Sunday, September 30, 2018

Poem. 4220. Different directions of light

                                   Different directions of light
Different directions of light will show different thoughts to mind which give those ways that show new path which give chapter to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts to mind which give those starts that show new word which give concept to feeling of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words to mind which give those paths that show new start which give strength to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts to mind which give those appeals that show new chapter which give chapter to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different paths to mind which give those concepts that show new world which give start to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different steps to mind which give those routes that show new strength which give step to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different strengths to mind which give those moves that show new concept which give move to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words to mind which give those strengths that show new appeal which give start to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts to mind which give those thoughts that show new word which give path to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different shines to mind which give those spirits that show new move which give start to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different touches to mind which give those lines that show new start which give touch to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different paths to mind which give those paths that show new path which give word to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts to mind which give those steps that show new chapter which give step to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different lights to mind which give those lights that show new step which give start to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different steps to mind which give those touches that show new path which give word to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different paths to mind which give those chapters that show new move which give path to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different routes to mind which give those appeals that show new word which give start to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts to mind which give those paths that show new start which give light to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different lines to mind which give those steps that show new path which give strength to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words to mind which give those starts that show new word which give thought to feeling of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different steps to mind which give those words that show new touch which give knowledge to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts to mind which give those steps that show new light which give strength to feeling of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different paths to mind which give those lights that show new start which give concept to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words to mind which give those touches that show new way which give shine to feeling of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different touches to mind which give those spirits that show new word which give chapter to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different ways to mind which give those lights that show new touch which give strength to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts to mind which give those steps that show new start which give knowledge to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different lights to mind which give those chapters that show new path which give thought to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words to mind which give those concepts that show new light which give touch to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different lines to mind which give those touches that show new word which give chapter to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different steps to mind which give those starts that show new start which give concept to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different shines to mind which give those paths that show new light which give strength to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different paths of mind which give those routes that show new path which give knowledge to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words of mind which give those chapters that show new concept which give strength to feeling of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts of mind which give those strengths that show new word which give thought to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different steps of mind which give those paths that show new start which give chapter to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different shines of mind which give those lines that show new shine which give concept to feeling of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words of mind which give those steps that show new chapter which give move to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts of mind which give those starts that show new knowledge which give step to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different steps of mind which give those strengths that show new light which give shine to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different paths of mind which give those paths that show new word which give strength to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words of mind which give those concepts that show new chapter which give concept to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts of mind which give those steps that show new start which give thought to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different steps of mind which give those chapters that show new word which give touch to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different paths of mind which give those strengths that show new path which give spirit to meaning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different touches of mind which give those paths that show new start which give shine to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different words of mind which give those steps that show new route which give chapter to thinking of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different starts of mind which give those moves that show new thought which give touch to learning of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different paths of mind which give those starts that show new knowledge which give soul to understanding of way in mind
Different directions of light will show different steps of mind which give those paths that show new strength which give direction to learning of way in mind.

Poem. 4219. Path will show different routes

                                 Path will show different routes
Every path will show different routes that give touch that show appeal to strength that give way to spirit to thought that show step to feeling of mind
Every path will show different words that give step that show direction to knowledge that give start to light to strength that show start to feeling of mind
Every path will show different starts that give concept that show strength to direction that give touch to move to appeal that show light to feeling of mind
Every path will show different lights that give way that show concept to chapter that give move to way to knowledge that show shine to feeling of mind
Every path will show different paths that give light that show thought to appeal that give step to thought to direction that show start to feeling of mind
Every path will show different routes that give move that show concept to thought that give touch to step that show chapter to meaning of mind
Every path will show different spirits that give strength that show move to strength that give chapter to spirit that show move to learning of mind
Every path will show different words that give chapter that show way to change that give touch to direction that show strength to thinking of mind
Every path will show different starts that give move that show touch to way that give spirit to concept that show concept to meaning of mind
Every path will show different lights that give way that show appeal to soul that give start to change that show direction to understanding of mind
Every path will show different words that give thought that show way to chapter that give direction to start that show thought to feeling of mind
Every path will show different touches that give knowledge that show shine to concept that give chapter to route that show strength to meaning of mind
Every path will show different starts that give strength that show start to spirit that give move to concept to soul that show chapter to understanding of mind
Every path will show different words that give appeal that show touch to strength that give appeal to direction to spirit that show thought to learning of mind
Every path will show different steps that give touch that show direction to move that give strength to chapter to start that show way to thinking of mind
Every path will show different touches that give route that show strength to appeal that give thought to concept to touch that show move to understanding of mind
Every path will show different words that give start that show chapter to concept that give knowledge to move to concept that show way to thinking of mind
Every path will show different starts that give step that show thought to strength that give direction to step to strength that show light to meaning of mind
Every path will show different thoughts that give shine that show knowledge to soul that give concept to touch to direction that show start to learning of mind
Every path will show different touches that give touch that show strength to move that give way to spirit to concept that show spirit to thinking of mind
Every path will show different steps that give chapter that show thought to spirit that give knowledge to soul to chapter that show concept to feeling of mind
Every path will show different words that give concept that show knowledge to strength that give touch to step to thought that show appeal to meaning of mind
Every path will show different starts that give strength that show direction to thought that give path to chapter to direction that show move to learning of mind
Every path will show different routes that give way that show chapter to knowledge that give step to concept to move that show appeal to understanding of mind
Every path will show different steps that give move that show spirit to strength that give touch to direction to soul that show concept to feeling of mind
Every path will show different touches that give start that show way to thought that give start to chapter to way that strength to meaning of mind
Every path will show different words that give word that show thought to knowledge that give path to route to spirit that show concept to learning of mind
Every path will show different lines that give chapter that show direction to concept that give word to chapter to direction that show appeal to thinking of mind
Every path will show different starts that give concept that show strength to thought that give spirit to concept to way that show thought to understanding of mind
Every path will show different touches that give light that show knowledge to move that give step to soul to thought that show chapter to meaning of mind
Every path will show different starts that give shine that show move to spirit that give concept to step to chapter that show page to learning of mind
Every path will show different words that give start that show touch to appeal that give move to chapter to understanding that show thought to feeling of mind
Every path will show different shades that give soul that show appeal to thought that give way to strength to feeling that show direction to understanding of mind
Every path will show different ways that give step that show direction to move that give start to concept to learning that show move to thinking of mind
Every path will show different starts that give word that show thought to start that give path to knowledge to understanding that show way to learning of mind
Every path will show different words that give chapter that show world to spirit that give direction to thought to meaning that show chapter to understanding of mind
Every path will show different touches that give start that show appeal to way that give spirit to direction to learning that show move to thinking of mind
Every path will show different lights that give thought that show move to spirit that give soul to strength to thinking that show touch to meaning of mind
Every path will show different words that give knowledge that show thought to start that give step to knowledge to understanding that show shine to feeling of mind
Every path will show different starts that give chapter that show direction to soul that give touch to direction to feeling that show appeal to understanding of mind
Every path will show different lines that give touch that show strength to spirit that give appeal to chapter to understanding that show move to learning of mind
Every path will show different words that give way that show move to path that give way to thought to learning that show way to feeling of mind
Every path will show different moves that give step that show direction to soul that give concept to change to thinking that show way to thinking of mind
Every path will show different starts that give concept that show strength to move that give start to direction to understanding that show touch to meaning of mind
Every path will show different touches that give direction that show thought to step that give light to thought to learning that show spirit to learning of mind
Every path will show different words that give thought that show direction to appeal that give strength to spirit to thinking that show direction to understanding of mind
Every path will show different routes that give chapter that show concept to strength that give direction to start to learning that show strength to meaning of mind
Every path will show different touches that give concept that show move to chapter that give way to spirit to meaning that show thought to learning of mind
Every path will show different words that give direction that show start to appeal that give step to thought to understanding that show knowledge to feeling of mind
Every path will show different chapter that give step that show path to strength that give spirit to concept to thinking that show direction to understanding of mind.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Adventure story. 364. Finding new job

                                             Finding new job
Priya took deep breath and started walking in lift. She never suffered from claustrophobia but still she was suffering from it. She began to feel so tense and suffocated. She didn't understand what was wrong with her. But then on other side she knew it very well. She was going to meet parents of her friend who died few days ago. Her friend Sarita died in accident. She needed to give her condolence to parents. She slowly went near door. She started to ring bell but she shivered again. She was not doing this on first time. But before this it was always natural cause. This was something different. She gathered her courage and rang door bell. Sarika's Mom Nisha Auntie opened door. She was looking so pale. But she was looking more scared than sad. Nisha didn't invite her for long time. Finally Priya asked " Can I come in?" Nisha "Sure..sure!! Actually house is little bit scattered. All guests kept coming." Nisha Auntie went to one corner and told her to sit on sofa. Then she started to look out of window. She didn't say anything. Priya was so confused. She didn't understand what she supposed to say so she asked " Where is Uncle?" Nisha Auntie bust out on her in anger " Why did you need my husband?" She was so confused. It seemed like accusation but it didn't make sense. Priya was so shocked. Suddenly Nisha Auntie came near her and gave her angry look. " Just stay away from him. Did you understood me?!!" She was screaming in such way that Priya shivered. She nodded. Then she stood and said " I am getting late can I go?" Nisha Auntie looked confused then she nodded. Nisha Auntie " But remember one thing go away fast and stay away from him." Priya nodded. She went towards door. When she started opening lock it didn't open, her breath stopped. Nisha Auntie came near her and opened it. When she heard sound of opening she took breath of relief. Then fresh air started entering in room. She began to feel so nice. She knew finally it was over. She started to go out of building. When she reached to parking lot and sat in her car. Then she drove her car out, she looked at flat from down. It was so scary. She didn't understand why did she kept dragging her friendship with Sarika. Sarika was nice girl but her family was always big show off. Whenever she entered in that house, she always received some taunt. Sometimes for wearing clothes which were too cheap and sometimes for spending too much money. She wanted to avoid them but her Dad kept insisting that she must keep in touch. Yesterday when she read news of Sarika's death in orbituary column, she just wanted to hide newspaper. She did her best but finally her father asked for it so she forced to give it. Her Dad " So when you are planning to visit Sarika's parents?" "Dad?!! I lost touch with her for at least four years. I don't think they even remember my face." Her Dad gave her a stressed look. Dad " I know you hated that family but I am telling you this for your own good. They are influencial. They can help you in finding good job." She said angrily " They can but they will not. I don't like buttering people. You know my nature." " I know and no one like it but for job you have to do it. And I am telling you that you should go there to admire them. No. I just tell you visit them and say you are sorry for their daughter's death." She was not happy. But now it was over so she wanted to be happy. Still she was feeling so scared. She decided that this house must had something evil. She started to drive out when she noticed Sarika's father Roshan Uncle was driving out. She wanted to hide her face but he clearly saw her. He looked so nervous. It was clear that he saw his wife's attitude very well and he was scared. He tried to stop her. But she just pretended that she didn't see him and vanished. She felt happy to avoid him but at same time she felt guilty too. He was also victim of his wife's madness instead of supporting him she just vanished. But she was not interested in getting involved in that mess. She went home and started her regular work of searching for jobs. She looked in column most of them didn't want her. They needed experience but she didn't have it since she was not getting start even with first job. Her Mom screamed from kitchen. Mom " Did you meet Sarika's parents?" " Yes Mom. It was totally strange." Now her Mom came out " What happened?" " First I sat there for long time. Nisha Auntie just kept looking out of window." " Not new such things happen.." " Will you let me talk before answering?" She screamed so loudly that her Mom sensed that it was just tip of iceberg. " Well!!" " After this when I asked about Roshan Uncle. She asked me why did I need her husband?" Her Mom was shocked. " Did she lost her mind?" " I don't know Mom but I hate her and never want to see her face again." " I can't wish for any other thing for you. I don't want you to go there. I feel that's why Sarika avoided inviting in her house. Her Mother is freak who keep taking doubt on her husband." Priya nodded. " Any way we don't need to discuss it further. Let's just forget it." Her Mom nodded. Then finally she located five new position and started calling them.
        That day Priya was too busy. She developed hobby of giving interviews. She knew that she could not get job still she kept trying. Her Dad was happy due to it so far at least seven days she was giving one after another interview and she didn't got success. This was last one but she was getting ready with same interest as first one to please her Dad. She saw her parents were so happy. They did all their prayers and told her to do them. She fulfilled their every wish. It was so frustrating. Since she knew that in evening their hopes were going to shattered but still she pretended. Then finally she reached to office. She did everything in perfect way since she knew it by repeating it again and again. She went inside to give interview. She was shocked when she saw Roshan Uncle before her. Roshan Uncle smiled and said " That day you didn't stop?" " When?!!" " Stop pretending. Did my wife said something insulting to you?" " it was so sad occasion so I was upset." " About Sarika?" " Yes of course." " But she must be in heaven. Bad things didn't happen to dead. They happen to alive people. She is lucky to get such quick rescue from such hard life." She could see Roshan Uncle was crying. She could easily guess how hard must be his life with dead daughter and mad wife. She kept nodding. Then suddenly Roshan Uncle started crying like a child. She started to feel as if her Dad was crying for her. She went near him and started patting on his back. He suddenly took hold of her hand. She was about to pull it when he said " It all happened due to Nisha. She did suicide. It was not accident." " What?!!" Now Roshan Uncle left her hand. She felt so glad that she didn't say anything at beginning. She was shocked. She sat in chair. "She was planning to marry young man. He was working in office with her." Priya shivered. She never heard such horrible story. She never heard about Mom who wanted to destroy her daughter's life. " Her Mom started creating drama. She began banging things without reason. His parents felt her mother was mad and cancelled it. Truthfully I don't understand why Nisha did that to her own daughter? Or maybe. Forget it. I will tell you later. Go to my PA she will give you your appointment letter." " But interview?!!" "I know you very well so don't need it." She smiled happily in spite of sad situation. Then she controlled herself and said " Sorry sir. I wish only if Sarika was alive." " Then you couldn't have got this job. She must be doing it." He said it with sad face. She felt so sad. She touched his hand with view to console. She kept seeing her father in him. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her father if she had accident like that. " Go..go and take your appointment letter. You can start your job immediately." She nodded with smile. It was so nice. She went to secretary to get letter. She was excited and smiled. But secretary gave her look of anger. She sensed one thing that she was not nice person in her eyes. She didn't understand. She decided that she needed to know at least few things about that office. She started talking to her. " Will you explain me my work?" Secretary smiled tauntingly and said " You have to do whatever Boss say?" " Yes I know but what kind of work Boss expect?" She started laughing. PA " You must learn to dress properly now. Boss will not be impressed by this dress." Priya was confused. She looked at her dress. It was nice formal dress. She didn't understand what was wrong with it. She was so confused. " What's wrong with this dress? I don't understand why people need to decide about person by his dressing sense. I want to impress client by work not by looks. It seem so wrong." PA looked so confused. PA " Did you know about Boss?" She smiled. "Yes, I know him from childhood. His daughter was my best friend." Priya was clearly exaggrating fact. She was never best friend of Sarika. In fact Sarika was in school. She never had any friends and same applied to Priya so Priya kept calling her on birthday parties to show her Dad that she got a friend. But truthfully in school they didn't even chat much. PA looked at her with shock. She stammered " So before this you were never in connection with him. " Priya was upset now. " I told you. I know his daughter." PA started to look more disturbed. Then she gave her appointment letter and said " You can join on Monday." Priya nodded. Then she took appointment letter and ran home with smile. She immediately called her Dad after coming out of building. Her Dad " That's great. But something doesn't stand with logic. Why they are so much concern about your dress?" " Maybe to impress client?" " Then they should keep uniform." " Stop this Dad. You are scaring me. Do you want me to quit that job? I will do it immediately. Truthfully I never liked Sarika's parents that much." Priya said this and then she felt confused. She hated that man then why did she tried to console him today. She began to feel so scared. " Dad may be I should say no to this job and find new one?!!" " Don't be stupid!! Why you want to quit it? Just because they told you to wear nice dress?!! Don't do that be positive. I hope you are not driving while talking on mobile!!" She was doing it. So she said " Bye." But she knew that she was going to hear angry lecture in house by her Dad. She never acted that way but today she did it just because of tension. That job was wrong. She started breaking rules just after appointment letter. But she knew that it was her mistake. It had nothing to do with job so she started to concentrate on driving again.
     When Priya reached home, she was totally confused. She didn't understand what happened with her was good or bad. She kept getting confused about every thought. She didn't understand if she should feel happy. Then she told all to Mom. Her Mom smiled " So what's big deal? His daughter die few days ago. He got sensitive and you consoled him. It is not crime. Just try to ignore people like that PA. She must be insecure about whole thing." "But why Mom?" " Because you are young and more dashing than her. Now you will get more success and chance." " But I am not PA. I am accountant. I will just work on computer. I am not going to do her work. I am not related to her field. She ..." " Now stop this. Let's enjoy day for your first success. You got a job Priya!! My baby you are going to earn!!" " Yes. By sitting entire day in that office!Mom I wanted something different from my life. I want to try some business." " Honey you know very well. It is not easy to run a business. From where you wanted to raise money? " Priya was so upset. She got job but she was clearly not happy about it. But when her Mom started to look excited. She began to think that she didn't need to keep crying for every small thing. Her Mom was right. This was her first job. It was not last one. She could earn from it and might find way for capital. She needed to start first then only she could achieve something. She decided that she could get capital by working like this. She thought that she could connect to clients this way. Then she could make her own choice. When she was inside house, she was totally dependent on her parents for capital which was not good news for her. She was frustrated by their continuous denial. They didn't have any faith on her. They always felt that she was just day dreamer and that was not true. She had all plans. But she was a girl and her father felt that it was unsafe for her to work on her own capacity. She needed continuous protection of man. She tried to convince him lots of time that it was not true. But she began to feel that it was impossible so she decided to do this job. She smiled and said " Come on Mom. Let me find some nice movie." Her Mom smiled happily. Then they made plans regarding enjoyment of that Day. They decided to watch movie which they all liked. She was so excited about it. She started searching for something which they all would prefer. Soon she sensed that it was impossible but her Mom came near her and said " Today is your day so you can choose movie of your choice. We can watch it. I just called your father and he agreed too." She smiled happily. She was so lucky to have such understanding parents. They did everything as per her choice. She knew that they were denying her idea of business since they saved it for marriage. She knew that her marriage was precious to her. She also had some dream prince and she also wanted to have him. She always kept dreaming different things about her new house. A lovely dream!! She knew that she might needed to do few compromises. She was ready for them. Then she began to feel so dreamy. She smiled and threw newspaper in Mom's hand. " No Mom you can choose it. I am on top of the world and I can watch anything today." Her Mom smiled and she chose movie which everyone would like. Then Priya dressed in her best way. She looked in mirror. She was looking so wonderful. She began to admire her own beauty. She knew that there were many girls who were more beautiful than her but she felt that she was first in her eyes. She would never consider herself something less. Then she started to listening to some music. She started dancing in her room. It was so wonderful like her childhood. Her entire life was perfect. She got nice job and now her Mom would start finding prince charming. Of course she would take active participation too. She would also enjoy her life. Since her parents were not pushy. She could choose boy by her choice. She would not forced. Her parents promised it and she believed. That day turned out to be her best day of life. She was so happy. Entire day she was treated like some princess by her parents. They fulfilled her every wish. She was so happy. She was feeling so pleased. Then finally they came home. She slept happily on her bed. She had wonderful dreams. Her life was so wonderful just because of job. Then finally she went in office. She started to feel so happy about all. When she entered, she sensed that office had big staff. None of them was interested in her. Suddenly she landed on ground from sky when she sensed that no one was interested in her. She went in office. Roshan Uncle didn't gave her smile. A man was sitting opposite chair looked at her with suspicion. " Why you are here? Why you are not working?" " Roshan Uncle.." He gave angry look. "Sorry Sir." " I want to make one thing clear to you. In this office I don't desire to keep any partiality towards any one so all supposed to call me sir. Even my daughter used to do that." Then he pointed a file. " Take those records and record them in computer. I want everything in computer by end of day if you can't able to do then you have to do extra time. I never give anything without return. Did you got it?" She nodded and went away. Then she took file. She was shocked to see those papers. She sensed that it was not easy to record them. She needed to do lots of typing. But she was not going to give up so soon. She started typing as fast as possible. She was in beginning of her work when suddenly Roshan Uncle appeared. This time he smiled.
      Priya was confused. Roshan Uncle came near her. " Sorry for that angry outburst. Now a days I never understand what was going on. I just kept getting so confused. I use to work so hard to get things right." Then he pointed towards a corner where a young man was talking with another woman. He was busy with some work. " Do you see him?" She nodded. " Sarika was in love with him." She was shocked. He was nice young man. But his eyes had dark cycles due to lack of sleep. He was clearly screaming on his colleague due to frustration. Roshan Uncle " Did you saw him?" She nodded. " He was so nice. But Nisha rejected him." Roshan Uncle didn't touch her but she sensed that he was coming near her. She didn't like it. She turned behind. Roshan Uncle suddenly started to look angry. " Did you complete your work?" " No sir. I am trying." " So you are planning to sit here with watchman?!!" She shivered at that thought. She was so scared. She started to type as fast as possible. She didn't want to sit alone in that office. It was worst nightmare for her. She began to think about results of staying alone in office. She began to type fast but still it was not fast enough. She shivered. She began to do it more fast. But it was not working. Then she calmed herself and started typing but she didn't even able to complete 1/4 th portion. She was so frustrated. She needed to complete at least half work before lunch. She started looking more studiously. She didn't even ate lunch. But still her work was not complete. It was so frustrating. She began to feel so scared. She started to work as fast as possible. Finally she came on verge of crying. She shivered. She looked at time. Office hour was over. Every one started to leave. She shivered. She suddenly noticed Roshan Uncle was smiling. That PA was giving her look of anger. PA came near her and said " So you are doing overtime today. " Her looks were telling different story. Priya didn't like it. She remembered Nisha Auntie's voice. She was giving her warning. She understood all. She just stood up. " No I am not going to stop." " What? You have too, otherwise you have to pay compensation!!" " I will pay it." She ran out without second thought. She went out of that office. She went home in Taxi and locked herself in room. She was so scared. Her Mom kept calling her from outside. She screamed " Go away. I am not coming out. You want me to go to that job. I am not going." She was so scared. She didn't open door. Mom was so shocked. She didn't understand what happened to Priya. Mom "What happened? Just tell me." " Mom I took that job and now I am scared." " But what happened?" " Roshan Uncle wanted me to do overtime." " So!! You have to do it sometime. It was so wrong." Priya was so confused. She couldn't explain her Mom. But it was wrong. " Mom you will not understand and no one will understand." Her Mom was so confused. She could hear Priya was crying loudly. She had no option but to call her husband. " Priya locked herself in room." " Locked?!! But you never mentioned there was any problem in lock. How did it stuck that way?!!" " Don't you understand?!! It's not stuck. She locked herself and crying." " Why? What happened?" " I don't understand. She said that she didn't want to do overtime in office." " What? Don't worry I am coming." Mom tried to talk with Priya but she didn't say anything. Mom started to shiver with fear. She decided that she didn't want to take risk. She screamed " Are you going to open door or I am calling watchman to open lock?!!" Priya didn't say anything. But her Mom could hear her deep breaths as if she was in big pain. Her Mom felt so scared. She started calling watchman. She began to search for number of someone who could open door. When watchman came , she immediately sent him to bring someone who could open door. He ran away. Mom kept requesting Priya to open door. But Priya didn't say anything. Then finally she said in faint voice " I can't Mom. I don't want to go to office. " " Fine. I promise you that I will convince Dad. Come out." " No Roshan Uncle ask for money then you will send me." " We will not!! Come out." By that time watchman came with man who started breaking lock. Priya heard that voice. She screamed " Stop it or I will kill myself." Her Mom was confused. But then she remembered her voice. She sensed that something was wrong already. Mom told that man. " Just hurry up. Do it as fast as possible." That man nodded. Finally they opened door. But it was not opening. Priya must had stood against it. Then both men pushed it. When they opened, Priya was fallen on face. She was covered with full of blood. Her Mom kept screaming. Watchman was shocked. Soon people from society came. One called ambulance. Other asked for cloth which Mom provided and bandeged her wound tightly and they started waiting for ambulance. It was worst moment for them. That they all sensed that waiting for ambulance was worst thing in life especially when someone was before you and bleeding to health. Mom kept saying " I don't understand why did she do it?" Finally Ambulance came and she was taken Mom sat in ambulance with two neighbours. She kept feeling that it was nightmare and it would vanish. She couldn't understand reason for it. Every thing was fine but still her daughter did this.
      When Priya's Dad came near house, he was shocked to see door was closed. Then suddenly watchman came out of nowhere. It seemed as if he was waiting for him. Watchman " Secretary is waiting for you in his car." " I can't talk about society dispute now. My daughter is sick.." Then suddenly Secretary came from behind. He smiled and said " I know. She is taken to hospital." Before Dad could say anything he said "Relax she is fine." But Dad knew that he was lying. When they started going to hospital, Dad asked " What happened to my daughter?" " She tried to commit suicide." Dad didn't answer for sometime then he screamed on Secretary. " Stop cracking such a cheap sort of joke. I don't like it. Why you are doing this? Where is my daughter?" Now Dad was screaming in strange way. Secretary didn't say anything. After that they kept quiet. Dad was so angry. He started calling Priya's Mom. She took call and started crying. Dad " What happened? Tell me what happened to my daughter for God sake?! This stupid Secretary is saying she committed suicide!! Why I don't know? She was so happy. She couldn't do that." When Priya's Mom kept crying, Dad sensed truth. His mobile fall down. It was broken but first time he didn't care. He started crying. Secretary " Control yourself. You need to talk with Cops too. Did she had any affair? Is it case of broken heart?" " daughter is not like that. And I am not that strict if she like someone I will let her marry him." " May be he cheated on her. Now a days we don't know that much about kids. So I thought." Dad started to feel confused. " I always thought I know my daughter but now I am confused. She committed suicide and here I am blaming you for spreading rumours. Trust me I really don't know." "Now relax. I know you very well. You always loved your daughter and treated her like princess." Dad gave sad smile. Then they came to hospital. Cops were waiting outside with Priya's Mom. Cop was asking questions. Cop " Did you pressured her for money?" " we just want her to start future and this job looked promising since it was from Company of her friend's father." " Friend's father? What was his name?" Mom was confused but Dad told everything. Dad " It was my mistake. She never liked her family that much. But I thought that it was childish fear." " Who are you?" " Her Dad." " So you accept that you force her for job?!!" " Yes I did. I thought that it would improve her future." That Cop gave shocked look to him. " Do you know this man's daughter Sarika committed suicide?!!" " she died in accident." Cop gave sad smile. " She went out of city and went to peak of mountain then drive down from it. If you want to call it accident. Well fine. But I call it suicide." " But why?" " We don't know. Her Dad kept blaming Mom and her Mom kept blaming Dad. We can't properly find guilty party. But in her case she was having affair with some man. We know that much. In case of your daughter that didn't seem to be cause since she is not involved with anyone. So this is strange. I like to talk with Mr. Roshan again." Priya's Dad immediately gave number. Cop was about to call him when Doctor came out and said " She is out of danger. You can go inside." Her parents wanted to go inside. But Cop stopped them. " I will take statement first." Then he went inside. Priya was looking weak. She shivered with fear. She started crying like child. " I want to see my Mom and Dad." " Sure but first tell me what happened?" She began to tell all. " So he wanted you to do overtime when you are not ready? Did he tried to stop you by hand?" " No. He just talked about money." " Don't worry. He would not do it and never contact you again." She smiled happily. But then she started to shiver again. " I need my Mom and Dad." Cop smiled and said " Just sign this." " But I want permission of Mom Dad first." Cop said " You can read and sign." She read and said " I need lawyer." Cop started laughing. Cop " No madam I am not placing any charges on you so you need Doctor now." She nodded and signed. When her parents came she hugged them and kept crying. After sometime psychiatrist entered, she told him all. Her parents heard all too. " I am so confused. Did I done something wrong?!!" " No you did right thing. Even if we can't prove it, I am sure something was wrong with your Roshan Uncle. Nisha Auntie was warning me. But I felt she is mad." " Sometimes truthful person said things in strange way. Actually she wanted to scare you." " Why?" " Since her husband was going to come and she wanted to avoid his meeting with you. Now you don't need to take stress. It is noraml case of posttraumatic symptoms. I will handle all troubles. Just relax." They all nodded. But they all felt one sorrow one criminal was around them but they couldn't punish him since they didn't prove it. They couldn't prove before crime and they could just pray to God that crime would not occur.
                                                                                    The End

Friday, September 28, 2018

Poem. 4218. Life will show different results

                                         Life will show different results
Life will show different results which show different directions of mind that show new look which we can't guess on any point of life with thoughts of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of strength that show new touch which we can't understand on any point of life with spirits of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of chapter that show new start which we can't learn on any point of life with words of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of concept that show new light which we can't create on any point of life with starts of mind
Life will show different results which show different touches of light that show new path which we can't show on any point of life with touches of mind
Life will show different results which show different ways of knowledge that show new step which we can't show on any point of life with thoughts of mind
Life will show different results which show different steps of strength that show new start which we can't show on any point of life with feeling of mind
Life will show different results which show different lights of thought that show new way which we can't show on any point of life with spirit of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of concept that show new touch which we can't show on any point of life with thinking of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of strength that show new start which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of chapter that show new route which we can't show on any point of life with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different steps of direction that show new word which we can't show on any point of life with feeling of mind
Life will show different results which show different thoughts of chapter that show new step which we can't show on any point of life with learning of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of concept that show new path which we can't show on any point of life with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different moves of thought that show new route which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of strength that show new word which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of concept that show new start which we can't show on any point of life with starting of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of knowledge that show new word which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different lines of strength that show new path which we can't show on any point of life with learning of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of appeal that show new chapter which we can't show on any point of life with feeling of mind
Life will show different results which show different strengths of path that show new concept which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of chapter that show new start which we can't show on any point of life with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of concept that show new word which we can't show on any point of life with learning of mind
Life will show different results which show different lines of strength that show new path which we can't show on any point of life with thinking of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of chapter that show new start which we can't show on any point of life with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of concept that show new route which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of appeal that show new step which we can't show on any point of life with thinking of mind
Life will show different results which show different touches of strength that show new path which we can't show on any point of life with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different ways of chapter that show new word which we can't show on any point of life with learning of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of concept that show new light which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of strength that show new start which we can't show on any point of life with thinking of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of appeal that show new path which we can't show on any point of life with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different steps of direction that show new word which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different touches of strength that show new start which we can't show on any point of life with thinking of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of chapter that show new path which we can't show on any point of life with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of knowledge that show new way which we can't show on any point of life with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different routes of concept that show new step which we can't show on any point of life with learning of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of life that show new start which we can't show on any point of thought with feeling of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of life that show new word which we can't show on any point of knowledge with thinking of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of life that show new step which we can't show on any point of thought with learning of mind
Life will show different results which show different routes of life that show new touch which we can't show on any point of strength with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of life that show new appeal which we can't show on any point of thought with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different steps of life that show new touch which we can't show on any point of direction with learning of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of life that show new start which we can't show on any point of chapter with thinking of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of life that show new path which we can't show on any point of concept with meaning of mind
Life will show different results which show different paths of life that show new step which we can't show on any point of strength with understanding of mind
Life will show different results which show different ways of life that show new word which we can't show on any point of thought with learning of mind
Life will show different results which show different lights of life that show new light which we can't show on any point of concept with feeling of mind
Life will show different results which show different starts of life that show new touch which we can't show on any point of chapter with thinking of mind
Life will show different results which show different words of life that show new strength which we can't show on any point of direction with meaning of mind.

Poem. 4217. Every route of move

                                             Every route of move
Every route of move will show different shine that give spirit to soul to concept of thought that show move to feeling that give touch to appeal that give spirit to mind
Every route of move will show different paths that give step to soul to move of thought that show direction to understanding that give spirit to concept that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give path to soul to way of chapter that show touch to thinking that give path to strength that give step to mind
Every route of move will show different starts that give way to soul to step of concept that show way to meaning that give way to chapter that give touch to mind
Every route of move will show different steps that give word to soul to start of direction that show start to learning that give start to appeal that give start to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give start to soul to way of chapter that show touch to feeling that give way to spirit that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different moves that give path to soul to light of concept that show start to meaning that give light to thought that give touch to mind
Every route of move will show different ways that give light to soul to shine of direction that show way to thinking that give start to direction that give start to mind
Every route of move will show different paths that give start to soul to way of chapter that show light to learning that give way to strength that give path to mind
Every route of move will show different starts that give way to soul to move of strength that show move to thinking that give start to concept that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different steps that give move to soul to way of direction that show way to meaning that give step to strength that give light to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give touch to soul to chapter of start will show word to learning that give word to thought that give start to mind
Every route of move will show different lights that give route to soul to direction of view will show light to thinking that give light to knowledge that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different paths that give knowledge to soul to thought of way will show starts to meaning that give way to strength that give step to mind
Every route of move will show different starts that give concept to soul to direction of view will show paths to thinking that give touch to knowledge that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give chapter to soul to spirit of move will show touches to understanding that give spirit to concept that give step to mind
Every route of move will show different steps that give directions to soul to thought of start will show ways to feeling that give thought to learning that give light to mind
Every route of move will show different paths that give strengths to soul to knowledge of touch will show lights to meaning that give touch to meaning that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give concept to soul to chapter of spirit will show starts to learning that give strength to thinking that give touch to mind
Every route of move will show different starts that give chapter to soul to thought of step will show paths to thinking that give concept to feeling that give spirit to mind
Every route of move will show different touches that give path to soul to knowledge of touch will show shines to understanding that give way to learning that give step to mind
Every route of move will show different paths that give start to soul to strength of step will show starts to meaning that give touch to understanding that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different steps that give direction to soul to knowledge of touch will show shines to understanding that give way to learning that give start to mind
Every route of move will show different starts that give thought to soul to thought of way will show starts to feeling that give touch to meaning that give path to mind
Every route of move will show different paths that give knowledge to soul to spirit of touch will show paths to meaning that give move to thinking that give light to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give concept to soul to thought of step will show ways to learning that give start to understanding that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different starts that give chapter to soul to knowledge of touch will show starts to thinking that give touch to thinking that give start to mind
Every route of move will show different paths that give direction to soul to strength of way will show shines to meaning that give start to meaning that give path to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give thought to soul to spirit of move will show steps to learning that give appeal to thinking that give touch to mind
Every route of move will show different steps that give knowledge to soul to way will show starts to thinking that give strength to learning that give word to mind
Every route of move will show different ways that give chapter to soul to start to move will show touches to understanding that give way to thinking that give start to mind
Every route of move will show different starts that give concept to soul to way to touch will show strength to feeling that give touch to meaning that give way to mind
Every route of move will show different paths that give knowledge to soul to start to knowledge will show shine to meaning that give way to learning that give step to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give chapter to soul to path to meaning will show way to thinking that give direction to understanding that give start to mind
Every route of move will show different touches that give path to soul to way to thinking will show chapter to understanding that give way to meaning that give spirit to mind
Every route of move will show different starts that give step to soul to thought to learning will show way to feeling that give move to feeling that give step to mind
Every route of move will show different words that give touch to soul to direction to understanding will show start to meaning that give way to learning that give path to mind
Every route to move will show different paths that give thought to soul to thought to meaning will show way to thinking that give step to meaning that give way to mind
Every route to move will show different words that give start to soul to knowledge to learning will show shine to feeling that give start to learning that give start to mind
Every route to move will show different starts that give way to soul to thinking to meaning will show step to meaning that give path to thinking that give touch to mind
Every route to move will show different paths that give touch to soul to meaning to thinking will show start to thinking that give thought to learning that give way to mind
Every route to move will show different appeals that give strength to soul to thinking will show shine to learning that give knowledge to meaning that give step to mind
Every route to move will show different steps that give direction to soul to feeling will show direction to understanding that give path to thinking that give start to mind
Every route to move will show different paths that give strength to soul to learning will show strength to thinking that give way to understanding that give path to mind
Every route to move will show different starts that give chapter to soul to meaning will show chapter to meaning that give start to learning that give direction to mind
Every route to move will show different touches that give appeal to soul to thinking will show concept to understanding that give path to understanding that give way to mind
Every route to move will show different words that give concept to soul to feeling will show shine to thinking that give knowledge to learning that give start to mind
Every route to move will show different paths that give thought to soul to meaning will show start to meaning that give concept to thinking that give touch to mind
Every route to move will show different starts that give knowledge to soul to understanding will show shine to feeling that give chapter to meaning that give step to mind
Every route to move will show different words that give strength to soul to meaning will show start to understanding that give strength to feeling that give way to mind
Every route to move will show different steps that give directions to soul to thinking will show touch to learning that give thought to understanding that give start to mind.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Poem. 4216. Our thinking will show new

                               Our thinking will show new
Our thinking will show new shine to mind directions will show thoughts of spirit that give starts to way of moves that give concept to thought of life
Our thinking will show new word to mind strengths will show shine of direction that give moves to step of concepts that give chapter to thought of life
Our thinking will show new start to mind thoughts will show path of chapter that give words to thought of starts that give concept to thought of life
Our thinking will show new step to mind appeals will show shine of direction that give steps to change of ways that give strength to thought of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind touches will show spirit of move that give routes to meaning of path that give touch to appeal of life
Our thinking will show new start to mind directions will show shine of way that give starts to feeling of strength that give way to concept of life
Our thinking will show new word to mind routes will show strength of light that give shines to learning that give start to chapter of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind touches will show step of concept that give attitude to thinking that give chapter to thought of life
Our thinking will show new touch to mind directions will show shine of way that give shine to feeling that give knowledge to start of life
Our thinking will show new start to mind thoughts will show way of chapter that give start to learning that give strength to learning of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind spirit will show strength of touch that give appeal to meaning that give path to understanding of life
Our thinking will show new step to mind knowledge will show concept of way that give direction to feeling that give move to feeling of life
Our thinking will show new word to mind thought will show chapter of knowledge that give strength to meaning that give step to meaning of life
Our thinking will show new way to mind strength will show shine of direction that give path to thinking that give direction to thinking of life
Our thinking will show new word to mind knowledge will show page of path that give touch to feeling that give spirit to steps of feeling of life
Our thinking will show new light to mind direction will show chapter of knowledge that give way to learning that give light to move of learning of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind strength will show concept of shine that give strength to feeling that give start to step of thinking of life
Our thinking will show new touch to mind concept will show move of spirit that give direction to meaning that give chapter to way of understanding of life
Our thinking will show new step to mind chapter will show start of appeal that give concept to thinking that give direction to feeling of life
Our thinking will show new start to mind move will show shine of direction that give strength to learning that give knowledge to meaning of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind strength will show way of chapter that give chapter to meaning that give strength to thinking of life
Our thinking will show new route to mind thought will show light of direction that give knowledge to feeling that give path to meaning of life
Our thinking will show new appeal to mind knowledge will show shine of path that give thought to thinking that give touch to learning of life
Our thinking will show new shine to mind direction will show appeal of soul that give direction to understanding that give knowledge to feeling of life
Our thinking will show new strength to mind path will show thought of concept that give move to learning that give strength to meaning of life
Our thinking will show new knowledge to mind touch will show start of view that give path to meaning that give thought to feeling of life
Our thinking will show new touch to mind strength will show appeal of soul that give route to learning that give chapter to meaning of life
Our thinking will show new word to mind concept will show thought of start that give touch to understanding that give way to learning of life
Our thinking will show new start to mind chapter will show knowledge of spirit that give thought to thinking that give concept to feeling of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind direction will show shine of way that give strength to learning that give move to understanding of life
Our thinking will show new way to mind thought will show start of concept that give chapter to understanding that give way to learning of life
Our thinking will show new step to mind concept will show start of direction that give concept to feeling that give start to spirit of meaning of life
Our thinking will show new touch to mind direction will show shine of strength that give light to meaning that give appeal to move of understanding of life
Our thinking will show new shine to mind strength will show start of knowledge that give step to thinking that give touch to step of feeling of life
Our thinking will show new start to mind knowledge will show path of chapter that give shine to feeling that give strength to move of understanding of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind thought will show step of concept that give start to learning that give thought to spirit of feeling of life
Our thinking will show new word to mind chapter will show shine of thought that give path to meaning that give touch to way of meaning of life
Our thinking will show new start to mind concept will show word of knowledge that give concept to understanding that give knowledge to touch of learning of life
Our thinking will show new step to mind touch will show way of chapter that give strength to feeling that give chapter to spirit of meaning of life
Our thinking will show new chapter to mind move will show shine of direction that give chapter to understanding that give move to way of feeling of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind way will show step of concept that give concept to meaning that give direction to way of learning of life
Our thinking will show new concept to mind start will show way of knowledge that give move to feeling that give touch to step of understanding of life
Our thinking will show new shine to mind step will show strength of thought that give path to thinking that give start to appeal of meaning of life
Our thinking will show new chapter to mind strength will show way of direction that give chapter to understanding that give path to route of thinking of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind chapter will show shine of knowledge that give concept to meaning that give touch to way of learning of life
Our thinking will show new route to mind way will show strength of thought that give path to learning that give move to spirit of meaning of life
Our thinking will show new spirit to mind touch will show direction of knowledge that give touch to thinking that give path to step of understanding of life
Our thinking will show new word to mind direction will show touch of strength that give way to feeling that give way to route of meaning of life
Our thinking will show new start to mind strength will show move of chapter that give light to meaning that give start to chapter of learning of life
Our thinking will show new path to mind thought will show touch of strength that give way to understanding that give path to concept of meaning of life
Our thinking will show new step to mind direction will show shine of knowledge that give light to thinking that give route to soul of thinking of life.

Poem. 4215. Our moves will give touch

                                             Our moves will give touch
Our moves will give touch of thought that show start of mind that give steps that show shine to spirit that give appeal of touch in mind
Our moves will give touch of strength that show appeal of mind that give starts that show start to move that give way of strength in mind
Our moves will give touch of knowledge that show knowledge of mind that give paths that show touch to appeal that give move of thought in mind
Our moves will give touch of chapter that show spirit of mind that give routes that show words to way that give appeal of move in mind
Our moves will give touch of spirit that show start of mind that give ways that show steps to touch that give thought of start in mind
Our moves will give touch of step that show light of mind that give paths that show lines to appeals that give knowledge of path in mind
Our moves will give touch of way that show step of mind that give lines that show words to thought that give strength of word in mind
Our moves will give touch of start that show touch of mind that give ways that show spirits to meaning that give path of concept in mind
Our moves will give touch of thought that show shine of mind that give lights that show touches to learning that give start of change in mind
Our moves will give touch of concept that show light of mind that give words that show paths to thinking that give move of chapter in mind
Our moves will give touch of spirit that show path of mind that give views that show lights to meaning that give appeal of way in mind
Our moves will give touch of strength that show strength of mind that give starts that show paths to feeling that give touch of thought in mind
Our moves will give touch of concept that show route of mind that give directions that show routes to meaning that give start of knowledge in mind
Our moves will give touch of thought that show chapter of mind that give strengths that show appeals to thinking that give word of start in mind
Our moves will give touch of strength that show path of mind that give thoughts that show chapters to meaning that give way of touch in mind
Our moves will give touch of word that show step of mind that give spirits that show strengths to understanding that give light of direction in mind
Our moves will give touch of thought that show way of mind that give paths that show directions to thinking that give touch of strength in mind
Our moves will give touch of soul that show start of mind that give words that show appeals to meaning that give route of thought in mind
Our moves will give touch of knowledge that show step of mind that give lines that show chapters to learning that give move of spirit in mind
Our moves will give touch of step that show concept of mind that give routes that show thoughts to feeling that give shine of strength in mind
Our moves will give touch of start that show word of mind that give starts that show moves to thinking that give start of concept in mind
Our moves will give touch of thought that show light of mind that give shines that show ways to learning that give path of chapter of knowledge in mind
Our moves will give touch of concept that show strength of mind that give ways that show starts to meaning that give light of spirit in mind
Our moves will give touch of spirit that show concept of mind that give touches that show words to understanding that give move of spirit in mind
Our moves will give touch of direction that show way of mind that give lights that show shines to thinking that give route of soul in mind
Our moves will give touch of thought that show step of mind that give words that show strength to meaning that give move of thought in mind
Our moves will give start of strength that show move of mind that give starts that show thought to feeling that give chapter of knowledge in mind
Our moves will give path of chapter that show route of mind that give spirits that show strength to learning that give path of spirit of soul in mind
Our moves will give light of direction that show way of mind that give steps that show chapter to understanding that give sound of move in mind
Our moves will give step of concept that show touch of mind that give ways that show touch to feeling that give way of chapter in mind
Our moves will give start of way that show appeal of mind that give moves that show way to thinking that give path of knowledge in mind
Our moves will give move of route that show chapter of mind that give starts that show path to meaning that give direction of spirit in mind
Our moves will give touch of thought that show start of mind that give words that show route to learning that give strength of direction in mind
Our moves will give start of view that show touch of mind that give ways that show way to thinking that give path of chapter in mind
Our moves will give light of direction that show route of mind that give starts that show touch to meaning that give way of concept in mind
Our moves will give shine of spirit that show touch of mind that give paths that show appeal to understanding that give light of chapter in mind
Our moves will give start of touch that show thought of mind that give ways that show direction to learning that give spirit of direction in mind
Our moves will give touch of way that show knowledge of mind that give steps that show thought to feeling that give touch of hope in mind
Our moves will give route of step that show path of mind that give chapter that show concept to meaning that give thought of start in mind
Our moves will give shine of light that show spirit of mind that give knowledge that show strength to feeling that give way of direction in mind
Our moves will give step of concept that show start of mind that give strength that show path to thinking that give concept of way in mind
Our moves will give start of move that show way of mind that show spirit that show step to meaning that give thought of start in mind
Our moves will give path of chapter that show touch of mind that show strength that show light to understanding that give way of strength in mind
Our moves will give touch of thought that show way of mind that show light that show shine to thinking that give strength of soul to move in mind
Our moves will give start of chapter that show start of mind that show spirit that show step to meaning that give start of move in mind
Our moves will give chapter of concept that show light of mind that show strength that show move to feeling that give path of way in mind
Our moves will give path of strength that show way of mind that show concept that show touch to learning that give light of direction in mind
Our moves will give start of thought that show step of mind that show thought that show way to meaning that give step of concept in mind
Our moves will give word of spirit that show way of mind that show knowledge that show move to thinking that give touch of soul in mind
Our moves will give step of concept that show light of mind that show strength that show touch to understanding that give start of view in mind.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Poem. 4214. Different clouds will show

                                      Different clouds will show
Different clouds will show different looks in life that give new look to thought of knowledge that give touch to thoughts that give move to steps of life
Different clouds will show different colours in life that give new touch to directions of way that give nature of different paths that give spirit to steps of life
Different clouds will show different shines in life that give new wind to move of weather that give touch to different seasons that give way to steps of life
Different clouds will show different lights in life that give new spirit to concept of way that give direction to different touches that give thought to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new chapter to thought of move that give strength to different seasons that give strength to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new concept to knowledge of light that give direction to different paths that give concept to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new strength to move of start that give world to different words that give knowledge to steps of life
Different clouds will show different directions in life that give new spirit to concept of path that give strength to different touches that give way to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new chapter to strength of touch that give chapter to different directions that give start to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new word to thought of soul that give concept to different appeals that give strength to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new spirit to concept of move that give direction to different ways that give chapter to steps of life
Different clouds will show different steps in life that give new move to soul of move that give light to different touches that give way to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new spirit to concept of thought that give directions to different routes that give appeal to steps of life
Different clouds will show different shines in life that give new touch to directions of way that give thought to different words that give paths to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new start to thought of spirit that give knowledge to different starts that give ways to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new thought to concept of thought that give path to different words that give moves to steps of life
Different clouds will show different moves in life that give new knowledge to start of move that give chapter to different touches that give directions to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new spirit to concept of strength that give direction to different appeals that give strengths to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new word to meaning of concept that give strength to different seasons that give ways to steps of life
Different clouds will show different lines in life that give new chapter to strength of touch that give thought to different shines that give starts to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new concept to meaning of soul that give knowledge to different words that give moves to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new spirit to learning of step that give chapter to different touches that give routes to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new chapter to understanding of start that give move to different words that give ways to steps of life
Different clouds will show different moves in life that give new start to thinking of way that give touch to different touches that give starts to steps of life
Different clouds will show different ways in life that give new spirit to learning of concept that give strength to different appeals that give concepts to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new appeal to meaning of light that give start to different paths that give chapters to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new directions to thinking of soul that give way to different words that give concepts to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new spirits to meaning of start that give touch to different touches that give chapters to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new moves to learning of path that give direction to different ways that give moves to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new starts to thinking of touch that give strength to different words that give ways to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new word to meaning of soul that give thought to different chapters that give moves to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new chapter to learning of direction that give knowledge to different touches that give ways to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new concept to meaning of strength that give touch to different words that give moves to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new knowledge to feeling of chapter that give thought to different starts that give lights to steps of life
Different clouds will show different touches in life that give new start to meaning of direction that give knowledge to different words that give thoughts to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new touch to learning of concept that give strength to different appeals that give thinking to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new word to thinking of direction that give move to different touches that give meaning to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new chapter to meaning of strength that give word to different appeals that give learning to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new concept to learning of knowledge that give way to different touches that give thinking to steps of life
Different clouds will show different directions in life that give new spirit to thinking of move that give thought to different appeals that give meaning to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new strength to meaning of soul that give knowledge to different words that give learning to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new thought to learning of move that give direction to different paths that give thinking to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new start to understanding of way that give strength to different words that give meaning to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new concept to meaning of step that give knowledge to different appeals that give feeling to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new spirit to learning of move that give strength to different words that give learning to steps of life
Different clouds will show different moves in life that give new start to thinking of way that give thought to different moves that give meaning to steps of life
Different clouds will show different steps in life that give new path to meaning of soul that give knowledge to different appeals that give thinking to steps of life
Different clouds will show different paths in life that give new route to learning of spirit that give strength to different words that give meaning to steps of life
Different clouds will show different starts in life that give new word to thinking of move that give concept to different touches that give feeling to steps of life
Different clouds will show different words in life that give new spirit to learning of step that give thought to different appeals that give understanding to steps of life.

Poem. 4213. Our feeling are showing

                                       Our feeling are showing
Our feeling are showing new appeal to mind that give new spirit to thought of soul which give direction that show new meaning to steps of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new chapter to knowledge of spirit which give path that show new feeling to chapter of mind
Our feeling are showing new word to mind that give new world to strength of step which give start that show new thinking to path of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new start to move of strength which give strength that show new learning to way of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new concept to spirit of concept which give chapter that show new meaning to spirit of mind
Our feeling are showing new touch to mind that give new thought to start of knowledge which give concept that show new thinking to path of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new word to chapter of direction which give way that show new understanding to route of mind
Our feeling are showing new move to mind that give new path to concept of thought which give start that show new learning to knowledge to way of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new touch to move of touch which give path that show new understanding to thought of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new direction to soul of thought which give step that show new thinking to way of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new strength to step of spirit which give start that show new learning to understanding to spirit of mind
Our feeling are showing new touch to mind that give new word to chapter of way which give path that show new thinking to learning to step of mind
Our feeling are showing new thought to mind that give new appeal of direction which give way that show new understanding to thinking of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new touch of learning of knowledge which give light that show new learning to path of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new route of meaning of strength which give shine that show new thinking to direction of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new thought of thinking of move which give start that show new meaning to touch of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new start of learning of word which give move that show new learning to strengths of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new word of thinking of direction which give step that show new thinking to appeal of mind
Our feeling are showing new step to mind that give new path of learning of move which give start that show new understanding to thought of mind
Our feeling are showing new move to mind that give new spirit of meaning of start which give light that show new learning to direction of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new direction of touch which give step that show new meaning to way of mind
Our feeling are showing new word to mind that give new touch of thought which give strength that show new word to meaning of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new strength of knowledge which give concept that show new path to thinking of mind
Our feeling are showing new step to mind that give new appeal of direction which give start that show new direction to understanding of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new route of meaning which give word that show new knowledge to path of thinking of mind
Our feeling are showing new word to mind that give new touch of thinking which give step that show new strength to directions of concept of mind
Our feeling are showing new chapter to mind that give new path of learning which give start that show new chapter to strength of touch of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new spirit of learning which give concept that show new touch to moves of thought of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new step of thinking which give chapter that show new concept to meaning of soul of mind
Our feeling are showing new step to mind that give new word of learning which give direction that show new word to meaning of move of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new touch of thinking which give knowledge that show new start to understanding of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new chapter of understanding which give strength that show new move to thinking of mind
Our feeling are showing new way to mind that give new thought of meaning which give touch that show new step to feeling of soul of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new spirit of learning which give path that show new path to thinking of direction of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new start of thinking which give start that show new word to meaning of touch of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new touch of meaning which give step that show new chapter to feeling of strength of mind
Our feeling are showing new touch to mind that give new spirit of learning which give path that show new concept to learning of path of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new way of thinking which give start that show new path to meaning of direction of mind
Our feeling are showing new step to mind that give new spirit of understanding which give way that show new step to thinking of move of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new appeal of learning which give word that show new touch to meaning of direction of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new step of thinking which give start that show new path to feeling of strength of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new touch of meaning which give path that show new word to learning of chapter of mind
Our feeling are showing new step to mind that give new path of learning which give touch that show new start to thinking of concept of mind
Our feeling are showing new start to mind that give new light of thinking which give start that show new path to meaning of direction of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new spirit of learning which give light that show new step to understanding of touch of mind
Our feeling are showing new word to mind that give new start of meaning which give strength that show new word to thinking of thought of mind
Our feeling are showing new path to mind that give new word of thinking which give chapter that show new start to meaning of path of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new step of learning which give concept that show new move to learning of thought of mind
Our feeling are showing new step to mind that give new spirit of understanding which give way that show new chapter to thinking of way of mind
Our feeling are showing new route to mind that give new path of meaning which give start that show new concept to meaning of direction of mind.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Poem. 4212. Many paths will show shine

                                Many paths will show shine
Many paths will show shine that give knowledge that give page to appeal of mind that give thought to light of knowledge that give step to way in mind
Many paths will show shine that give strength that give path to start of mind that give direction to soul of strength that give chapter to move in mind
Many paths will show shine that give direction that give start to thought of mind that give chapter to way of concept that give touch to start in mind
Many paths will show shine that give concept that give way to knowledge of mind that give move to spirit of thought that give appeal to route in mind
Many paths will show shine that give step that give strength to chapter of mind that give touch to step of chapter that give knowledge to light in mind
Many paths will show shine that give move that give change to appeal of mind that give spirit to thought of move that give start to thought in mind
Many paths will show shine that give way that give spirit to concept of mind that give step to direction of view that give thought to way in mind
Many paths will show shine that give start that give step to direction of mind that give thought to path of knowledge that give strength to move in mind
Many paths will show shine that give word that give appeal to strength of mind that give appeal to light of thought that give move to start in mind
Many paths will show shine that give light that give strength to move of mind that give start to thought of start that give concept to world in mind
Many paths will show shine that give spirit that give thought to way of mind that give touch to direction of route that give line to knowledge in mind
Many paths will show shine that give way that give start to thought of mind that give concept to meaning of way that give touch to appeal in mind
Many paths will show shine that give step that give light to touch of mind that give strength to feeling of start that give chapter to strength in mind
Many paths will show shine that give light that give touch to soul of mind that give thought to learning of appeal that give way to concept in mind
Many paths will show shine that give start that give thought to light of mind that give knowledge to meaning of touch that give start to direction in mind
Many paths will show shine that give way that give knowledge to start of mind that give concept to feeling of spirit of word that give move to thought in mind
Many paths will show shine that give strength that give spirit to concept of mind that give step to thinking of route of touch that give concept to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give thought that give start to chapter of mind that give light to meaning of start of appeal that give way to feeling in mind
Many paths will show shine that give knowledge that give path to strength of mind that give start to learning of path of direction that give start to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give strength that give move to appeal of mind that give way to thinking of soul of strength that give step to learning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give appeal that give chapter to thought of mind that give start to meaning of start of concept that give path to thinking in mind
Many paths will show shine that give move that give spirit to concept of mind that give word to feeling of touch of thought that give start to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give touch that give step to chapter of mind that give chapter to learning of move of direction that give word to learning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give path that give start to thought of mind that give step to thinking of path of spirit of way that give route to thinking in mind
Many paths will show shine that give way that give touch to chapter of mind that give concept to meaning of step of concept of view that give path to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give touch that give thought to strength of mind that give way to learning of move of direction of thought that give way to learning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give appeal that give page to chapter of mind that give start to meaning of spirit of knowledge of touch that give touch to feeling in mind
Many paths will show shine that give step that give direction to concept of mind that give thought to thinking of touch of start of view that give way to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give touch that give strength to move of mind that give knowledge to learning of step of concept of way that give move to thinking in mind
Many paths will show shine that give route that give chapter to way of mind that give strength to meaning of route of chapter of light that give path to learning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give direction that give start to thought of mind that give chapter to understanding of way of touch that give way to thinking in mind
Many paths will show shine that give move that give touch to knowledge of mind that give concept to learning of move of thought that give step to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give step that give way to thought of mind that give spirit to thinking of soul of strength of direction that give light to feeling in mind
Many paths will show shine that give word that give strength to knowledge of mind that give soul to meaning of light of thought of touch that give path to thinking in mind
Many paths will show shine that give start that give thought to chapter of mind that give light to feeling of strength of light of direction that give start to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give path that give knowledge to start of mind that give step to thinking of path of thought of world that give light to learning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give touch that give spirit to concept of mind that give start to feeling of touch of knowledge of touch that give start to thinking in mind
Many paths will show shine that give step that give world to direction of mind that give point to meaning of light of direction of view that give light to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give thought that give touch to move of mind that give chapter to learning of soul of thought of move that give thought to learning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give knowledge that give start to touch of mind that give concept to feeling of way of knowledge of touch that give strength to thinking in mind
Many paths will show shine that give strength that give chapter to concept of mind that give strength to meaning of concept of thought that give way to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give direction that give strength to path of mind that give direction to understanding of spirit of chapter that give touch to learning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give strength that give move to thought of mind that give spirit to learning of way of chapter that give thought to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give move that give direction to understanding of mind that give thought to meaning of soul that give direction to feeling in mind
Many paths will show shine that give way that give thought to knowledge of feeling of mind that give spirit to thinking of step that give knowledge to thinking in mind
Many paths will show shine that give touch that give direction to start of thinking of mind that give strength to learning of spirit that give strength to understanding in mind
Many paths will show shine that give route that give chapter to thought of learning of mind that give way to understanding of word that give move to feeling in mind
Many paths will show shine that give start that give concept to meaning of direction of soul that give step to learning of thought that give light to learning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give path that give strength to thinking of way of spirit that give appeal to meaning of direction that give touch to meaning in mind
Many paths will show shine that give step that give thought to learning of move of chapter that give thought to understanding of soul that give path to thinking in mind.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...