Friday, November 30, 2018

Poem. 4326. Every light of start show

                                   Every light of start show
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to strength that give appeal to thought which show new appeal to strength that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to concept that give chapter to strength which show new step to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new route to start that give concept to appeal which show new touch to direction that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new way to concept that give path to strength which show new spirit to strength that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to strength that give thought to way which show new appeal to thought that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new route to start that give step to start which show new chapter to strength that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new appeal to thought that give light to shine which show new touch to direction that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to path that give strength to step which show new step to thought that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new word to chapter that give thought to path which show new word to chapter that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new route to concept that give chapter to move which show new way to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new direction to touch that give concept to appeal which show new path to strength that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to thought that give strength to path which show new touch to concept that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new word to chapter that give chapter to start which show new path to strength that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new start to concept that give start to strength which show new word to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to move that give concept to appeal which show new touch to chapter that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new word to concept that give direction to touch which show new step to thought that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to chapter that give strength to step which show new light to shine that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new concept to appeal that give thought to way which show new shine to direction that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to concept that give strength to step which show new path to appeal that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new route to strength to step that give thought to light which show new way to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new route to thought to light that give direction to route which show new word to chapter that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new appeal to strength to step that give path to move which show new start to concept that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new word to chapter to thought that give word to knowledge which show new path to route that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to concept to appeal that give step to thought which show new touch to strength that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new way to route to chapter that give shine to direction which show new word to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to concept to appeal that give start to path which show new line to chapter that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new start to strength to direction that give step to thought which show new path to concept that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to thought to path that give concept to appeal which show new way to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to concept to appeal that give strength to step which show new path to thought that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to strength to chapter that give knowledge to soul which show new way to direction that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new route to thought to concept that give touch to start which show new start to direction that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to strength of way that give thought to way which show new touch to thought that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to strength to move that give strength to step which show new path to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new way to direction to route that give chapter to move which show new start to thought that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new light to concept to appeal that give appeal to thought which show new touch to concept that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new start to direction to route that give thought to way which show new step to thought that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to chapter to word that give strength to step which show new touch to concept that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to strength to step that give thought to path which show new strength to step that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new route to knowledge to soul that give start to spirit which show new thought to way that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new way to direction to chapter that give word to knowledge which show new path to strength that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new word to chapter to concept that give light to shine which show new touch to word that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to move to thought that give step to direction which show new path to touch that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new step to concept to appeal that give path to strength which show new word to chapter that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new touch to direction to route that give appeal to thought which show new path to concept that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new thought to way to word that give concept to strength which show new way to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new path to strength to step that give chapter to direction which show new path to thought that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new word to chapter to direction that give move to spirit which show new word to knowledge that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new start to concept to appeal that give path to strength which show new path to strength that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new route to direction to touch that give start to thought which show new word to chapter that give move to mind
Every light of start show shine to direction which show new way to knowledge to concept that give shine to appeal which show new touch to concept that give move to mind.

Poem. 4325. Moves will open new way

                                     Moves will open new way
Different moves will open new way of life which show new world to each turn of mind which give new start to concept of future on every point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new touch to each strength of mind which give new light to shine of future on every point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new way to each knowledge of mind which give new path to strength of future on every point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new path to each concept of mind which give new word to chapter of future on every point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new route to each move of mind which give new direction to path of future on every point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new word to each start of mind which give new chapter to word of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new touch to each path of mind which give new concept to appeal of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new start to each way of mind which give new move to thought of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new route to each touch of mind which give new light to shine of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new appeal to each word of mind which give new strength to step of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new chapter to each way of mind which give new direction to route of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new light to each move to each appeal of mind which give new chapter to word of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new shine to each path of mind which give new concept to appeal of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new appeal to each way of mind which give new thought to way of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new path to each start of mind which give new knowledge to soul of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new touch to each move of mind which give new strength to step of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new move to each path of mind which give new thought to touch of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new light to each start of mind which give new chapter to move of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new way to each way of mind which give new direction to route of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new start to each word of mind which give new spirit to appeal of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new path to each touch of mind which give new light to shine of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new way to each path of mind which give new spirit to move of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new line to each chapter of mind which give new strength to path of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new touch to each light of mind which give new thought to word of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new start to each route of mind which give new path to appeal of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new word to each start of mind which give new word to chapter of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new direction to each way of mind which give new concept of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new appeal to each word of mind which give new direction of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new path to each thought of mind which give new strength of future on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new direction to each way of mind which give new light of shine on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new route to each word of mind which give new shine of strength on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new appeal to each start of mind which give new thought of touch on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new chapter to each way of mind which give new spirit of move on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new touch to each direction of mind which give new start of path on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new start to each appeal of mind which give new word of concept on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new path to each route of mind which give new step of chapter on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new route to each path of mind which give new strength of move on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new step to each word of mind which give new light of appeal on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new touch to each way of mind which give new word of light on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new  way to each direction of mind which give new start of spirit on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new start to each strength of mind which give new word of concept on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new path to each thought of mind which give new path of knowledge on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new appeal to each path of mind which give new light of shine on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new path to each thought of mind which give new appeal of move on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new step to each knowledge of mind which give new strength of appeal on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new start to each direction of mind which give new direction of route on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new touch to each strength of mind which give new concept of path on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new route to each thought of mind which give new appeal of move on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new path to each knowledge of mind which give new move of start on each point of life
Different moves will open new way of life which show new appeal to each direction of mind which give new spirit of move on each point of life.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Poem. 4324. To way of mind

                                       To way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every step and concept of mind which show new light to shine that give strength to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and direction of mind which show new start to knowledge that give spirit to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every day and spirit of mind which show new touch to strength that give direction to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every path and strength of mind which show new direction to route that give strength to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every step and concept of mind which show new path to move that give thought to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and spirit of mind which show new start to way that give chapter to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every move and appeal of mind which show new touch to concept that give move to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every path and strength of mind which show new path to strength that give light to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every step and concept of mind which show new appeal to thought that give chapter to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every appeal and chapter of mind which show new path to move that give direction to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every step and thought of mind which show new touch to direction that give strength to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and chapter of mind which show new word to knowledge that give thought to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every touch and appeal of mind which show new touch to chapter that give knowledge to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every path and step of mind which show new knowledge to concept that give direction to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every  start and concept of mind which show new thought to touch that give concept to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every  way and route of mind which show new strength to move that give direction to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and concept of mind which show new path to strength that give chapter to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every step and route of mind which show new touch to concept that give appeal to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every start and touch of mind which show new way to knowledge that give route to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every path and strength of mind which show new appeal to thought that give word to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and spirit of mind which show new light to concept that give touch to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every light and way of mind which show new strength to path that give light to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every step and concept of mind which show new touch to chapter that give effect to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every shine and light of mind which show new look to thought that give touch to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every step and concept of mind which show new thought to way that give direction to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every concept and move of mind which show new shine to direction that give move to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and start of mind which show new strength to thought that give route to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every touch and appeal of mind which show new direction to touch that give light to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every path and start of mind which show new thought to knowledge that give move to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and step of mind which show new direction to thought that give path to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every route and touch of mind which show new knowledge to soul that give light to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every start and concept of mind which show new strength to step that give word to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every path and route of mind which show new concept to appeal that give touch to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and chapter of mind which show new touch to chapter that give direction to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every light and shine of mind which show new path to route to direction that give start to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every path and start of mind which show new chapter to concept to appeal that give move to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every start and concept of mind which show new shine to light to move that give route to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and line of mind which show new touch to thought to soul that give impact to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every way and path of mind which show new direction to touch to concept that give move to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and chapter of mind which show new knowledge to soul to appeal that give route to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every step and route of mind which show new thought to strength to step that give path to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every shine and path of mind which show new direction to route to start that give light to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every start and step of mind which show new touch to concept to appeal that give touch to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every way and chapter of mind which show new strength to step to move that give appeal to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every day and path of mind which show new thought to light to shine that give route to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and chapter of mind which show new touch to move to appeal that give appeal to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every path and strength of mind which show new route to light to shine that give direction to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every touch and appeal of mind which show new start to move to thought that give appeal to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every word and chapter of mind which show new step to thought to concept that give step to way of mind
Every start will give new path of life which change our every direction and touch of mind which show new path to strength to chapter that give appeal to way of mind.

Poem. 4323. Every appeal of light

                                        Every appeal of light               
Every appeal of light which will give new start to mind that show new world to direction which show new thought to understanding of spirit at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thought to mind that show new meaning to path which show new concept to thinking of start at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new knowledge to mind that show new concept to way which show new strength to feeling of route at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new strength to mind that show new direction to touch which show new route to meaning of way at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new direction to mind that show new thinking to spirit which show new path to learning of spirit at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new strength to mind that show new chapter to start which show new way to understanding of touch at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thought to mind that show new direction to touch which show new concept to learning of move at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new touch to mind that show new concept to appeal which show new direction to meaning of route at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new path to mind that show new light to chapter which show new light to thinking of chapter at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new start to mind that show new path to strength which show new route to knowledge of concept at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new step to mind that show new word to knowledge which show new path to understanding of touch at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thought to mind that show new shine to direction which show new way to thinking of soul at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new knowledge to mind that show new start to thought which show new appeal to learning of spirit at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new chapter to mind that show new path to strength which show new word to meaning of word at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new route to mind that show new start to direction which show new touch to thinking of way at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new way to mind that show new touch to concept which show new chapter to understanding of touch at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thought to mind that show new thought to way which show new concept to feeling of way at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new spirit to mind that show new chapter to strength which show new appeal to meaning of route at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new shine to mind that show new concept to path which show new way to thinking of touch at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new start to mind that show new path to move which show new start to learning of move at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new knowledge to mind that show new way to direction which show new path of strength at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thought to mind that show new light to thought which show new word of understanding at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new direction to mind that show new start to chapter which show new light of meaning of route at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new strength to mind that show new path to strength which show new concept of thinking of path at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new route to mind that show new direction to soul which show new chapter of understanding of touch at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new meaning to path that show new light to step which show new thought of feeling of move at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new learning to word that show new path to start which show new world of thinking of spirit at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thinking to way that show new line to chapter which show new word of meaning of route at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new understanding to start that show new concept to appeal which show new start of feeling of way at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new learning to touch that show new light to shine which show new spirit of understanding of touch at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new meaning to path that show new route to soul which show new light of thinking of step at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thinking to spirit that show new concept to way which show new word of learning at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new feeling to step that show new chapter to light which show new shine of meaning at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new understanding to way that show new start to path which show new way of understanding at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new learning to word that show new step to thought which show new light of thinking at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new meaning to path that show new path to knowledge which show new chapter of meaning at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thinking to way that show new start to direction which show new way of feeling at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new feeling to step that show new direction to touch which show new start of understanding at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new meaning to path that show new touch to concept which show new word of meaning at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thinking to spirit that show new word to knowledge which show new path of feeling at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new understanding to way that show new light to shine which show new concept of learning at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new feeling to step that show new shine to way which show new direction of thinking at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thinking to way that show new path to strength which show new light of understanding at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new meaning to path that show new way to knowledge which show new concept of thinking at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new learning to word that show new light to start which show new chapter of understanding at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new understanding to start that show new word to chapter which show new path of thinking at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new meaning to light that show new shine to thought which show new way of meaning at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new thinking to chapter that show new path to strength which show new light of thinking at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new learning to touch that show new word to chapter which show new way of understanding at each point
Every appeal of light which will give new feeling to step that show new way to knowledge which show new light of chapter of thinking at each point.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Poem. 4322. Every step to path which show

                          Every step to path which show
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new direction that give way to chapter which show new path to strength which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to thought which show new start that give route to concept which show new way to direction which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new touch that give strength to step which show new spirit to concept which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to chapter which show new path that give thought to way which show new word to knowledge which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new word that give strength to start which show new light to concept which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to thought which show new path that give route to thought which show new shine to chapter which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new way that give start to thought which show new start to concept which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to strength which show new start that give concept to direction which show new appeal to start which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to start which show new light that give strength to step which show new chapter to way which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new path that give thought to start which show new direction to route which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new touch that give knowledge to soul which show new word to chapter which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to chapter which show new strength that give direction to step which show new concept to appeal which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to concept which show new thought that give strength to path which show new chapter to strength which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new touch that give direction to route which show new strength to chapter which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to appeal which show new path that give thought to touch which show new direction to route which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new way that give knowledge to soul which show new thought to way which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to strength which show new appeal that give direction to start which show new chapter which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to thought which show new start that give strength to step which show new concept which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to spirit which show new word that give chapter to strength which show new path which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to start which show new path that give concept to appeal which show new touch which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new touch that give thought which show new way which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new route that give strength which show new word which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to thought which show new word that give chapter which show new route which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to strength which show new path that give touch which show new path which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new light that give shine which show new start which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to spirit which show new appeal that give start which show new thought which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new word that give chapter which show new direction which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to appeal which show new start that give move which show new spirit which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to spirit which show new soul that give touch which show new path which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new start that give concept which show new word which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to strength which show new path that give route which show new way which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to thought which show new spirit that give soul which show new step which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new start that give start which show new touch which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new path that give word which show new start which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to appeal which show new route that give strength which show new word which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to strength which show new path that give thought which show new move which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to  knowledge which show new start that give direction which show new way which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to thought which show new word that give chapter which show new step which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new path that give concept which show new path which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to start which show new way that give step which show new word which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new word that give start which show new way which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to step which show new path that give thought which show new word which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new route that give knowledge which show new way which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to step which show new start that give strength which show new start which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to thought which show new word that give chapter which show new step which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new path that give concept which show new way which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to step which show new word that give chapter which show new start which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to direction which show new direction that give way which show new route which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to knowledge which show new route that give path which show new word which show new touch in life
Every step to path which show new way to strength which show new path that give direction which show new soul which show new touch in life.

Poem. 4321. New word to chapter which show

                       New word to chapter which show
New word to chapter which show new path that give appeal to thought which show touch to concept that give step to direction to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new strength that give step to thought which show direction to route that give light to shine to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new thought that give line to thought which show knowledge to path that give spirit to concept to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new step that give touch to thought which show direction to start that give start to chapter to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new direction that give way to thought which show strength to step that give path to move to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new touch that give appeal to thought which show appeal to touch that give direction to touch to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new direction that give spirit to thought which show direction to route that give strength to way to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new strength that give start to thought which show concept to appeal that give knowledge to soul to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new thought that give path to thought which show strength to step that give appeal to direction to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new knowledge that give step to thought which show direction to start that give chapter to concept to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new appeal that give thought to direction which show move to appeal that give concept to appeal to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new path that give spirit to concept which show touch to strength that give start to way to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new touch that give appeal to thought which show word to knowledge that give appeal to move to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new direction that give way to move which show way to spirit that give concept to appeal to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new strength that give start to chapter which show touch to concept that give way to knowledge to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new concept that give touch to concept which show path to chapter that give word to chapter to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new step that give path to strength which show line to word that give chapter to strength to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new direction that give way to knowledge which show touch to concept that give spirit to strength to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new thought that give word to chapter which show direction to path that give concept to appeal to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new path that give start to move which show strength to step that give chapter to touch to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new start that give appeal to spirit which show chapter to start that give way to knowledge to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new touch that give step to thought which show concept to appeal that give route to direction to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new chapter that give direction to chapter which show move to thought that give chapter to strength to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new strength that give concept to appeal which show way to spirit that give move to thought to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new concept that give chapter to way which show appeal to word that give path to strength to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new direction that give thought to touch which show step to appeal that give word to knowledge to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new path that give knowledge to start which show route to start that give concept to appeal to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new way that give direction to path which show start to step that give direction to touch to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new touch that give path to strength which show route to path that give strength to step to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new start that give touch to concept which show word to chapter that give thought to touch to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new path that give direction to touch which show start to appeal that give move to thought to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new appeal that give strength to step which show move to path that give light to concept to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new touch that give chapter to concept which show way to knowledge that give shine to thought to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new concept that give way to knowledge which show route to start that give chapter to concept to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new strength that give path to chapter which show word to chapter that give concept to appeal to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new thought that give light to shine which show start to direction that give path to strength to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new knowledge that give path to strength which show word to chapter that give light to concept to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new direction that give start to move which show appeal to thought that give shine to direction to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new word that give direction to start which show path to strength that give appeal to thought to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new path that give knowledge to soul which show direction to touch that give step to chapter to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new way that give appeal to thought which show word to concept that give start to strength to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new start that give direction to chapter which show way to knowledge that give way to direction to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new path that give strength to step which show touch to concept that give start to thought to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new word that give chapter to concept which show light to shine that give step to appeal to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new light that give shine to direction which show line to chapter that give concept to path to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new step that give light to shine which show path to strength that give chapter to move to route of spirit
New word to chapter which show new path that give chapter to strength which show way to knowledge that give effect to touch to route of mind
New word to chapter which show new start that give direction to touch which show start to strength that give direction to appeal to route of mind
New word to chapter which show new step that give strength to path which show direction to chapter that give concept to way to route of mind
New word to chapter which show new way that give knowledge to soul which show appeal to thought that give word to chapter to route of mind.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Poem. 4320. New path to start to knowledge

                                  New path to start to knowledge
New path to start to knowledge that give chapter to thought that will show appeal to way to start that give steps to thought which show new appeal to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give step to strength that will show direction to route to chapter that give starts to direction which show new start to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give concept to appeal that will show strength to step that give spirits to strength which show new move to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give touch to move that will show direction to touch that give moves to appeal which show new spirit to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give chapter to strength that will show thought to move that give touches to light which show new way to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give start to thought that will show strength to step that give thoughts to way which show new light to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give path to concept that will show direction to start that give chapters to strength which show new path to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give step to chapter that will show thought to light that give steps to thought which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give light to shine that will show appeal to chapter that give starts to concept which show new way to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give start to appeal that will show path to strength that give ways to chapter which show new start to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give touch to concept that will show touch to concept that give words to direction which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give strength to way that will show light to shine to direction that give starts to strength which show new way to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give chapter to word that will show shine to thought that give paths to spirit which show new spirit to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give direction to route that will show spirit to knowledge that give ways to thought which show new route to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give step to thought that will show direction to strength that give words to chapter which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give appeal to direction that will show spirit to concept that give steps to route which show new start to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give strength to chapter that will show step to thought that give paths to strength which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give touch to concept that will show start to chapter that give ways to knowledge which show new touch to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give direction to route that will show path to strength that give lines to chapter which show new concept to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give concept to appeal that will show touch to concept that give lights to shine which show new direction to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give chapter to strength that will show spirit to chapter that give words to concept which show new strength to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give appeal to thought that will show start to move that give appeals to direction which show new chapter to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give touch to concept that will show path to strength that give starts to strength which show new move to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give thought to touch that will show touch to direction that give ways to thought which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give chapter to concept that will show spirit to concept that give chapters to concept which show new chapter to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give strength to step that will show concept to appeal that give strength to step which show new touch to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give concept to start that will show direction to route that give path to strength which show new appeal to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give direction to route that will show thought to way that give start to knowledge which show new path to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give touch to move that will show strength to step that give word to chapter which show new feeling to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give chapter to strength that will show direction to route that give step to thought which show new meaning to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give concept to appeal that will show path to strength that give chapter to concept which show new touch to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give route to start that will show direction to touch that give strength to route which show new path to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give start to chapter that will show strength to path that give thought to path which show new concept to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give touch to strength that will show thought to way that give appeal to light which show new start to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give step to chapter that will show spirit to concept that give step to knowledge which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give concept to appeal that will show start to path that give appeal to thought which show new step to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give direction to route that will show route to start that give move to appeal which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give strength to path that show word to chapter that give path to strength which show new path to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give route to start that show path to concept that give strength to chapter which show new way to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give word to chapter that show touch to strength that give direction to touch which show new touch to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give start to direction that show direction to route that give concept to appeal which show new start to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give appeal to strength that show path to strength that give appeal to path which show new route to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give touch to concept that show light to shine that give strength to step which show new way to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give step to thought that show shine to thought that give touch to light which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give knowledge to soul that show start to move that give thought to way which show new touch to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give thought to chapter that show touch to path that give knowledge to soul which show new path to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give concept to appeal that show direction to route that give strength to move which show new route to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give start to concept that show strength to step that give step to thought to light which show new word to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give step to direction that show thought to touch that give route to path to start which show new touch to thought of mind
New path to start to knowledge that give light to shine that show strength to step that give concept to appeal to way which show new spirit to thought of mind.

Poem. 4319. Every touch to soul

                                         Every touch to soul
Every touch to soul which give shine to appeal that show new route to start that will show new path to thought which show new direction to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give path to strength that show new word to chapter that will show new start to direction which show new chapter to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give start to direction that show new light to concept that will show new spirit to thought which show new concept to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give light to concept that show new shine to thought that will show new route to knowledge which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give spirit to thought that show new step to knowledge that will show new word to chapter which show new start to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give move to thought that show new start to direction that will show new touch to concept which show new light to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give way to thought that show new path to strength that will show new appeal to spirit which show new way to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give shine to thought that show new route to chapter that will show new direction to move which show new start to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give start to thought that show new light to shine that will show new strength to concept which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give direction to thought that show new line to chapter that will show new appeal to thought which show new word to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give step to thought that show new light to shine that will show new spirit to strength which show new way to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give word to chapter that show new route to start that will show new knowledge to soul which show new light to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give concept to strength that show new path to direction that will show new thought to start which show new direction to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give direction to appeal that show new start to strength that will show new path to appeal which show new strength to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give strength to step that show new path to thought that will show new start to direction which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give thought to start that show new direction to appeal that will show new way to knowledge which show new appeal to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give appeal to touch that show new chapter to strength that will show new appeal to thought which show new touch to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give chapter to route that show new thought to start that will show new concept to direction which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give direction to path that show new spirit to concept that will show new strength to concept which show new way to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give strength to word that show new strength to direction that will show new thought to way which show new start to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give thought to appeal that show new way to knowledge that will show new chapter to start which show new word to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give appeal to spirit that show new thought to touch that will show new path to strength which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give thought to start that show new strength to step that will show new touch to move which show new direction to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give knowledge to light that show new concept to appeal that will show new spirit to concept which show new line to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give direction to shine that show new path to strength that will show new way to knowledge which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give start to concept that show new way to knowledge that will show new effect to chapter which show new way to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give path to strength that show new shine to direction that will show new light to shine which show new step to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give concept to thought that show new step to thought that will show new word to knowledge which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give thought to path that show new word to chapter that will show new path to strength which show new word to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give strength to move that show new spirit to concept that will show new direction to thought which show new spirit to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give knowledge to start that show new direction to appeal that will show new knowledge to concept which show new move to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give direction to touch that show new step to thought that will show new spirit to strength which show new light to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give move to appeal that show new start to strength that will show new move to chapter which show new shine to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give way to knowledge that show new path to knowledge that will show new start to concept which show new way to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give path to strength that show new word to chapter that will show new direction to touch which show new word to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give appeal to thought that show new move to thought that will show new strength to spirit which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give thought to start that show new appeal to chapter that will show new thought to step which show new light to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give knowledge to move that show new strength to path that will show new appeal to way which show new word to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give appeal to route that show new step to thought that will show new direction to touch which show new way to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give chapter to start that show new path to strength that will show new start to word which show new start to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give step to thought that show new way to knowledge that will show new word to chapter which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give path to knowledge that show new word to strength that will show new spirit to strength which show new word to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give direction to path that show new touch to concept that will show new word to direction which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give way to knowledge that show new start to appeal that will show new way to strength which show new way to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give step to direction that show new path to knowledge that will show new word to chapter which show new start to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give path to spirit that show new concept to appeal that will show new path to direction which show new path to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give chapter to concept that show new move to thought that will show new touch to concept which show new chapter to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give strength to move that show new path to strength that will show new word to knowledge which show new start to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give concept to appeal that show new start to chapter that will show new direction to touch which show new word to route of mind
Every touch to soul which give chapter to way that show new path to direction that will show new chapter to strength which show new way to route of mind.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Poem. 4318. Every word will give

                                  Every word will give
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every touch it gave to world it open new start for thought of mind which give move to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking which give direction to thought that show new light to shine which give spirit to directions of route that give way to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every direction it gave to strength of soul which give chapter to concept that give knowledge to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every path it gave to strength of knowledge which give concept to appeal that give strength to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every step it gave to appeal of thought which give move to thought that give direction to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every start to chapter of appeal which give path to strength that give step to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every light to shine of touch which give start to appeal that give direction to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every step to thought of move which give chapter to strength that give start to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every start to knowledge of spirit which give appeal to thought that give way to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every light to shine of way which give concept to appeal that give start to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every path to strength of move which give strength to way that give path to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every step to thought of start which give thought to touch that give step to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every start to knowledge of touch which give word to direction that give start to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every step to strength of way which give start to knowledge that give step to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every start to chapter of appeal which give path to strength that give soul to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every path to strength of move which give spirit to concept that give touch to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every step to knowledge of chapter which give touch to step that give direction to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every start to thought of concept which give chapter to word that give concept to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every touch of direction which give route to concept that give step to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every strength of path which give word to knowledge that give start to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every step of way which give thought to touch that give chapter to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every start of touch which give strength to step that give concept to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every route of thought which give chapter to light that give start to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every path of knowledge which give appeal to touch that give concept to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every route of direction which give spirit to concept that give thought to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every step of thought which give direction to route that give knowledge to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every start of chapter which give appeal to thought that give concept to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every light of shine which give concept to appeal that give strength to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every path of strength which give chapter to strength that give shine to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every step of move which give route to knowledge that give word to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every start of route which give path to thought that give route to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every touch of appeal which give word to chapter that give steps to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every route of spirit which give light to direction that give words to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every path of knowledge which give line to concept that give lights to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every step of thought which give word to knowledge that give steps to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every path of strength which give path to thought that give touches to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every touch of chapter which give route to start that give steps to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every chapter of route which give way to knowledge that give lines to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every step of knowledge which give light to concept that give ways to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every path of strength which give direction to chapter that give steps to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every start of concept which give thought to touch that give starts to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every step of move which give strength to light that give words to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every light of shine which give knowledge to way that give paths to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every start of move which give appeal to start that give words to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every step of knowledge which give path to strength that give ways to spirit of life
Every word will give feeling when we decide in our life every word of chapter which give line to spirit that give touch to spirit of life
Every word will give thinking when we decide in our life every route of  spirit which give way to knowledge that give steps to spirit of life
Every word will give understanding when we decide in our life every path of knowledge which give touch to concept that give lines to spirit of life
Every word will give meaning when we decide in our life every start of thought which give strength to thought that give lights to spirit of life
Every word will give learning when we decide in our life every way of touch which give thought to direction that give starts to spirit of life.

Poem. 4317. Stages of life which show

                             Stages of life which show
Different stages of life which show new appeal to thinking that show new thought to path which show new touch to strength that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new strength to learning that show new direction to route which show new word to knowledge that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new start to meaning that show new strength to step which show new way to thought that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new chapter to understanding that show new appeal to start which show new word to direction that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new concept to feeling that show new direction to touch which show new strength to knowledge that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new touch to learning that show new concept to appeal which show new way to thought that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new path to understanding that show new word to strength which show new direction to route that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new appeal to thinking that show new touch to thought which show new chapter to concept that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new strength to meaning that show new path to chapter which show new word to direction that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new concept to feeling that show new strength to step which show new light to move that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new touch to meaning that show new thought to start which show new direction to route that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new route to understanding that show new concept to appeal which show new word to strength that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new path to thinking that show new route to start which show new knowledge to soul that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new light to learning that show new light to thought which show new strength to step that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new start to meaning that show new path to knowledge which show new spirit to move that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new word to feeling that show new start to appeal which show new move to route that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new light to understanding that show new route to concept which show new way to direction that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new shine to learning that show new path to strength to touch which show new start to chapter that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new path to thinking that show new route to knowledge to soul which show new word to concept that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new touch to meaning that show new word to chapter to spirit which show new thought to touch that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new word to feeling that show new appeal to thought to way which show new knowledge to soul that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new way to understanding that show new route to direction which show new spirit to move that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new soul to learning that show new path to strength which show new chapter to thought that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new spirit to thinking that show new word to knowledge which show new step to strength that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new appeal to meaning that show new touch to concept which show new start to chapter that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new direction to feeling that show new step to thought which show new path to concept that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new thought to understanding that show new chapter to appeal which show new word to knowledge that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new strength to learning that show new concept to strength which show new route to thought that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new spirit to meaning that show new touch to knowledge which show new path to direction that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new word to thinking that show new word to chapter which show new light to concept that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new chapter to feeling that show new emotion to strength which show new way to knowledge that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new direction to understanding that show new view which show new spirit to thought that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new strength to feeling that show new word which show new chapter which show new word to chapter that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new thought to learning that show new start which show new concept which show new way to knowledge that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new word to meaning that show new touch which show new thought which show new start to strength that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new light to understanding that show new direction which show new strength which show new way to knowledge that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new move to thinking that show new touch which show new appeal which show new direction to thought that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new chapter to feeling that show new line which show new thought which show new strength to way that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new strength to meaning that show new word which show new direction which show new word to knowledge that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new thought to learning that show new path which show new word which show new chapter to strength that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new concept to understanding that show new start which show new path which show new strength to direction that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new direction to feeling that show new step which show new way which show new thought to touch that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new touch to thinking that show new light which show new spirit which show new strength to step that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new thought to meaning that show new thought which show new word which show new chapter to start that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new strength to understanding that show new path which show new touch to thought that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new thought to learning that show new appeal that show new way which show new meaning to route that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new knowledge to thinking that show new start that show new route which show new understanding to way that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new appeal to understanding that show new word that show new start which show new learning to touch that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new thought to feeling that show new path that show new strength which show new appeal to knowledge that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new path to meaning that show new word that show new thought which show new feeling to spirit that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new start to understanding that show new start that show new step which show new thinking to soul that show new path to mind
Different stages of life which show new knowledge to thinking that show new word that show new light which show new feeling to start that show new path to mind.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Poem. 4316. Every feeling will show new

                                   Every feeling will show new
Every feeling will show new route to path which show new light to chapter that give word to knowledge which show new way to soul which show new spirit in life
Every feeling will show new touch to path which show new start to direction that give path to strength which show new light to shine which show new soul in life
Every feeling will show new way to path which show new word to knowledge that give light to shine which show new word to chapter which show new way in life
Every feeling will show new light to path which show new path to appeal that give step to knowledge which show new shine to thought which show new step in life
Every feeling will show new appeal to path which show new spirit to strength that give way to direction which show new line to concept which show new shine in life
Every feeling will show new start to path which show new touch to concept that give step to thought which show new way to direction which show new touch in life
Every feeling will show new light to path which show new soul to thought that give line to knowledge which show new shine to concept which show new path in life
Every feeling will show new step to path which show new way to step that give way to appeal which show new way to knowledge which show new light in life
Every feeling will show new word to path which show new appeal to light that give start to knowledge which show new path to light which show new way in life
Every feeling will show new line to path which show new thought to spirit that give path to strength which show new way to knowledge which show new word in life
Every feeling will show new light to path which show new direction to touch that give word to knowledge which show new shine to thought which show new line in life
Every feeling will show new word to path which show new chapter to start that give way to chapter which show new move to strength which show new path in life
Every feeling will show new chapter to path which show new way to direction that give path to step which show new word to chapter which show new word in life
Every feeling will show new touch to path which show new word to chapter that give word to line which show new touch to concept which show new shine in life
Every feeling will show new way to path which show new touch to direction that give spirit to concept which show new move to touch which show new light in life
Every feeling will show new step to path which show new spirit to strength that give soul to chapter which show new start to appeal which show new path in life
Every feeling will show new light to path which show new shine to thought that give step to strength which show new touch to concept which show new line in life
Every feeling will show new chapter to path which show new direction to route that give light to concept which show new way to knowledge which show new touch in life
Every feeling will show new spirit to path which show new strength to step that give start to direction which show new path to strength which show new way in life
Every feeling will show new touch to path which show new spirit to concept that give word to knowledge which show new start to direction which show new light in life
Every feeling will show new appeal to path which show new touch to direction that give path to strength which show new touch to concept which show new look in life
Every feeling will show new start to path which show new light to shine that give strength to step which show new direction to route which show new chapter in life
Every feeling will show new step to path which show new route to chapter that give knowledge to soul which show new chapter to way which show new start in life
Every feeling will show new chapter to path which show new spirit to strength that give concept to appeal which show new appeal to touch which show new light in life
Every feeling will show new light to path which show new way to knowledge that give step to thought which show new thought to spirit which show new way in life
Every feeling will show new route to path which show new word to chapter that give chapter to strength which show new path to strength which show new word in life
Every feeling will show new appeal to path which show new concept that give thought to touch which show new chapter to concept which show new path in life
Every feeling will show new way to path which show new strength that give light to concept which show new touch to thought which show new start in life
Every feeling will show new shine to path which show new path that give step to thought which show new start to knowledge which show new route in life
Every feeling will show new light to path which show new shine that give chapter to strength that show new touch which show new appeal in life
Every feeling will show new word to path which show new way that give concept to appeal that show new start which show new chapter in life
Every feeling will show new direction to path which show new chapter that give step to spirit that show new path which show new strength in life
Every feeling will show new step to path which show new path that give strength to step that show new move which show new spirit in life
Every feeling will show new way to path which show new direction that give concept to appeal that show new touch which show new start in life
Every feeling will show new line to path which show new chapter that give thought to touch that show new direction which show new word in life
Every feeling will show new shine to path which show new strength that give path to chapter that show new way which show new move in life
Every feeling will show new light to path which show new shine that give step to thought that show new route which show new spirit in life
Every feeling will show new chapter to path which show new spirit that give path to strength that show new word which show new way in life
Every feeling will show new way to path which show new thought that give concept to appeal that show new route which show new touch in life
Every feeling will show new route to start which show new touch that give strength to start that show new word which show new way in life
Every feeling will show new light to path which show new route that give thought to shine that show new way which show new direction in life
Every feeling will show new way to path which show new direction that give knowledge to soul that show new word which show new step in life
Every feeling will show new concept to path which show new thought that give strength to start that show new path which show new touch in life
Every feeling will show new way to path which show new knowledge that give chapter to move that show new word which show new path in life
Every feeling will show new start to path which show new strength that give step to thought that show new strength which show new way in life
Every feeling will show new direction to path which show new word that give concept to appeal that show new change which show new step in life
Every feeling will show new route to path which show new concept that give strength to direction that show new touch which show new word in life
Every feeling will show new way to path which show new thought that give chapter to move that show new path which show new light in life
Every feeling will show new touch to path which show new concept that give knowledge to soul that show new way which show new shine in life
Every feeling will show new spirit to path which show new direction that give step to route to way that show new light which show new start in life.

Poem. 4315. To start of life

                                           To start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new move to spirit that give strength to step of mind which give light to start of life
Directions will show new shine to thought of life which show new appeal to soul that give chapter to concept of mind which give way to start of life
Directions will show new start to thought of life which show new path to strength that give move to route of mind which give light to start of life
Directions will show new word to thought of life which show new chapter to concept that give word to knowledge of mind which give path to start of life
Directions will show new way to thought of life which show new light to shine that give touch to spirit of mind which give light to start of life
Directions will show new touch to thought of life which show new path to strength that give concept of mind which give line to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new chapter to word that give appeal of mind which give shine to start of life
Directions will show new word to thought of life which show new concept to touch that give way of mind which give strength to start of life
Directions will show new path to thought of life which show new appeal to start that give touch of mind which give concept to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new light to concept that give chapter of mind which give direction to start of life
Directions will show new touch to thought of life which show new word to chapter that give strength of mind which give appeal to start of life
Directions will show new light to thought of life which show new start to thought that give path of mind which give appeal to start of life
Directions will show new spirit to thought of life which show new move to learning that give start of mind which give strength to start of life
Directions will show new appeal to thought of life which show new path to meaning that give step of mind which give thought to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new touch to feeling that give path of mind which give knowledge to start of life
Directions will show new touch to thought of life which show new spirit to thinking that give light of mind which give chapter to start of life
Directions will show new path to thought of life which show new soul to understanding that give start of mind which give concept to start of life
Directions will show new way to thought of life which show new appeal to learning that give shine of mind which give path to start of life
Directions will show new word to thought of life which show new chapter to meaning that give touch of mind which give appeal to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new touch to feeling that give step of mind which give strength to start of life
Directions will show new word to thought of life which show new chapter to thinking that give path of mind which give knowledge to start of life
Directions will show new path to thought of life which show new path to understanding that give touch of mind which give step to start of life
Directions will show new start to thought of life which show new touch to feeling that give start of mind which give concept to start of life
Directions will show new light to thought of life which show new knowledge to thinking that give move of mind which give route to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new chapter to learning that give spirit of mind which give thought to start of life
Directions will show new word to thought of life which show new thought to meaning that give chapter of mind which give soul to start of life
Directions will show new chapter to thought of life which show new strength to learning that give concept of mind which give path to start of life
Directions will show new light to thought of life which show new chapter to meaning that give direction of mind which give spirit to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new concept to feeling that give strength of mind which give route to start of life
Directions will show new path to thought of life which show new strength to thinking that give appeal of mind which give concept to start of life
Directions will show new word to thought of life which show new knowledge to learning that give path of mind which give strength to start of life
Directions will show new way to thought of life which show new thought to understanding that give word of mind which give chapter to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new strength to feeling that give step of mind which give touch to start of life
Directions will show new touch to thought of life which show new knowledge to thinking that give word of mind which give step to start of life
Directions will show new concept to thought of life which show new thought to meaning that give way of mind which give spirit to start of life
Directions will show new light to thought of life which show new shine to understanding that give path of mind which give soul to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new path to thinking that give word of mind which give strength to start of life
Directions will show new way to thought of life which show new touch to feeling that give start to mind which give concept to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new impact to learning that give path to mind which give path of appeal to start of life
Directions will show new breath to thought of life which show new route to understanding that give light to mind which give route to start of life
Directions will show new spirit to thought of life which show new way to feeling that give knowledge of mind which give strength to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new step to learning that give appeal of mind which give shine to start of life
Directions will show new line to thought of life which show new strength to meaning that give step of mind which give touch to start of life
Directions will show new appeal to thought of life which show new chapter to thinking that give way of mind which give concept to start of life
Directions will show new word to thought of life which show new concept to understanding that give move of mind which give way to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new touch to feeling that give strength of mind which give concept to start of life
Directions will show new light to thought of life which show new chapter to meaning that give appeal of mind which give word to start of life
Directions will show new route to thought of life which show new path to learning that give chapter of mind which give path to start of life
Directions will show new way to thought of life which show new soul to feeling that give strength of mind which give light to start of life
Directions will show new light to thought of life which show new spirit to meaning that give thought of mind which give route to start of life.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Adventure story. 372. Confident side of Seema

                                          Confident side of Seema
'Seema was sitting in corner of train. She was not desparate for admiration. She was never felt desparate. But she slowly looked around. She sensed every one was looking at her. She just moved her hair and she sensed that all men were showing desire for her. Even little baby who was sleeping in Mom's hand. She was so happy. She knew that God gifted her with special beauty. She was admired even by baby. She felt so pleased. She began to smile. She started laughing.' Vishal was sleeping by his wife Seema. He was disturbed when she suddenly began to laugh. It was scary. In night he started to hear sound of laugh. He shivered with fear. It was totally dark. Vishal had strange fear of darkness from childhood. As adult he managed to hide them very well. He began to move ahead happily in life. He managed to hide it all. But today when he heard strange laugh. He shivered with fear. He ran towards window without second thought. He started searching for monster. He didn't sense that it was laughing sound of woman. He was so scared. He looked out of garden. There were just trees and wind. He began to imagine many monster behind them. He shivered with fear. He kept looking at moon. It was looking scary too. Moonlight was increasing his fear instead of giving him pleasure with beauty. Then after sometime he sensed that it was coming from behind. He turned around. He saw that it was his wife Seema. He felt so upset. He looked at her when he saw her then he began to hate her more. He never liked her. He never wanted to marry her. He was after another girl. He kept following her like mad man. But she didn't seem to be fond of him. He tried so hard. He kept visiting her. He still remembered that how much efforts he took to impress her. But finally she chose different man. He thanked him for support when she was in destress. She acted as if he was her counselor and there was never anything between them. He smiled and nodded too. Since it looked better when he stood before man whom she chosen instead of him. He didn't want to appear like some loser. Then her husband asked him before all on wedding stage " So when you are planning to marry?" He took deep breath and said "Soon." After that he had no option but he had to chose another girl. This time he took help of his parents. They suggested a rich girl with big inheritance. On that moment without second thought he agreed. So Seema was rich and good looking. He didn't understand at beginning why she agreed to marry him. But slowly he sensed that she was stupid. She was so low in IQ that she didn't even pass her 10 th exam in first try. He didn't felt concerned about it at that time. He felt that she could sit in home and take care of kids. It was perfect. But after marriage he sensed his mistake. She didn't understand him. Whenever he tried to talk something intellectual, she started looking out of window. She didn't understand any of those things. He thought that he might need to encourage her. He bought some books but she hardly read them. In case of child they didn't even received success on that front in life so he began to feel his entire discussion was mistake. He wanted to change those steps. But it was too late. He looked around. This flat was in his life because of her only. Her Dad didn't have dowery but he helped him to get good job and now he was on top of ladder. He knew that if he behaved wrongly with her. He was going to suffer. After all what happened was not her mistake. It was so confused situation. He was so upset. He just took wrong decision which managed to effect him. He looked at his wife, Seema was laughing in strange way. Her fat body was moving in a way as if she was catwalk. She was looking so disgusting. He didn't want to see her like that any more. He started moving her. " Wake up..wake up." She woke up with strange smile. It immediately vanished when she saw face of her husband. He screamed " What's wrong with you? Why you are dancing like that in sleep? Due to your weight entire bed was moving." Seema felt so sad. She was use to be beautiful and slim. But during treatment for child she lost all. She knew that it was not her mistake. She was fine but still she didn't understand what was wrong. She said " Sorry!!" She went in Kitchen to drink water while coming back in bedroom she stopped towards mirror. It was clear that she lost her beauty completely. She was so sad. Few days after marriage she sensed that she married to wrong man. She sensed that he was in love with some other girl. He wanted her to become like her which was impossible. She always regretted her decision to marrying him. Her parents felt that he was good man. They did lots of inquiries and it all came positive so she married to this fellow. But it was all wrong. She started to return in bedroom but then she felt so scared what if she dreamt again. Then she looked at sofa cum bed in hall. She was about to sleep on it when she heard his scream. " Where are you? I am waiting for you." She never understood why he said that he never wanted her. But still every day he kept insisting that she must sleep in bedroom with him. She went inside while feeling scared.
       Seema was so pale when she returned. Now this managed to irritate Vishal more. Vishal " What happened? Why you are looking so pale as if you have seem ghost?" " I was just drinking water." He was so frustrated. " Why you keep looking so scared. I am not some criminal or monster who is going to harm you." " it was dream." " Dream?!! But in dream you were laughing. Now don't tell me you laugh when you see monster." She was confused now. She decided that she should keep quiet. But he was already bursting in anger. " What's wrong with you? Can't you at least sleep peacefully?" She didn't say anything but she started to get panic. She didn't understand what she supposed to say. He screamed " Why are you watching my face like that? You are idiot!!" She didn't say anything. Finally he started to sleep so he told her " Go to sleep." She just slept on bed. She kept back towards him since this time she was really crying. She started to feel so upset that she could not sleep. She wanted to cry that night. But she never wanted to feel so humiliated every day she kept sensing one thing that she did big mistake by marrying this man. She was so upset. She didn't want to sleep in that room. She sensed one thing that she couldn't go back and she couldn't come ahead so she had no option. She slowly went towards balcony. She looked down. It was too down but she didn't help feeling hope that finally it all would be over after her death. She started to look in sky. She saw perfect full moon. She began to feel so happy after watching it. She suddenly began to feel so confident. She smiled and jumped down. This time Vishal woke up due to voice of falling. He was so confused then he noticed Seema was not sleeping beside him. She was fallen from bed. He went near her. He was so upset. She managed to woke him up second time.  He decided that he suffered enough and he kicked her. Then she suddenly woke up. There was strange haunted look in her eyes. She stood and took one walking stick from corner and started hitting him. He kept screaming but she didn't stop. Finally he just ran out of house. He sat against door. He shivered with fear. He sensed that it was not his wife. He began to feel so confused. Inside room Seema looked carefully. She didn't understand how could she managed to do it. But she was happy about it. She felt strange power inside her. She felt strange strength. But she was not mad. She was just pretending and Vishal believed it. She knew that Vishal was scared of ghost so she decided to create one. She decided that she must pretend next morning that she didn't remember anything. She smiled. She began to sense strange power of confidence inside. She started to plan another identity of person whom she could present as ghost. She started planning all stories. She began to plan a story of her dead sister Urvashi. She wanted it to be perfect story. She knew that it needed some proofs too. She smiled happily. She truly started to enjoy this game. She suddenly got plan. She decided that she could create artificial photos. But for that she needed few pictures. She took out all those old album from attic. She brought them all in house since they were her best companions after marriage whenever Vishal started insulting her. She started to watch them and began to relax her soul. She took them out. She was alone in every picture. Then she suddenly located a maid of her childhood. She saw that maid's daughter was near by. She was so thrilled. She found wonderful idea. She could add this photo with her. She started to create wonderful idea to scare Vishal to death. She started laughing. She loved idea of revenge. She wanted to be free but to do that she must scare him otherwise he would keep dominating her. She decided that she must start next plan. She planned to make joker of him before all. She smiled. Then she took deep breath. She suddenly began to feel like normal scared Seema. She shivered and ran towards Vishal. She said in slow and sad voice. " What happened? Why you are sitting outside?" " You were..." She started feeling strange pleasure. She knew that he was not going to claim it before public. She kept patience. When he didn't answer, she said slowly " Can I open door?". He agreed. She slowly opened it. She suddenly began to feel so sad. She hugged him and started crying. He was confused. She began to apologize. He was confused too. He asked " But why did you hit me like that?" She was so scared. She needed to control her emotions but suddenly she was helpless. She kept crying. Her every thought of revenge managed to vanish from her soul. She felt so hurt. She started to cry with sympathy from heart. She told herself that she would not do it again. That night she slept once again. This time her sleep was dreamless.
       When Seema woke up, she was feeling fresh. She decided that she would pack tiffin for Vishal then she could go for jog. She needed to just relax. She started cooking food when Vishal came from behind and hit her strong on back. Her stomach hit on platform and she once again sensed strange energy. He screamed " You are going to hit me!!?" She suddenly began to plan. She took out knife. She started showing it's blade. He saw strange shine in her eyes and backed away. He was planning to teach her lesson today. How could she dare to hit him. He was her husband. Until now she never acted like that. He started to remember if she was aggressive ever before. He couldn't remember any much moment. She was always submissive and obidient. She was so angry today. Still he felt that she was just threatening her so he tried to hit her again. But this time she cut him with knife and started laughing. " You are so funny!! You saw my weapon still came ahead to hurt me. You are too brave." He started nursing his wound. It was not deep one but still it was bleeding. He screamed " How could you attack me with knife? I will call Police."She started laughing. Seema knew that she was wrong but she felt strange happiness. Seema " Go ahead call them. Tell them your wife is torturing you daily. Go..go.." Vishal was shocked. He never acted this way with her. He never even slapped her. He knew that he could file complaint and she would be in serious trouble. But he didn't like idea of complaining that way. His ego was getting hurt. He decided that he must not argue now specially when knife was in her hand. He sensed one thing that she was normal. He decided that he must ran away from his house as soon as possible. When he left room, she felt so upset. She didn't want to take revenge but he kept pushing her. She knew one thing now that she must move ahead with her plan. Today she lost her control in her anger. She managed to hit him with knife. She could have killed him. She shivered with fear. She didn't want to land in jail. She was so frustrated. She decided that she needed help. She immediately called her Mom. " Mom please come as soon as possible." " Why? What happened? Are you sick?" " No Mom. I am in big trouble." Her Mom sounded nervous now. "Did your husband hurt you?!! From beginning I was against that marriage." She screamed " Mom listen to me. I am in big trouble. I can't tell it on phone." " But your father is not here now.." " Mom forget all and just come." Her Mom immediately agreed. After that was supposed to feel nervous but suddenly she was relaxed. She was no longer frustrated. She began to feel so normal that she started cooking. She began to feel so perfect. She started to think that she just needed little bit help from her parents. When her parents came, she smiled happily towards them. Her Dad looked upset. " You are okay? Your Mom was creating so much drama without cause." " No Dad I was not fine on that time and my situation is not still improved. " Then she started to point towards Sofa. " First sit on them. Then we will discuss." Her parents nodded. They sat then she gave them snacks that she just cooked. Then slowly she started explaining them step by step. Her parents looked nervous. Her Mom " You can't do that to him?" "Why?!! Mom he cheated me. He didn't love me still he married me. He kept taunting me. I can't even have kids just because of him." Her Dad " I don't get it. Did he suggested to go for abortion?" She was so confused. She knew that Vishal never did that. But he never even came to Doctor with her. " Did he came to Doctor with us for treatment?" Mom " He was busy but he promised to come on next appointment." " These are just lies. Mom I feel he is doing it to hide his fault." " But how could he know it without check up?!!" " Dad you are so straight forward!!" Her Dad was shocked to hear that until now he never considered straight forward. He was always considered shrewd. Some one called even cunning. But no one called him innocent and simple. But Seema was saying it with her eyes. He was so upset. " Dad he knew all. He must had done check up before. Maybe for his last girlfriend?!! I feel rejected him for same reason." Mom " But why?" She was so upset. Her Mom was confusing her. She tried hard to control her anger and finally screamed " Because she wanted baby and he couldn't give her one!!" She said it in such way that they all kept quiet and her parents didn't dare to question her further. She smiled and began to tell them her plan. But her parents started to look angry. Her parents stood up. Her Dad " We are not going to support in this nonsense. " Her Mom nodded too. Seema started to feel sad. She said " Fine. At least don't tell it to anyone." Her Dad gave angry look and went away. Her Mom gave her sad look and followed him. But she smiled. She had plan for this situation too.
       Seema was so upset by these entire situation. Her moods were keep swinging time to time. She kept feeling frustrated sometimes and other times she was on clouds of happiness. She didn't like this at all. She just wanted to quit her idea of revenge so she went in Kitchen and started cooking. She looked every thing in perfect way. The way Vishal liked. She was happy. She felt that she was compensating for her misbehavior. She was waiting for Vishal in window. When she saw his car, she ran down with intention to greet him. Vishal was so scared when he saw her. Vishal shivered with fear. He was not planning to stay in his home today. He wanted to sleep in his friend's flat. He was so scared of her. Morning managed to increase fear in his soul regarding her. Yesterday she just hit him with stick but today she had knife. Tomorrow it could be gun. But getting gun was not easy in country so it could be poison. He shivered with fear. He called his old friend. His old friend Piyush took call. " Piyush how are you?" " Perfect!! You are calling after so many days what happened?" " Nothing. Did I need cause to call you?" " No you don't." Piyush started laughing happily and then that line came for which Vishal was hoping in fact praying. Piyush " Why don't you come to my house today for dinner?" " But your wife?!!" " "Ohh I forgot totally about her." Piyush laughed loudly. " You know me. I am rich man with big house. I don't have that much problem regarding place. I own big bangalow. My wife have separate room and kids have their rooms. I even have servant quater!!" " But I heard your Dad thrown you out of will." Vishal joked. Piyush " I have poisoned him before that." They both laughed then Piyush said " Don't worry. My father is perfect and healthy. He took largest room in house and every day keep cursing my wife and kids. But every one tolerate him for money." They both laughed again. Vishal knew that Piyush's father was not kind man. He was always pain in neck for Piyush. But Piyush needed to handle him carefully. Piyush's heart was big than his house. He was always kind to people. But his house was not that big so he said " Let's go to some hotel. We can stay together like old days." " Yes our college days and then discuss girls." They started laughing again. Piyush " I know hotel just perfect for us." Vishal jumped with joy. " I will call other friends too." Vishal didn't like this idea. He wanted to keep it private. He knew that Piyush's next idea would be of picnic. He wanted to sit peacefully on that day. He decided that it was not working so he just said good bye. Piyush tried to chat. But he just disconnected call. He had to return home. He was so confused. When he saw Seema running towards him. He shivered with fear. He didn't come out of car. But watchman started to look at him with suspicion and he had to come out. He gave one forced smile. He came out. Seema came near him. She hugged him and started to say " Sorry" in low voice. He was so confused. When he went  home, she started to serve him food. She was trying her best to impress him. But he just kept wishing that he was with his first love who betrayed him. He was totally lost. Seema was happy at first but then soon she sensed that he was not listening to her. He was lost in his thoughts. She began to get angry then she controlled her anger. She kept serving. Vishal was so upset. He knew that she was just doing drama and he didn't want to be part of it. Vishal " Food is good but why you are pretending these things?" Seema was confused. " I am not pretending. I am saying sorry and promising it will not happen again." Vishal was so angry. Vishal stood up and threw his dinner on her face. " I am not weak. You can't hit me every day as per your wish." He threw that hot dinner on her face she started to feel those burns and her anger rose again. She felt strange sense of energy inside. She stood up. " Really you don't want mercy from me? Okay I will not give it." She came near him. She started to hit him with such extraordinary strength that he never sensed she had. He tried to hit back but it was useless. He began to feel so many pains in his body. He began to feel that she was going to kill him. Finally she got tired. She went back to eat dinner. She ate it and went to sleep. He kept shivering in fear and pain. He felt that he was lucky to escape with just bruises. He didn't manage to fracture himself. On that point his phone rang. It was Piyush. He took call. " Where are you? Did you forgot I said I will wait before your house?!!" Vishal sensed that he didn't hear Piyush's last sentence due to frustration. Vishal " I am coming." Vishal felt so hopeful. He found way to escape. He looked at door. He ran towards it. He unlocked it without second thought and ran out. Seema saw him. She ran towards him. She was more fast then him. She took hold of him. She pushed him inside. But this time he didn't give up. He kept trying towards door. After sometime she suddenly stopped. She lost interest in him. He opened door and ran away. He went out. Piyush was shocked to see his condition. " What happened?" He just smiled and said " Nothing. Let's go." First they went to hospital.
        When Vishal entered in hospital, he went to his Doctor. Doctor had strange smile on his face. Doctor " Ohh so this time you fell from staircase instead of your wife?!! But I must say you are more injured." Doctor started treating him and asked " Did she gave contract to people?" " No she did it all by herself." Doctor nodded sadly. Piyush was confused. Piyush " What happened?" Doctor " Your friend's wife is my patient for long time. Your friend is expert in throwing anger on his wife." " What?!! I can't believe it." Vishal " She is so stupid. She is nothing like Ritu!!" Piyush was so angry. " So you are still in love with Ritu. Did you meet her?" " it is not about her. She never met me." " No it is not about her. It is about you. It was never her mistake. It was your mistake!!" " But she showed hopes to me." " No she didn't. You turn her line in way which suited you. She just showed decency of not slapping you. Many times I wished I should have told this to you before. Our common friend once told me that she was so irritated by you that she started avoiding friends. Just because of you!! Do you understand my words? You have destroyed lives of two women!!" Vishal was angry now. " What happened with Seema was not my mistake!! She is mad from beginning." " Really and who told this to you?" Doctor " When she first came here she was perfect. But last time she came something was wrong with her. She kept insisting that you have killed her baby when she was not pregnant. Did you went to Doctor regarding not having child?" Vishal looked frustrated. " No. I don't care." " Did she ever become pregnant and suffered abortion?" "No.." Doctor " I think you are lying." Vishal started to look upset. Vishal " Fine. Once she was pregnant. At that time we were just married so I don't care much. I don't know how but she fall in kitchen and she had abortion. It was not my fault." " But you don't have time even to console her." Vishal angrily " My child died due to her negligence why should I console her?" Piyush was so shocked. Piyush " You are inhuman!!" Doctor " At this point I feel she need treatment and you are not the one who can do it. Will you give me number of her parents?" Vishal didn't like this idea. "Why?" " Do you want her to hit you every day like that?" Vishal started to look scared now. " You think that she will keep doing it again and again?" " I don't just think I am sure about it." He shivered and gave number. When Doctor called, he sensed that her parents were on verge of nervous breakdown. Her Dad " My advice to her regarding marrying that man was biggest mistake. Now she seem to lost her mind. She was pregnant once after marriage her child got aborted due to accident but she seemed to forgot all." Doctor " Will you come here with her?" " Yes." Doctor called psychiatrist and explained all to him. He arranged emergency appointment. Doctor " Vishal I feel you must leave." "But she is my wife." " She could try to kill you." " What?" Vishal shivered and went away. Doctor laughed. Then Seema came with her parents. She was normal on that point. Then they went to psychiatrist. Psychiatrist start talking with her. She told all. " I don't like him anymore. But I don't want to hit him...but I must love him since he is my husband." " Don't force him in your mind just because he is your husband. You are suffering Disassociate personality disorder. This is happening due to your distrubed married life. In this disorder you feel as if you have two or more personality inside." Seema started laughing. " This can't be happening. This happen only in movies or TV series." " No..this happen. I just advise you to stay away from your husband until you are not cured or I advise you that it's okay. " Her Dad " Don't worry. I called lawyer. We are planning to file Divorce." Psychiatrist modded. Suddenly Seema smiled and said " But I was enjoying staying with him now a days." Her parents gave confused look. But Psychiatrist gave confident smile. Psychiatrist turned to her parents and said " I want to take  Seema alone for sometime. You are Seema right?" Seema smiled and said " How else I can be? Do you have  defect   in remembering things or is it a joke? I am just confident side of Seema?" Psychiatrist said slowly to her parents, " I need to keep her here for few days. Is it okay?" They nodded with tears in eyes. Psychiatrist smiled and said " Don't worry. I will call you back regarding her. She will be fine soon." They nodded and went out regretting their mistake that they married their beautiful and innocent daughter to such heartless man.
                                                                              The End

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...