all again. But then he saw that it was Ritu. She came inside and closed door. Ritu “What happened.” He smiled and said “ Nothing!!” “ I know you were lying I read that book too.” Then he cried. It didn’t matter if it was before his younger sister. He needed someone who would understand his pains. He felt so relaxed. Then he told her all. Ritu sat near him. She started counselling him all. She was acting like elder sister instead of younger. He felt so happy and relaxed. He was glad that he told everything to Ritu. First time he sensed that Ritu was strong and brave. He didn’t need to find chance for her. She would create it herself. Ritu “ You must show little bit patience.” He nodded and hugged her. Then he went back to work with new spirit. He began to get ready for next day. He knew that he would miss his last job but he was ready to face new one. He began to study all. Next day was going to be more hard. He needed to submit file. He knew that his Boss would scream on him. He knew that he was not perfect. But he never claimed it. He just tried to convince world that he could adjust with every group. Now it turned out to be fake concept too. He was so upset. But then he sensed that he needed to adjust. He took deep breath and smiled. He started working. He worked hard until late night then he finally fall asleep. He set his alarm clock properly. He was so fast asleep that he didn’t sense when Dad came in room. Dad managed to push that clock in such a way that alarm would not ring. Dad smiled. Rohit lied to him so Rohit deserved punishment. Dad knew that if Rohit came late on second day of office it would create worst impact and Dad wanted it. Rohit was sleeping peacefully. He was not tense or restless. He was smiling happily in his peaceful sleep. Dad was feeling so upset. Dad didn’t want him to be laughing like that. He wanted Rohit to get punished. Dad slowly pushed his alarm clock. At same time Mom came in room. She saw that he knocked it. Mom screamed with shock. Rohit woke up. They all saw alarm clock was practically fallen out of Dad’s hand. It was useless. Rohit screamed “ Dad what are you trying to do?” “ I was just checking it!!” Then Dad changed his tone began to scream loudly on Rohit. Dad “ How dare you scream on me like that?” Dad began to give angry look. Dad “ You are existed just because of me. You are nothing without me. You are totally useless. You need to understand it. Rohit don’t think you are some one. This is my house. I can throw you out of it like this.” He began to abuse further. Rohit was so shocked. He just wanted to sleep. He needed rest for next day. But he knew that no one could stop his Dad. Dad kept abusing and doing drama as long as he desired. Dad finally went out of room in 2 o’clock of morning. 
        Rohit was tired next day. But still he kept his energy alive with one cup of coffee. He showed his work. Luckily Boss seemed to think that it was okay. He was so happy. He needed to just keep trying to settle in this office and soon he would be settled. He knew that it was not fun like last office but he knew that it was not even worst. He began to learn how did he supposed to deal in situation of his new office. Next day when he returned home, he was exhausted but not so upset. He began to think that he would survive in this home. Ritu came in his room. He gave her genuine smile. She was so happy.But Dad was more upset today. Dad confirmed that Rohit was working in same Company. His friend called him today. His friend said “ Your son is not scholar but he is okay. His Boss seemed to be happy with him. They are admiring him but they will keep him. And in such famous Company it is achievement too.” Dad hated when Rohit achieved something. Dad wanted Rohit to fail. Dad kept feeling so upset. He didn’t like it. Dad suddenly came towards Rohit with anger. Dad “ You must quit this job.” Rohit was so shocked. Dad was coming towards him with anger. He didn’t understand cause. Rohit screamed “ Dad I can’t quit job. I can’t keep changing job like that. Let me move ahead. What’s wrong with you? Are you mad?” After hearing this Dad totally lost his control. He began to attack Rohit with whichever thing he get. They all started running around house. He was so angry. He kept hitting with every object. They started to run out of house. He was totally mad man. He was so upset by all. Dad didn’t care for anything. They all came down with lift. Luckily there was just small swelling on Rohit’s head. They were standing outside in evening. Building garden was totally empty. They took their silently. But soon Dad started throwing things out of balcony. All began to fall on road. Society started coming in Balcony. Everyone was so shocked. They didn’t understand what they supposed to do. But soon Cops came in picture. They started to take away Dad. But whole time Dad kept abusing and telling Rohit did all. They took him. Rohit tried to help but it didn’t help that much. In fact as soon as they went away, people started to tell them that Dad must not stay in this Society. “ He would kill someone.” Mom “ We will try to handle!!” “ We know you suffer more than us. But if he planning to come back we want you to change house.” Rohit nodded. Then they went to Police station. Police didn’t seem to interested in helping them that much. But then slowly when they explained all, Cops helped. They suggested psychiatrist. Dad was still screaming. Now Rohit didn’t want to take him back home. Rohit knew that Dad never cared for him and now just because of him Rohit was going to get throw out of his house. First Rohit was forced to change job due to Dad. He adjusted it now this. Then Dad was taken to psychiatrist. When he was admitted, immediately Rohit went to Psychiatrist. He told all. Rohit “ Sometimes I wish that he could stay here forever. “ Psychiatrist started laughing. Psychiatrist “ Majority of relative of Narcissistic personality disorder feel this way. This trouble is so problematic. Patient is most superior human being. They didn’t care for anyone. They feel that other people are most inferior human beings.” It was so perfect description for his father. Rohit “ So what do you feel when he will be cured?” “ Don’t worry. We will send him back when he will be manageable. But it’s better if you change home. I am sure people around you don’t want him now.” Rohit nodded. When Rohit came out of hospital he was so upset. His Dad destroyed everything. Now on one point Rohit needed to do new job on another he needed to find new house. But Rohit told himself to calm down. He had family to look after. Once again he smiled and pretended everything was normal and went back to his home which he needed to change soon.   

                                                                    The End 

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...