Monday, April 30, 2018

Poem. 3958. Every chapter have page

                                                             Every chapter have page
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new scene to every thought to mind that show new light to soul on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new path to every strength to spirit that show new direction to move on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new step to every concept to chapter that show new strength to start on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new line to every light to thought that show new chapter to appeal on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new step to every knowledge to way that show new knowledge to way on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new thought to every page to spirit that show new world to direction on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new chapter to every line to light that show new way to thought on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new word to every path to strength that show new start to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new light to every touch to feeling that show new path to concept on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new line to every concept to thinking that show new word to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new start to every thought to meaning that show new line to spirit on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new emotion to every knowledge to start that show new word to knowledge on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new touch to every direction to way that show new path to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new thought to every word to light that show new way to concept on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new path to every strength to spirit that show new word to thought on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new start to every knowledge to light that show new path to knowledge on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new emotion to every start to path that show new strength to spirit on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new path to every touch to appeal that show new knowledge to way on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new light to every strength to spirit that show new concept to touch on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new step to every concept to appeal that show new move to thought on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new word to every thought to way that show new start to knowledge on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new start to every strength to touch that show new way to thought on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new emotion to every start to route that show new move to concept on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new move to every line to light that show new path to direction on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new route to every word to concept that show new touch to spirit on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new path to every strength to touch that show new knowledge to start on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new line to every light to knowledge that show new path to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new start to every move to plan that show new word to knowledge on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new light to every path to step that show new route to direction on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new start to every word to start that show new path to concept on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new path to every strength to direction that show new light to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new route to every concept to thought that show new move to spirit on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new path to every direction to spirit that show new soul to appeal on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new word to every emotion to thought that show new line to start on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new move to every direction to knowledge that show new step to world on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new start to every route to thought that show new start to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new line to every concept to knowledge that show new light to direction on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new thought to every step to strength that show new path to thought on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new path to every emotion to path that show new route to knowledge on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new word to every line to thought that show new light to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new path to every word to chapter that show new line to world on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new move to every thought to start that show new step to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new route to every direction to spirit that show new line to light on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new feeling that will show new start to every strength to concept that show new light to start on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new learning that will show new path to every concept to touch that show new way to appeal on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new appeal to every spirit to thought that show new word to concept on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new strength to every start to step that show new chapter to strength on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new meaning that will show new light to every move to start that show new concept to direction on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new beginning that will show new thought to every touch to way that show new appeal to path on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new understanding that will show new light to every step to line that show new knowledge to word on each point
Every chapter have page which will show new thinking that will show new direction to every soul to strength that show new world to start on each point.

Poem. 3957. Different lines which will

                                                               Different lines which will
Those different lines which will show new page to direction that will show new step to chapter that will show new path to touch on each point
Those different lines which will show new light to knowledge that will show new fact to thought that will show new way to spirit on each point
Those different lines which will show new strength to appeal that will show new word to world that will show new move to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new start to concept that will show new start to touch that will show new start to direction on each point
Those different lines which will show new step to chapter that will show new thought to soul that will show new light to knowledge on each point
Those different lines which will show new move to thought that will show new spirit to appeal that will show new step to concept on each point
Those different lines which will show new word to emotion that will show new concept to thought that will show new start to move on each point
Those different lines which will show new step to direction that will show new direction to start that will show new light to thought on each point
Those different lines which will show new way to knowledge that will show new appeal to way that will show new spirit to direction on each point
Those different lines which will show new start to emotion that will show new world to start that will show new light to chapter on each point
Those different lines which will show new way to spirit that will show new concept to direction that will show new path to concept on each point
Those different lines which will show new step to spirit that will show new knowledge to chapter that will show new start to thought on each point
Those different lines which will show new start to strength that will show new path to concept that will show new word to knowledge on each point
Those different lines which will show new touch to concept that will show new light to thought that will show new light to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new spirit to direction that will show new word to chapter that will show new step to direction on each point
Those different lines which will show new knowledge to start that will show new path to concept that will show new touch to thought on each point
Those different lines which will show new step to strength that will show new start to appeal that will show new concept to spirit on each point
Those different lines which will show new move to light that will show new word to strength that will show new appeal to concept on each point
Those different lines which will show new start to knowledge that will show new light to concept that will show new path to touch on each point
Those different lines which will show new path to direction that will show new spirit to appeal that will show new touch to thought on each point
Those different lines which will show new thought to feel that will show new touch to direction that will show new path to light on each point
Those different lines which will show new light to knowledge that will show new path to thought that will show new way to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new strength to appeal that will show new word to spirit that will show new touch to direction on each point
Those different lines which will show new concept to light that will show new strength to line that will show new step to path on each point
Those different lines which will show new knowledge to start that will show new world to route that will show new start to way on each point
Those different lines which will show new chapter to touch that will show new direction to touch that will show new way to spirit on each point
Those different lines which will show new way to route that will show new strength to chapter that will show new move to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new start to thought that will show new light to appeal that will show new step to chapter on each point
Those different lines which will show new move to path that will show new world to strength that will show new start to knowledge on each point
Those different lines which will show new step to direction that will show new word to touch that will show new light to concept on each point
Those different lines which will show new word to spirit that will show new move to appeal that will show new touch to direction on each point
Those different lines which will show new world to path that will show new route to spirit that will show new chapter to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new light to strength that will show new path to concept that will show new path to concept on each point
Those different lines which will show new direction to step that will show new line to page that will show new world to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new strength to path that will show new word to knowledge that will show new step to thought on each point
Those different lines which will show new chapter to start that will show new light to strength that will show new move to chapter on each point
Those different lines which will show new path to concept that will show new knowledge to way that will show new light to knowledge on each point
Those different lines which will show new start to spirit that will show new start to thought that will show new chapter to thought on each point
Those different lines which will show new step to strength that will show new path to knowledge that will show new start to appeal on each point
Those different lines which will show new line to knowledge that will show new word to direction that will show new path to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new thought to word that will show new light to page that will show new chapter to step on each point
Those different lines which will show new chapter to strength that will show new concept to word that will show new start to move on each point
Those different lines which will show new light to concept that will show new step to thought that will show new light to knowledge on each point
Those different lines which will show new step to direction that will show new word to appeal that will show new way to concept on each point
Those different lines which will show new start to knowledge that will show new line to strength that will show new light to chapter on each point
Those different lines which will show new light to strength that will show new start to knowledge that will show new path to start on each point
Those different lines which will show new concept to thought that will show new word to start that will show new touch to direction on each point
Those different lines which will show new direction to chapter that will show new light to thought that will show new way to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new knowledge to path that will show new route to knowledge that will show new word to concept on each point
Those different lines which will show new path to step that will show new thought to direction that will show new path to strength on each point
Those different lines which will show new start to move that will show new spirit to soul that will show new start to thought on each point.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Poem. 3956. Step show new

                                                                       Step show new 
Different step show new touch to direction which will show new route at each step to spirit that will give new appeal to step of mind
Different step show new thought to chapter which will show new spirit at each strength to chapter that will give new effect to thought of mind
Different step show new appeal to strength which will show new start at each move to direction that will give new path to move of mind
Different step show new spirit to thought which will show new word at each path to knowledge that will give new route to strength of mind
Different step show new route to knowledge which will show new step at each move to chapter that will give new touch to spirit of mind
Different step show new world to thought which will show new light at each way to appeal that will give new thought to chapter of mind
Different step show new concept to concept which will show new appeal at each word to line that will give new knowledge to line of mind
Different step show new knowledge to soul which will show new path at each thought to start that will give new direction to light of mind
Different step show new chapter to thought which will show new word at each light to chapter that will give new thought to word of mind
Different step show new direction to knowledge which will show new line at each touch to concept that will give new spirit to soul of mind
Different step show new thought to spirit which will show new step at each direction to chapter that will give new appeal to start of mind
Different step show new strength to touch which will show new world at each move to thought that will give new touch to light of mind
Different step show new start to chapter which will show new page at each thought to concept that will give new thought to way of mind
Different step show new word to strength which will show new start at each opening to way that will give new concept to touch of mind
Different step show new step to thought which will show new thought at each spirit to touch that will give new direction to spirit of mind
Different step show new direction to appeal which will show new strength at each way to spirit that will give new chapter to thought of mind
Different step show new knowledge to strength which will show new concept at each move to route that will give new path to knowledge of mind
Different step show new thought to direction which will show new appeal at each route to direction that will give new step to page of mind
Different step show new strength to concept which will show new  knowledge at each light to touch that will give new word to strength of mind
Different step show new spirit to thought which will show new route at each knowledge to step that will give new touch to thought of mind
Different step show new line to light which will show new shine at each start to direction that will give new page to spirit of mind
Different step show new word to start which will show new route at each point to knowledge that will give new start to strength of mind
Different step show new light to direction which will show new step at each move to spirit that will give new path to concept of mind
Different step show new knowledge to page which will show new word at each route to strength that will give new move to thought of mind
Different step show new direction to way which will show new world at each direction to move that will give new line to light of mind
Different step show new chapter to thought which will show new direction at each way to spirit that will give new word to world of mind
Different step show new window to thought which will show new spirit at each concept to thought that will give new appeal to direction of mind
Different step show new thought to strength which will show new start at each chapter to knowledge that will give new appeal to strength of mind
Different step show new world to direction which will show new knowledge at each page to direction that will give new strength to path of mind
Different step show new way to knowledge which will show new path at each thought to stage that will give new thought to way of mind
Different step show new line to light which will show new touch at each strength to spirit that will give new direction to step of mind
Different step show new touch to start which will show new appeal at each concept to way that will give new thought to start of mind
Different step show new move to thought which will show new page at each direction to thought that will give new spirit to touch of mind
Different step show new thought to world which will show new route at each thought to touch that will give new path to thought of mind
Different step show new start to route which will show new path at each spirit to thought that will give new direction to appeal of mind
Different step show new word to line which will show new chapter at each thought to world that will give new start to spirit of mind
Different step show new page to word which will show new thought at each path to strength that will give new world to soul of mind
Different step show new step to world which will show new spirit at each concept to chapter that will give new strength to touch of mind
Different step show new light to world which will show new line at each chapter to light that will give new world to direction of mind
Different step show new start to mind which will show new way at each direction to route that will give new start to strength of mind
Different step show new path to mind which will show new light at each knowledge to spirit that will give new step to thought of mind
Different step show new word to mind which will show new path at each thought to page that will give new line to strength of mind
Different step show new light to mind which will show new knowledge at each page to path that will give new word to start of mind
Different step show new touch to mind which will show new emotion at each start to appeal that will give new route to strength of mind
Different step show new step to mind which will show new thought at each word to spirit that will give new touch to chapter of mind
Different step show new word to mind which will show new light to each knowledge to page that will give new line to step of mind
Different step show new direction to strength which will show new start to each way to direction that will give new start to move of mind
Different step show new chapter to appeal which will show new word to each world to strength that will give new line to light of mind
Different step show new world to path which will show new light to each touch to direction that will give new start to appeal of mind
Different step show new strength to chapter which will show new word to each thought to way that will give new path to concept of mind
Different step show new chapter to concept which will show new path to each route to start that will give new way to thought of mind.

Poem. 3955. Nature of sunlight shows

                                                              Nature of sunlight shows
Nature of sunlight shows two side one is useful for world other can harm from time to time in different step of life at each point
Nature of sunlight shows two effect one is hopeful for soul other can cause harm from time to time in different way of mind at each point
Nature of sunlight shows two impact one is truthful for way other can create harm from time to time in different move of step at each point
Nature of sunlight shows two direction one is positive for thought other can cause harm from time to time in moment of soul at each point
Nature of sunlight shows two paths one is route for strength other can cause harm due to heat from time to time in move of way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two appeal one is positive side for move other can cause harm due bright touch from time to time in soul of way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two route one is bright touch for spirit other can cause harm worst feeling from time to time in spirit of way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two concept one is positive way for move other can cause harm route that show heat from time to time in step of word at each point
Nature of sunlight show two side one is hope for direction other can cause burn to different effect that show direction from time to time in route at each point
Nature of sunlight show two start one is bright for chapter other can cause worst effect that show two side from time to time in start at each point
Nature of sunlight show two thought one is positive for soul other can cause negative reaction that show two step from time to time in way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two spirit one is hope for bright start other can cause worst effect that show two move from time to time in appeal at each point
Nature of sunlight show two direction one is positive for creation other can cause heat which give impact from time to time in chapter at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is positive effect for concept other can cause burn which give touch from time to time in way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two chapter one is bright direction for thought other can cause heat which give direction from time to time in thought at each point
Nature of sunlight show two touch one is hope for spirit other can cause harm which give worst concept that give path from time to time in strength at each point
Nature of sunlight show two thought one is bright for future other can cause worst which give wrong impact that give light from time to time in way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is positive side for direction other can cause harsh impact which give worst way from time to time in start at each point
Nature of sunlight show two path one is hopeful start for soul other can cause burn that effect which give different reaction from time to time in way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two thought one is bright for thought other can cause pain that show different reaction of two experiment effect from time to time in thought at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is hope for strength other can cause hurt that show different path of two touch to direction from time to time in spirit at each point
Nature of sunlight show two side one is positive for direction other can cause path that show different heat of two spirit to spirit from time to time in way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two path one is hope for page other can cause pain that show different impact of two touch to chapter from time to time in thought at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is bright appeal for way other can cause harm that show different effect of two effect to concept from time to time in step at each point
Nature of sunlight show two direction one is hope for knowledge other can cause burn that show different direction of two way to path from time to time in way at each point
Nature of sunlight show two spirit one is touch for thought other can cause negative effect that show different way of two start to thought from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two thought one is spirit for knowledge other can cause worst impact that show different step of two step to knowledge from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two appeal one is step for chapter other can cause worst direction that show different start of two way to thought from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two chapter one is start for route other can cause negative effect that show different route of two thought to way from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two start one is direction for path other can cause hurt start that show different step of two direction to thought from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two move one is hope for positive thought other can cause worst way that show different word to start from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two light one is positive for start of chapter other can cause burn that show different reaction to thought from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is hope for bright appeal other can cause hurt that show different step to knowledge from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two thought one is positive for soul other can cause harm that show negative effect to thought from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two route one is bright appeal for way other can cause harm that show worst direction to start from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two path one is bright route for strength other can cause harm that show burn to direction from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two start one is positive effect for knowledge other can cause harm negative way that show worst touch from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two path one is hope effect for strength other can cause harm to different worst appeal that show wrong touch from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is positive side for knowledge other can cause hurt to soul one different way that show worst effect from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two start one is positive direction for way other can cause burn to thought that show path from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two direction one is hope for thought other can cause hurt to chapter that show line from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two path one is route for direction other can cause just hurting direction that show light of thought from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is word for knowledge other can cause pain to thought that show hard way from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two move one is appeal for hopes other can cause harm to thinking that show harm touch from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two start one is path for thought other can cause hurt feeling that show new way from negative from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two line one is word for chapter other can cause harm meaning that show new step from negative start from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two word one is line for light other can cause pain to thinking that show new way to worst situation from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is scene for positive other can cause pain to understanding that show new step to worst direction from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two thought one is thought for hope other can cause pain to feeling that show new start to strength from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two start one is positive hope other can cause pain for negative that show worst effect to soul from time to time at each point
Nature of sunlight show two step one is positive start other can cause pain for thinking that show negative touch to way from time to time at each point.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Adventure story. 342. Hand that can't move

                                                             Hand that can't move
Rocky was so excited about going on that picnic. He always loved mountains and sea and river everything which belonged to nature. But his day to day work managed to lock him in an office. He always hated office work. He wanted to become something like photographer who can click everyday some beautiful scene of nature. But life didn't know the way he wanted. He fall in love with the rich girl Richa. Richest father wanted his son in law to be someone who was rich enough to fulfill every dream of his daughter. He didn't try to change his daughter's eyes but he changed career of his son-in-law. He convinced Rocky that it was not wise to keep that photography. He told him that he could do it as a hobby but as a career he needs something stronger which could give him financial support. He convinced him that his wife needed more money to live happily. At that point he just wanted Richa and he didn't think about anything else. He wanted his love in his life as a wife. He didn't think about anything else so he decided to change his career and it looked like a great option on that point. But now he began to feel that he was locked inside those offices. He thought that he needed to work for few years in office and then he could go home and enjoy his life but it was not happening. He kept working hard day by day in office and in his home he hardly had any time to enjoy since he had to work in home also. His job was taking over his life and his personal life was becoming a disaster. He wanted to change that way but Richa was not ready for it. She kept telling him that everyone worked like that only so she could adjust with this arrangement. But it was not just about her it was about him too. She never understood it. She kept pointing out but she didn't understand any of his feelings. They had their family but he could hardly able to see faces of his kids or his wife. He was nothing but a source of income for them. He knew that he needed to develop love inside his kid's heart but he didn't have enough time for it. This time he even asked his kids to come with him on picnic but no one was interested. It seemed as if they were totally busy in their life. Rocky decided that it was proper time to start his life too. He was enjoying himself so much in those Valleys. They were creating different kind of dream for his soul. That for first time in so many years he began to breathe through air which was pure. In city everyday pollution was just managing to kill him step by step. He wanted to live his life happily for at least some time. He knew that in few days he had to return to his normal life once again inside that office. But he wanted to enjoy at least those few days when he could breathe without thinking about his projects or work. He was wandering around those mountains and enjoying each moment. He was enjoying even watching those rocks and those trees.  There's nothing special but just usual rocks and trees but for him . They were part of heaven. He was moving around happily. He totally forgot about other campers he began to feel as if he was just alone on those mountains. He didn't understand when he confused his path and went far away from his decided destination. It was not perfect day for him any more. He sensed that he was lost in forest. He was so confused and scared. Suddenly entire happiness was vanished. He started running around trees like mad man. He began to search for help. Then he suddenly fall in valley. He sensed that he was dying. He began to sense it's pains. They were horrible. He was so scared. He screamed loudly. He was woke by his parent's voice. His Mom " What happened? Why did you screamed so loudly?" He looked around. He was sleeping in his bedroom. He ran to mirror. He was still young and he might be bachelor too. He turned towards his and asked " Mom am I married?" Mom started laughing and his father checked his forehead for fever. Mom " You are not but you can if you wanted to?" " No I will not marry." He said this and went back to sleep with determination.
        Next morning when Rocky woke up, he was fully determined that he would not let his dream interfere in his daily life. He decided that he would not let fear control him. But it was totally strange dream. In it he was having affair with Richa. He didn't understand why did he dreamed like that. It was totally shocking. He never thought in such way about Richa Madam. Richa was his Boss who never let him forget it on any moment. She was totally different from dream. When he entered in office, his friend came running towards him. "Boss is calling you." "Why?" He asked angrily. His friend " do you want me to ask it to Boss?" Rocky sense that he was talking in unreasonable way. No one could dare to question Richa in that office. Richa was their boss and a strict boss not a soft Boss. She always kept screaming on every employee it seemed as if she felt that without screaming no one could do a work. Her father was very soft than her. It was not that he was not harsh but still she was too much. She never talked with anyone in decent way she always kept showing off. She was so abusive that many times many employees had cried in the office due to her abuses. All field work when due to her abuses Mr Sharma old aged employee took voluntary retirement to avoid her. Still nothing changed for her in fact she said that it was better since she didn't want that old man inside her office. She said that he was not fast enough. It seemed as if experience didn't count much in her eyes. Truthfully nothing counted in her eyes except herself. She was concerned about nothing except herself. She was so self centered that entire office just hated to talk with her. But she didn't care since she was not interested in talking with her employees. She had different friend circle for it. Thoes friends for different they were rich and famous just like her. But Rocky didn't understand why did in dreams he plan to marry her. She was last girl on earth who would marry him. She always treated him like that and she was going treat him in same way. That dream didn't make any sense when he woke up and saw around himself in daylight. He laughed at his dream and started to enter in her office. When he entered he noticed that she was reading something important from her files. She didn't have much time even to look at him. He knew that she never cared to see face of her employee. Richa " we need to go on trip tomorrow." " What?" Richa was angry. " Are you deaf? I told you that we need to go on a trip tomorrow didn't you hear it?" He was so upset. He didn't want to go on trip with her. He just never wanted to go anywhere with her alone. He knew that it was entirely a dream but still he didn't want to turn it in reality. " Madam I can't arrange it is on such a short notice. I need to I need few days." " Don't you know that I never take no as answer from my employee? If you don't come with me then you will be searching for another job from tomorrow. I am not the one who is going to compromise if you don't have time for company then I will get another employee." Rocky was so upset he didn't want to lose his job. But he didn't want to go out with her too. She was not nice woman. He didn't even want to talk with her. He had special grudge towards her since Mr.Sharma's early retirement. He knew Mr. Sharma was nice person. When he came in office, on first day Mr. Sharma helped him a lot. He was a nice person who was always helpful towards everyone. Richa could have treated him in a nice way. She did everything in harsh and horrible way. She was treating every one in same way. But he needed a job so he didn't have much option. " Its alright madam I will manage." " Good I hope next time you will not even complaint. I don't like those employee who keep complaining about something. If you you reduce your complaint I might think of promoting you." Rocky knew very well that it was just an artificial carrot for him. He was not going to get promoted. He had heard her many times  saying same thing to his many colleagues but they never got promotion. He knew there would be at least half a dozen managers if she started keeping her promises. She never kept it in fact she never thought and need of keeping her word. She felt that keeping word watch something period to be done with only her friends not hit her employees. Employees are not human in her eyes according to her employees were just property which she owned for few hours. According to her need she even managed increased those hours. She wanted to do same thing with him. He hated it but still he agreed since he wanted to keep the job. But somewhere in his heart he began to think that he needed to get new job with better Boss. But at that moment he needed to go on trip with her next day. And he knew that this was going to be his first journey in life. When a person had a companion like her no one could imagine journey. He just keep telling himself that he would manage. It was just be coming chant in his soul since he needed to do that so he had to convince himself. Then she told her that he needed to go home early To pack his belongings for trip. She nodded. But she told him clearly that this was happening for this time since she informed him late. Next time  she would inform him on time he would not get any leave. He just nodded and went away. When he came out of cabin everyone was waiting outside for him. " What happened?" "She wanted me to go on trip with her tomorrow." " On such a small notice." He nodded and said " I must run ahead to pack my things." Then they suddenly heard Richa's angry voice. " I had just given half day to you. Just go out of office before I change my mind and everybody else go back to your work." He just ran out of office without talking with anyone after all he needed at least half day off.
   When Rocky came home he was clearly upset. He told his mom about his trip. Rocky " you know very well how much I hate that woman!! Still I had to go out with her on the trip. Mom for one salary how much I needed to sacrifice. She is killing my self respect every day. Mom I don't want to work for her. I need a new job." " I know honey but you know finding a new job is not easy thing. You can't get such a good job like this again. You need to talk with her at least for few years until you didn't find a good job." " But Mom I can't work with her she is horrible." " Act like this in world. You have to adjust when you didn't get a job." "Mom I can get another job if I try" " Great then find one and then quit this job. Even if salary is little bit less it will be okay but you need a job." Rocky nodded. But he knew from his heart that it was impossible. He knew that his job was most stable job which he could find. He did not able to find better job. Specially with that high salary which he was getting at that moment. Richa give high salary that's why her staff was behaving a nice way with her while she was insulting them everyday. He knew that he had to understand her feelings and act according to her choices. She was his boss and he needed to understand it from his heart. But he just couldn't accept her as a boss he always hope that his boss's wife would come in office as a boss after his retiring. But it didn't happen Richa was too dominating. She managed to take entire control of office very soon. She managed to take so much hold of office that even while her father was a alive like he was not permitted to do much things in his office. She needed to work hard for everything but not in a good way. She managed by bossing and dominating minds of her parents. Many times Rocky felt that she had managed to convince her father that he was ill and he must stay at home. From beginning she wanted to take hold of entire office but no one liked her. Rocky still remember that day when she first entered inside that office. He was so scared. Her attitude towards entire staff was poisonous. Her father and his boss sensed it. Her father " What happened Rocky? Why you are looking so upset?" "Nothing sir everything is just fine." " No everything is not fine. I can clearly read in your eyes that you didn't like my daughter." " No sir its nothing like that." "Come on just say it no need to hide your feelings from me. I know my daughter very well and everyone has some complaint about her. It all started from her school and it didn't end even after college. She was always a pain in neck for me. And she will remain same way for entire life. Truthfully I have accepted it but I will not force that burden on your shoulder. I will not let her handle this office. Her mom and my wife will handle it. I truly care for entire staff so I will not let it happen." Rocky was about to speak something when he suddenly changed that someone was near open door. But then that person suddenly stopped so he could easily guess that this person was listening to their conversation. He decided that he must play in safeway. He didn't want to be fired. He thought that this was a plan of father and daughter to check his loyalty towards them. He smiled and said " no sir she is nice lady actually I am new towards her style of work. I am sure slowly I will understand how does madam like me to work. I need little bit time to adjust then everything will be fine." Then he gave a nice smile to boss and went out. His guess proved right. He saw that Richa was running away from the door. He felt so hurt and insulted. He didn't understand how did his boss did this to him. What he guessed wrong was that his boss knew everything about Richa. His boss was not lying he didn't know that Richa was standing behind the door. But on that point Rocky felt clear anger towards his boss. When he went out he discussed entire episode with Mr Sharma. " Why did Boss act like this with me? What was my mistake Am I a guinea pig in his eyes?" Mr Sharma " I don't believe that was did it with intention but this is scary. If his daughter had entire thing then she might cause harm to him." " Are you telling me that daughter will kill her father just to get hold of office?" Sharma just keep quiet and he started laughing. " Come on this is not some mystery novel that we are going to solve some murder mystery. Boss wanted to check my honesty so did this to me. I don't like it but I like the salary so I am going to stay and keep working. This is crystal clear matter like that. I don't want to complicate it more so let's go back to our work." Rocky just closed that matter on that point. But now he regretted the decision of not taking that matter seriously.  He never thought that daughter could harm her father but now after that incidents in few days his was stopped coming in office and Richa totally took over entire office. He was totally confused now and still he was packing his things to go with that Richa on a trip. It might be official trip but still going out with a murderer who could murder her father was a horrible thought. But she could not prove it since his Boss first paralyzed not dead. But from his heart he felt that she must had did something to him. He shivered when he thought about condition of his boss. He didn't want to land on the bed like him so he didn't want to keep any enmity with Richa. He knew that she was very harmful. But he never wanted to go to that trip. He felt that picnic should be something done with friends not with enemies. But when he was started to go out with Richa he sensed that picnic with enemy was worst thing. Last time she forced him to come with her on picnic he never understood why did she did that to him. She just took him with her and told him to do everything as per her wishes like remove her cup serve her dishes with food just like a waiter. But that Hotel was full of waiters he never understood why did she took him and forced him to act like her personal waiter. That picnic was fully embarrassing trip for him. When he returned back to office he sends that she did it just because she wanted to show her friend that she got a personal servant. But he was not her personal servant. Still she treated her like one on that picnic. Now he was confused that how much this official trip was going to be official. He hoped that it was not going to be personal stunt like last time. But he didn't have much options so he started packing his bags and started praying from heart that this time it would not be worst like last time.
    When Rocky fall on bed that night he started to feel stress immediately. He was not feeling normal. He was feeling as if he was going to have high fever. He  was feeling so sick that he was sure that he could not feel well next day. He knew very well that his boss is going to think that he was pretending. Not sure himself that he was not pretending because this sickness was on perfect time. But he didn't want to pretend. His mind was not supposed to move ahead without his own consent. He wanted to search another job and then quit this job. Then he sensed that he must search for another job. A job with which he could just quit this job and move ahead with his life. He was thinking about this when he fall asleep. He never realise that he was in dream but he was once again in that forest. He was once again husband of Richa. This time when he was wandering around forest suddenly he noticed. Richa was standing in those trees. He was so shocked when he saw her. He was inside a dense forest and far away from his Camper friends. But Richa was standing there with some another man. When he came there she suddenly turned towards him. Richa gave her evil smile and said " we are so lucky that he had come here alone let's finish him." Without second thought that man came near him and he took out a knife and cut his hand. He screamed with pain and woke up from his dream. He looked around once again he was in his bedroom. He took breath of relief. But then he suddenly sense that his hand was not moving. He was so shocked how could a wound of dream could affect his hand in reality. He started to try hard to move it since he thought he might have slept on that hand so blood circulation might be not coming there. He tried hard to move his hand but nothing worked. He started to pinch his hand to feel something. But nothing was working it seemed as if his hand was no longer existed for him. He was so scared he didn't understand what had happened to his hand. He started calling his parents loudly without thinking about hours. In that midnight his parents came running in his room. His Mom was looking totally pale. His dad was also looking frustrated. His Mom" What happened did you have that nightmare again?" " Mom it's not just nightmare my hand is not moving." His Dad started to look more frustrated. Dad " this is nothing but just your Nightmare your hand is perfect. Come on try to move it. Let me see." Then his dad took hold of his hand and started moving it. "Your hand is just perfect nothing is wrong with it. You just need to move it and you are not moving it." " Dad I am trying hard but it is not moving why don't you understand." He began to scream angrily on his parents. He was so upset he didn't understand what was wrong with his hand. It was just perfect few hours ago when he was awake and during the dream his hand suddenly became useless. He looked at his hand and started to search for some marks but he knew that it was just nightmare so it was not possible. Still he checked for them and noticed that there was nothing. He knew that it was just bad dream. He knew that it couldn't turn into reality he kept convincing this to himself. But still his hand was not moving. " Dad I am trying so hard to move it but it is not working Dad I don't understand what is wrong with my hand." His dad started feeling so frustrated. He took hold of his hand and started moving it. " Try this way it will move." " I am trying but it is not working." His Mom " You have to try it honey."  " But Mom it is not moving I am trying my best." He took a deep breath and started trying again. But nothing was happening his hand was not moving at all. His Dad started to look tense. His Dad " I think you should go to sleep now and tomorrow we will visit a nice doctor." " What do you mean by a nice doctor? What did you think happening to me?" " Come on just relax how could I tell you what is happening to you I am not doctor?!!" " But you have taste something and you are not telling me since you don't want to scare me but Dad I am already scare just tell me." His Dad looked at his Mom. When his mom nodded her head his dad started talking. " Well actually your uncle had Paralysis attack which seemed little bit like this it started with hand. But we can't be sure so just go to sleep." " And stay at home for entire night instead of going in hospital?" " Just relax, I have called ambulance already." " When?" " When I noticed that you could not control your hand at all." He wanted to cry But he control himself and slept on bed and close his eyes he knew that he could not sleep but still he kept lying on the bed. He just hoped for best. New if it was a Paralysis attack .Then tension would have worst effect on it so he tried his ways to reduce his tension. He kept taking name of God and praying to him that it was not Paralysis attack. Entire time he kept his eyes closed didn't open it until he didn't touch on his shoulder. A doctor was standing near him and touching shoulder. Doctor " can you able to walk or did you need a stretcher?" " I can walk." He said and went towards ambulance as fast as possible. Everything was fine but he was dragging his hand Since his hand was totally senseless. It was horrible and scary so he just sat inside that ambulance then doctor told him to go to sleep so he slept on bed in ambulance. He was so afraid he kept taking name of god. Doctor checked his BP and said loudly to his parents that his BP was fine. His mom and dad took breath of relief. " So this is not Paralysis attack." Doctor " I don't think so but we will check in hospital in details to understand why his hand is not operating." Rocky had many question but he didn't ask  he just wanted to close his eyes and go to sleep and luckily he was feeling sleepy too. So he just went to sleep.
     When ambulance reached to hospital Rocky got jerk of break and he woke up. But he was not sure that it was Hospital since during his traveling lots of time ambulance needed to stop. Every  time he woke up and looked out of window but he never saw Hospital. He was so glad that finally he saw name plate of hospital. Hospital was not something which anyone like to see but at this moment he just wanted to go inside that hospital and find out what was wrong with him. He was totally scared. He wanted to get better and have happy and normal life like others. He didn't want to drag his hand like that for entire life. He never felt that he loved his hands so much but at this moment he said that he could give anything to get that hand back. His hand was most precious thing for him now. He forgot about anything else he was concerned just about one thing and that was his hand. He started praying to God that only if his hand become good again he would do everything in right way he would not become tense regarding anything and never complain about anything in his life. He sensed one thing that he just needed his hand nothing else. When ambulance stopped, he started to go down from it but immediately a wheelchair came to his help. Doctor " Everything appears normal to me but let's not take the risk let's be careful." They took him inside hospital on wheelchair with proper care. When he went inside he started to feel his heart beats they were so fast he felt as if his heart was about to burst out. He began to feel very tense and he didn't want doctor to sense it. But he knew that he must tell everything to doctor if he wanted to be perfect again. It was not easy for him since he didn't even remember any word to talk. Doctor " just relax let me check you no need to get so much tense. You will be fine soon." He nodded. Then doctor started taking him he did checked him in details on his every body part not just his hand. But it was clear that doctor was totally confused. Finally Rocky asked " What is wrong with me doctor?" Doctor "Actually you look totally fine. Your BP is little bit high but it was going to be that way after taking so much stress." His dad looked so upset. " But doctor my son can't able to move his hand how is that possible?" " It could be something inside body we need to check some report just take it easy I need some time to find out what is wrong with him." Now doctor was doing just normal speech which he must have given to many patients whom he could not give answer about sickness. Rocky sensed one thing that doctor didn't understand what was wrong with him. It was not good news in his eyes he thought he didn't want to keep shifting from one hospital to another but he sensed that this was going to be his future. It was impossible for him to ignore one fact that doctor was not understanding his medical problem. It was so frustrating.  He closed his eyes and went to sleep again. This time doctor had given him some injection to give him sleep due to which his blood pressure will be reduced. He took a deep breath and went to sleep. He was once again in dream and now he was very scared. This time that Richa was not just in for him somewhere in his heart his soul was awake and it wanted to escape from the dream as soon as possible. Now he sensed that his dream was turning into reality. He knew that it might managed to hurt his body just like his hand he didn't want to lose anything his body was most precious thing to him. When he entered in the dream he immediately started running away from that person as fast as possible he could hear voices behind him Richa was screaming that he must be killed and he wanted to run away as far away from them as possible. He didn't stop  anywhere but he could sense that this man was trying to shoot him from behind. This time there was a gun in his dream and he was so scared. He started running for his life as fast as possible. He kept running running running without stopping on any point. He was so tired but he didn't stop he didn't want to lose any of his body part. Finally he was woke up in morning due to his mobile ring. He was about to take that call when nurse came and screamed on him"  Don't you switch off your mobile don't you understand value of life and health? I feel you are getting sick due to over work. You must tell your boss to back off otherwise you will die while working for her. " " How did you know that my boss is lady?" Nurse smile and said " You are smart even medicine didn't manage to remove your alertness. A smart boy like you deserve a lot more than this kind of Boss. Yesterday during your sleep you were screaming loudly. "Don't kill me Richa don't kill me". so I asked your parents who is Richa? And now on your phone I saw on caller id once again Richa the boss." " Ohh. Let me answer her actually we were supposed to be going on Trip today. I totally forgot about it." Nurse" You are in hospital and you are sick I will tell that to your boss." " Let me deal with her she is not nice lady." " Do you feel in this Hospital we deal with nice and gentle ladies like your mom? Come on get real I have seen variety of women who are so arrogant that you can't even imagine. Let me handle her." Nurse took call and talk with Richa. She started to argue with nurse that Nurse immediately told her that she would file case against Richa for attempt of Murder if she tried to talk with Rocky and Rocky got serious due to it. Suddenly Richa started talking sweetly with nurse and disconnected the call. Nurse " don't worry you will not lose your job? Those bosses who screamed so loudly hardly have no guts to fire you." " As if I care I just want to quit the job but mom kept insisting that I must find new job before it but now I think I might not ever able to work at all again." Nurse " no need to think in such a negative way doctor was telling me you were just fine." " But still my hand is not moving and I am in hospital." Nurse gave  smile and said " we all need to complete entire circle of the sickness and then we all get fine again it is life we can handle it and I am sure you are strong enough to handle it." He smiled and he felt hopeful from heart. He was the glad that he meet such a nice lady on that situation when he needed her most. Then a Doctor came in his room. Doctor gave him nice smile. " So what happened?" " I can't able to move my hand."  He came near Rocky and taught him some exercise when Rocky did them he he slowly sensed that his hand was moving. He started screaming with joy and he called his parents. Rocky " mom dad look my hand is fine now doctor did something and it is okay." Entire family jumped with joy. finally his dad ask doctor "what's wrong with my son?" " It's mental paralysis which was developed due to anxiety and depression. " " But why?" " I need to give proper treatment to your son but at this moment I can tell one thing that he must quit his job his boss is not nice otherwise he might suffer this attack again." His parents nodded and they decided that he would quit this job. And his parents went out . Psychiatrist ask him " what's wrong with your boss why did you think she could kill you?" Rocky decided that he must tell entire truth since he knew that it was all mental. He told him about Mr Sharma and his comment on Richa and what happened afterwards. " Just quit her job and never see her face that is perfect solution for you. We don't know her truth and we don't even needed to know it in detail so just quit job and stay away from that entire issue." Rocky nodded and then he went to sleep again that time even during day he slept peacefully and he decided that he would never see face of that woman again. His father told him that he would give the resignation and did other formalities. On that night he dreams for last time after that day he never dreamed again and his life became normal. He never suffered from any kind of trouble regarding his hand again. Finally they accepted that it was just psychological things and it would never enter in their life again.
                                                                   The End                   

Friday, April 27, 2018

Poem. 3954. Soul will show

                                                                      Soul will show 
Soul will show new path which will show new knowledge at each page of direction to thought that will show new world at each point
Soul will show new start which will show new strength at each step of thought to knowledge that will show new chapter at each point
Soul will show new light which will show new direction at each start of concept to chapter that will show new knowledge at each point
Soul will show new concept which will show new thought at each way of spirit to strength that will show new strength at each point
Soul will show new chapter which will show new concept at each move of thought to direction that will show new way at each point
Soul will show new strength which will show new spirit at each spirit of chapter to concept that will show new soul at each point
Soul will show new knowledge which will show new way at each appeal of direction to path that will show new start at each point
Soul will show new thought which will show new step at each chapter of strength to light that will show new path at each point
Soul will show new page which will show new word at each concept of thought to spirit that will show new word at each point
Soul will show new touch which will show new strength at each appeal of knowledge to touch that will show new way at each point
Soul will show new step which will show new direction at each move of thought to chapter that will show new line at each point
Soul will show new knowledge which will show new path at each start of appeal to direction that will show new start at each point
Soul will show new appeal which will show new word at each strength of spirit to thought that will show new word at each point
Soul will show new start which will show new touch at each chapter of direction to path that will show new step at each point
Soul will show new direction which will show new thought at each step of spirit at way that will show new light at each point
Soul will show new spirit which will show new light at each move of knowledge at step that will show new concept at each point
Soul will show new line which will show new knowledge at each way of thought at light that will show new route at each point
Soul will show new start which will show new path at each route of direction at appeal that will show new path at each point
Soul will show new word which will show new chapter at each line of chapter at knowledge that will show new way at each point
Soul will show new step which will show new strength at each move of concept at way that will show new move at each point
Soul will show new direction which will show new knowledge at each page of thought at move that will show new light at each point
Soul will show new strength which will show new concept at each start of direction at route that will show new word at each point
Soul will show new chapter which will show new page at each move of spirit at thinking that will show new world at each point
Soul will show new concept which will show new thought at each step of concept at meaning that will show new start at each point
Soul will show new direction which will show new word at each thought of step at feeling that will show new path at each point
Soul will show new page which will show new line at each appeal of direction at learning that will show new word at each point
Soul will show new step which will show new direction at each chapter of thought at meaning that will show new light at each point
Soul will show new path which will show new knowledge at each path of route at understanding that will show new step at each point
Soul will show new start which will show new chapter at each start of knowledge at thinking that will show new world at each point
Soul will show new word which will show new concept at each move of direction at feeling that will show new start at each point
Soul will show new start which will show new direction at each thought of appeal at understanding that will show new move at each point
Soul will show new light which will show new thought at each move of concept at learning that will show new knowledge at each point
Soul will show new path which will show new route at each move of path at understanding that will show new chapter at each point
Soul will show new spirit which will show new path at each step of strength at meaning that will show new step at each point
Soul will show new knowledge which will show new move at each start of chapter at thinking that will show new move at each point
Soul will show new concept which will show new start at each stage of direction at feeling that will show new start at each point
Soul will show new direction which will show new line at each thought of concept at understanding that will show new light at each point
Soul will show new knowledge which will show new word at each strength of path at meaning that will show new spirit at each point
Soul will show new start which will show new route at each step of direction at feeling that will show new thought at each point
Soul will show new step which will show new light at each world of appeal at thinking that will show new knowledge at each point
Soul will show new path which will show new thought at each way of chapter at learning that will show new step at each point
Soul will show new start which will show new direction at each light of concept at meaning that will show new start at each point
Soul will show new strength which will show new concept at each step of direction at feeling that will show new way at each point
Soul will show new knowledge which will show new path at each move of spirit at understanding that will show new line at each point
Soul will show new thought which will show new appeal at each path of step at thinking that will show new word at each point
Soul will show new start which will show new world at each start of path at meaning that will show new start at each point
Soul will show new step which will show new chapter at each thought of concept at learning that will show new way at each point
Soul will show new strength which will show new path at each knowledge of line at feeling that will show new emotion at each point
Soul will show new chapter which will show new word at each strength of light at understanding that will show new route at each point
Soul will show new concept which will show new step at each knowledge of path at meaning that will show new path at each point
Soul will show new direction which will show new touch at each chapter of move at thinking that will show new step at each point.

Poem. 3953. Path will show

                                                                  Path will show 
Different path will show new touch to life which will show new thought to step that will show new line to direction of soul at each point
Different path will show new step to life which will show new strength to spirit that will show new world to strength of soul at each point
Different path will show new knowledge to life which will show new world to way that will show new start to direction of soul at each point
Different path will show new spirit to life which will show new light to line that will show new touch to strength of direction at each point
Different path will show new strength to life which will show new path to start that will show new spirit to appeal of move at each point
Different path will show new direction to life which will show new touch to stage that will show new line to way of chapter at each point
Different path will show new light to life which will show new spirit to concept that will show new world to step of thought at each point
Different path will show new step to life which will show new strength to direction that will show new step to start of concept at each point
Different path will show new line to life which will show new knowledge to chapter that will show new page to spirit of direction at each point
Different path will show new strength to life which will show new step to thought that will show new start to strength of appeal at each point
Different path will show new world to life which will show new start to knowledge that will show new step to appeal of concept at each point
Different path will show new chapter to life which will show new page to thought that will show new start to step of direction at each point
Different path will show new spirit to life which will show new thought to concept that will show new word to strength of move at each point
Different path will show new strength to life which will show new world to chapter that will show new move to thought of chapter at each point
Different path will show new knowledge to life which will show new strength to direction that will show new way to spirit of light at each point
Different path will show new start to life which will show new route to path that will show new strength to soul of direction at each point
Different path will show new word to life which will show new knowledge to start that will show new path to line of touch at each point
Different path will show new chapter to life which will show new thought to way that will show new light to direction of strength at each point
Different path will show new path to life which will show new route to knowledge to start that will show new way to concept of route at each point
Different path will show new strength to life which will show new world to chapter to thought that will show new spirit to way of spirit at each point
Different path will show new world to life which will show new strength to appeal to strength that will show new move to direction of soul at each point
Different path will show new step to life which will show new knowledge to way to appeal that will show new word to chapter of thought at each point
Different path will show new strength to life which will show new word to move to chapter that will show new page to strength of chapter at each point
Different path will show new appeal to life which will show new concept to route to words that will show new line to spirit of thought at each point
Different path will show new concept to life which will show new route to spirit to page that will show new word to thought of way at each point
Different path will show new light to life which will show new move to strength to way that will show new concept to appeal of step at each point
Different path will show new world to life which will show new start to move to touch that will show new direction to way of start at each point
Different path will show new knowledge to life which will show new word to knowledge to move that will show new step to word of touch at each point
Different path will show new start to life which will show new route to direction to thought that will show new light to spirit of move at each point
Different path will show new appeal to life which will show new thought to spirit to start that will show new word to knowledge of start at each point
Different path will show new word to life which will show new page to thought to step to direction that will show new way to strength of soul at each point
Different path will show new soul to life which will show new concept to strength to move to chapter that will show new step to thought of way at each point
Different path will show new spirit to life which will show new knowledge to page to touch to direction that will show new word to knowledge of soul at each point
Different path will show new word to life which will show new appeal to light to word to knowledge to spirit that will show new step to route of soul at each point
Different path will show new start to life which will show new word to line to page to strength to world that will show new light to strength of path at each point
Different path will show new route to life which will show new world to start to way to direction to thought that will show new step to world of start at each point
Different path will show new move to life which will show new soul to knowledge to thought to spirit to strength that will show new touch to learning of path at each point
Different path will show new start to line which will show new chapter to page to move to thought to path that will show new word to meaning of word at each point
Different path will show new word to light which will show new start to strength to appeal to direction to way that will show new start to learning of touch at each point
Different path will show new strength to page which will show new appeal to knowledge to move to thought to strength that will show new word to thinking of way at each point
Different path will show new knowledge to step which will show new spirit to direction to route to direction to knowledge that will show new page to feeling of emotion at each point
Different path will show new path to start which will show new start to strength to word to strength to chapter to spirit that will show new move to understanding of step at each point
Different path will show new word to path which will show new route to appeal to thought to direction to concept to way that will show new path to learning of start of way at each point
Different path will show new step to chapter which will show new start to knowledge to way to spirit to soul to thought that will show new touch to understanding of soul at each point
Different path will show new strength to way which will show new page to direction to thought to start to way to chapter that will show new word to learning of way at each point
Different path will show new chapter to line which will show new word to strength to chapter to direction to word to start that will show new touch to meaning of way at each point
Different path will show new concept to line which will show new appeal to start to concept to appeal of thought to chapter to step that will show new path to learning of start at each point
Different path will show new start to light which will show new word to strength to spirit to direction to way of thought to word that will show new step to meaning of move at each point
Different path will show new word to appeal which will show new direction to thought to way to route to knowledge to spirit that will show new thought to learning of way at each point
Different path will show new line to light which will show new strength to concept to chapter to direction to appeal to word that will show new step to thinking of route at each point
Different path will show new feel to direction which will show new appeal to touch to direction to thought to spirit to chapter that will show new appeal to learning of line at each point.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Poem. 3952. Every light will give

                                                                Every light will give
Every light will give opening in life which will show new scene which will show new weather that will show new way of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new step which will show new route that will show new move of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new route which will show new way that will show new start of mind
Every light will give thinking in life which will show new start which will show new path that will show new appeal of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new opening which will show new word that will show new chapter of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new start which will show new page that will show new knowledge of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new emotion which will show new start that will show new strength of mind
Every light will give understanding in life which will show new path which will show new route that will show new line of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new word which will show new chapter that will show new concept of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new page which will show new look that will show new knowledge of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new step which will show new route that will show new chapter of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new line which will show new knowledge that will show new word of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new emotion which will show new page that will show new path of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new start which will show new strength that will show new page of mind
Every light will give thinking in life which will show new path which will show new concept that will show new effect of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new word which will show new knowledge that will show new step of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new look of nature which will show new line that will show new start of mind
Every light will give understanding in life which will show new line of concept which will show new page that will show new word of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new knowledge of direction which will show new way that will show new look of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new strength of concept which will show new page that will show new step of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new emotion of start which will show new spirit that will show new word of mind
Every light will give thinking in life which will show new path of direction which will show new start that will show new line of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new start of chapter which will show new word that will show new path of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new line of knowledge which will show new line that will show new start of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new step of concept which will show new appeal that will show new word of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new word of strength which will show new emotion that will show new direction of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new emotion of knowledge which will show new side that will show new spirit of mind
Every light will give understanding in life which will show new path of chapter which will show new thought that will show new step of mind
Every light will give thinking in life which will show new touch of direction which will show new concept that will show new line of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new move of knowledge which will show new step that will show new word of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new path of concept which will show new world that will show new route of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new word of direction which will show new start that will show new path of mind
Every light will give thinking in life which will show new route of knowledge which will show new way that will show new word of mind
Every light will give understanding in life which will show new way of spirit which will show new world that will show new route of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new chapter of way which will show new concept that will show new world of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new emotion of thought which will show new way that will show new strength of mind
Every light will give understanding in life which will show new move of strength which will show new word that will show new spirit of mind
Every light will give thinking in life which will show new direction of concept which will show new step that will show new move of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new chapter of direction which will show new line that will show new touch of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new word of knowledge which will show new way that will show new knowledge of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new emotion of strength which will show new line that will show new direction of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new path of direction which will show new word that will show new concept of mind
Every light will give understanding in life which will show new word of chapter which will show new line that will show new start of mind
Every light will give thinking in life which will show new world of strength which will show new way that will show new path of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new chapter of thought which will show new start that will show new word of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new knowledge of path which will show new word that will show new step of mind
Every light will give thinking in life which will show new concept of way which will show new start that will show new strength of mind
Every light will give feeling in life which will show new emotion of touch which will show new feel that will show new concept of mind
Every light will give meaning in life which will show new light of way which will show new line that will show new path of mind
Every light will give understanding in life which will show new appeal of start which will show new path that will show new move of mind
Every light will give learning in life which will show new knowledge of spirit which will show new direction that will show new start of mind.

Poem. 7208. Dream create new hope

                       Dream create new hope Dream create new hope to thought towards step which form new feeling to concept of soul that br...